Faraday standing on the commanding heights!
In the venue of the Dragon Kingdom Convention,
After Faraday finished saying this, the atmosphere in the venue was suffocated, and there was no sound.
Everyone’s eyes turned to Tang Zhenli subconsciously.
For so long, this is the first time they have seen someone refute Tang Zhenli in person!
At the same time, in the live broadcast room,
“It’s too long! In my lifetime, I can actually see someone contradicting Academician Xiao Tang in person!”
“Ah! Is this kind of boss just ‘someone’ in front of you? You must know that this is also a figure standing on the altar in the scientific research circle!”
“There is a strong collision, and behind the two people represent the two behemoths, the Bald Eagle Country and the Dragon Country, respectively! I’m just looking forward to what kind of sparks will collide!”
“Although I really don’t want to involve matters between countries in the academic circle, I have to say that this time it’s worth seeing.”
“Who do you think will have the upper hand?”
“I think that although Professor Tang is unmatched in the field of scientific research, when dealing with these matters, maybe to be honest, I am not very optimistic about him.”
“Although I am from the Dragon Country, I have to admit that Academician Xiao Tang is likely to suffer. Academician Xiao Tang’s experience is definitely not as rich as the representative of the Bald Eagle Country.”
“I’m afraid that if we accidentally get caught in it, then it will be difficult for us to deal with it.”
“Could it be that Academician Xiao Tang’s situation that has been going smoothly since his debut is finally about to be broken?”
Obviously, even Longguo netizens who have all kinds of confidence in Tang Zhenli have to admit that in front of this kind of verbal debate, they are still older and more experienced.
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
Ji Chengtian and Li Wei nervously watched the scene in the live broadcast.
Especially looking at Faraday’s aggressive appearance, he felt even more worried.
They are not unfamiliar with Faraday, and even the Longguo Science and Technology Department had dealt with this person a lot before.
In their impression, this person is very difficult, because he is not only a top scholar, but also a top debater!
They thought that the Bald Eagle State would send him as the leading representative, and even when they saw that the Bald Eagle State representative was not him, they subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.
Unexpectedly, he has been waiting off the court.
To be honest, they couldn’t help but feel a big headache now, because they found that if they put themselves in Tang Zhenli’s position at this time, they couldn’t think of a way to solve the current situation of the Dragon Kingdom.
The best way is to choose not to speak before and let the Dragon Country scholar take the initiative to withdraw. Although this may lose some face, it is not much better than the current situation where it is difficult to ride a tiger!
In other words, after Tang Zhenli spoke just now, Long Guo was destined to pay some price.
Ji Chengtian recalled Faraday’s step-by-step words at this time. From the moment he came to power, to the persecution of invisible eyes, and then to taking advantage of the situation to oppress people, all these kinds of words seemed to have been planned in advance.
Especially the trick of taking advantage of the situation to oppress people, even the Dragon Kingdom can’t stand it. After all, even if the Dragon Kingdom is strong, it is impossible to become an enemy of the world now!
Thinking about it, Ji Chengtian’s face showed a sad look, and then he sighed softly.
“Hey, this old thing seems to be deliberate.”
Hearing this, Li Wei’s expression was also a little low, and he silently lowered his head without saying a word.
It seems that the progress of this meeting was not as simple as they had imagined.
First, the ‘Archangel’, in the event of an emergency at the meeting
After all, they are the five strongest countries in the world. They should have thought that things could not be so smooth.
Now it seems that the Dragon Kingdom wants to gain a greater initiative in establishing the defense system of the human planet, I am afraid there is not much hope.
In the venue of the Dragon Kingdom Convention,
Everyone’s eyes were focused on Tang Zhenli, wanting to see what he would do next
Of course, there are also some people who are simply looking at the fun with schadenfreude.
After all, Tang Zhenli became famous at a young age and was in a high position at the age of twenty. To say that no one is not jealous would be a lie.
On the summit stage,
Tang Zhenli looked at Faraday who was being aggressive at the moment, his brows were slightly wrinkled, it seemed that today was not going to end well.
To be honest, Tang Zhenli doesn’t like this so-called intrigue. In his eyes, academics are pure, and if there is even a trace of this so-called fighting.If you fight, the taste will change.
But he also knows that in the current human society, this is unavoidable.
Since it is unavoidable, we can only bite the bullet and touch it.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s gaze froze, and the temperament around him changed instantly, and an aura of perennial superiority quietly condensed.
The whole person changed from being gentle and peaceful to being aggressive.
Although he doesn’t like to argue about these meaningless things, but now that things are up, it’s okay to get up.
What the debate looks at is the agility of thinking, and when it comes to the speed of thinking, Tang Zhenli deserves to be number one among human beings!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli said calmly, but his tone sounded a bit cold.
“I’m not trying to cover him up, I’m just stating the facts”
Here, Faraday, who heard the words, drew a smile on the corner of his mouth. First, he glanced around the crowd, then turned his eyes, and said to Tang Zhenli with sharp eyes.
“Facts? Are the facts in Professor Tang’s mouth bigger than the tendency of representatives from various countries?”
Obviously, Faraday still wants to suppress Tang Zhenli by taking advantage of the tendency of the representatives from various countries on the field!
There’s no way, who told me that Fala was already under the influence of the general trend when he first opened his mouth, and pressed him step by step. Now when he opens and closes his mouth, he is standing on the cusp of the general trend.
Even though there are representatives of many countries who are not on his side, on this occasion, there is no room for them to refuse!
So after Faraday’s words fell, everyone was curious about how Tang Zhenli would deal with this overwhelming momentum!

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