Pressing every step, Faraday’s confidence!
Inside the Dragon Kingdom Assembly Hall,
Under Faraday’s persecution, all the pressure is now on Tang Zhenli’s side. Everyone’s eyes are all focused on Tang Zhenli, hoping for his next answer.
If one of them is not handled properly, Tang Zhenli’s current fame and status will plummet!
Even the Dragon Kingdom will be affected. After all, the Dragon Kingdom is the host country for this conference.
If he can’t even keep his own scholar representatives at the conference he hosts, it will not only be a matter of losing face, but depending on the current situation, Tang Zhenli may also be affected.
But Tang Zhenli didn’t seem to be aware of it at this time, the look in his eyes flickered faintly, and then he said calmly to Faraday.
“Let’s not talk about the fact that this conference did not leave midway, that is, if a scholar’s efforts can be denied just because of different opinions, the path of human scientific research will become narrower and narrower in the future! This is no different from standing still!”
As Tang Zhenli’s words fell, everyone in the audience looked slightly thoughtful.
That being said, there is some truth to it.
If people can be kicked out of the meeting just for having different opinions and opinions today, who would dare to have different opinions and opinions in the future.
Here, Faraday felt the change in the atmosphere off the field, frowned slightly, and then said to Tang Zhenli.
“Professor Tang, don’t get me wrong! We don’t deny the achievements and efforts of this Longguo scholar, but under the current situation, we have to do this! After all, everything is for human beings!”
Having said that, Faraday turned his head, looked straight at Tang Zhenli and said.
“It’s Professor Tang who has repeatedly blocked our actions. What kind of selfishness is there! Is Professor Tang going to fight against the will of all mankind with his own strength?”
While speaking, Faraday repeated his old tricks, putting pressure on Tang Zhenli from the commanding heights of all mankind!
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli didn’t talk nonsense at all, and directly expressed his thoughts.
“I’m sorry if it’s considered against all mankind just because of different views, my academic views are indeed the same as that of the representative of the Dragon Kingdom!”
After the voice fell, the scene was completely silent.
Everyone looked at Tang Zhenli in horror. Did Professor Tang change his academic views in order to support scholars from his own country?
Even the Longguo scholar looked at Tang Zhenli in disbelief, his eyes flickered, and his eyes were full of emotion.
Academician Tang actually supported him so much!
But after being moved, a sense of guilt welled up in his heart. Now Long Guo is on the cusp of the storm because of his remarks that do not conform to the mainstream!
If Long Guo loses in this meeting, then he will really become a sinner of Long Guo!
Obviously, everyone at this time believed that Tang Zhenli did not hesitate to change his original point of view in order to support scholars in his country.
No one thinks that his original point of view is to lean towards the scholars of the previous Dragon Kingdom!
In the live broadcast room, after Tang Zhenli finished speaking, the audience was also discussing.
“No way! Academician Xiao Tang is so tough?”
“This is going to have a direct encounter with the Bald Eagle Kingdom!”
“Academician Xiao Tang in a cold state, why do I feel so domineering?”
“Academician Xiao Tang in this state looks like a domineering CEO! No, no, no, I’m going to die!”
“Female rascal, restrain yourself. Now is the time to talk about state affairs. Don’t be a nymphomaniac, okay?”
“Pu Xinnan! Leave the little fairy’s affairs alone!”
Amidst the audience’s discussion, the atmosphere of the Dragon Country Convention was frozen in an atmosphere visible to the naked eye.
In front of the small podium, even Faraday was stunned for a moment after hearing the words. Obviously, he did not expect Tang Zhenli to make such an outburst.
However, he didn’t worry too much. On the contrary, he secretly rejoiced.
Now he wished that Tang Zhenli would be as strong as possible. The more rigid he is now, the worse he will fall later!It seems that the so-called Tang Zhenli really just thought he was stupefied. From the moment he opened his mouth, every time he opened his mouth, it was a trick.
Do you really think that relying on credit can make everyone give in to him?
Thinking about it, a relaxed smile appeared on Faraday’s face. He had already figured out how to force Tang Zhenli again.
Being on the same stage with such an opponent, I have to say that it is too bullying
After shaking his head secretly in his heart, Faraday spoke again.
“Professor Tang, I hope that academician Tang keeps saying that he has the same views as that Longguo scholar at such a grand meeting for the sake of a moment of enthusiasm. Can academician Tang explain his views in detail?”
After finishing speaking, Faraday still had a triumphant smile on his face.
In his eyes, Tang Zhenli’s so-called point of view, like that Longguo scholar, is just a delusion to use his own reputation and status to save Longguo’s face.
It’s just that he agrees with the views purely for the sake of support. It is estimated that his own original thoughts are also the same as the mainstream tone.
After all, any smart person can think of the stakes, so it is impossible for him to think that Tang Zhenli’s own point of view is the point of view of the previous Longguo scholar.
So now as long as Tang Zhenli is pressed to explain his point of view, if he can’t answer at that time, it will undoubtedly prove that Tang Zhenli is just trying to shield scholars from his own country.
This would be understandable if it were a general conference, but the problem is that it is a grand event that the whole world and all human beings are paying attention to!
This behavior of blatantly covering up scholars from his own country has undoubtedly driven Tang Zhenli from his current altar.
Thinking about it, the smile on Faraday’s face became even bigger, as if he had already secured the victory.
As long as Tang Zhenli is knocked down from the altar, then the Bald Eagle Kingdom will once again overtake the Dragon Kingdom and become the top of the world, that will be sooner or later!
After all, Tang Zhenli alone is responsible for the entire scientific research circle in Longguo!

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