Reversal! Mutations in form!
Inside the Dragon Kingdom Assembly Hall,
The smile on Faraday’s face has gradually become a bit playful, and the eyes he looks at Tang Zhenli are like the eyes of a cat looking at a mouse.
Here, on the summit stage, even the leading representatives of the four surrounding powers turned their eyes to him, hoping that Tang Zhenli would give an explanation.
If Tang Zhenli was really just trying to protect the scholars of his own country, they would not give up this opportunity to attack the Dragon Kingdom, so as to gain the greatest dominance in the human planetary defense system in the future!
At this time, friendship doesn’t work at all. There have never been any real friends between countries, and there is only an eternal exchange of interests!
When they can bite off a piece of meat from Long Guo, they will not be polite at all!
Under such circumstances, Tang Zhenli’s eyes did not panic after hearing the words, but he just started to sort out the messy information on the desktop.
Such a scene made everyone’s heart skip a beat.
Could it be that Professor Tang is really going to back down?
But just as they were thinking this way, Tang Zhenli picked up the conversation in front of him, and then the voice slowly rang out.
“Since everyone wants to hear my thoughts, then I’m not welcome!”
As Tang Zhenli’s voice fell, everyone’s eyes were immediately attracted to him.
Even Faraday’s smile couldn’t help but pause, and then a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, but this confusion dissipated like smoke after an instant.
He still didn’t believe that Tang Zhenli’s original point of view was consistent with that Longguo scholar.
It is estimated that they are playing tricks like a few days ago!
Thinking about it, Faraday’s confidence was revived, but he wanted to hear what kind of empty words Tang Zhenli had!
Or, what can he say to make thousands of scholars in the field change their original thinking!
On the summit stage, Tang Zhenli’s voice gradually resounded throughout the venue.
“When I first learned that all human beings were going to build a planetary defense system, I had two thoughts in my mind. One is the current mainstream view, to perfect and establish a planetary defense system for mankind. I believe you all know it too. ”
Speaking of this, Tang Zhenli paused slightly, as if he was brewing, and then continued after a short while.
“But in the end, after much deliberation, I chose to build a prototype of planetary defense! I will gradually improve it later!”
Hearing Tang Zhenli’s words, there was a commotion in the audience
Could it be that Professor Tang really thought so?
Hearing this, even Faraday beside the podium frowned slightly, but he still didn’t interrupt.
After that, Tang Zhenli’s voice continued to come.
“I think this solution has many advantages compared to establishing a complete planetary defense system!”
“One is the issue of time. If a complete planetary defense system is established, according to the current level of technology, it will take at least 50 years! This is a speed that is only possible with the best efforts of all human beings! This time period is too long , if it is just to establish a rough prototype, maybe a year, maybe a few months, this is a matter of time!”
“But I think the most important issue is the current scientific and technological issue of mankind! If it is inevitable to temporarily put aside the complete direction of the planetary defense system and invest all in the research and development of scientific research, then I dare say that within ten years! The technology of human civilization will There will be a kind of soaring climb! At that time, the time for us to establish a planetary defense system will be greatly shortened, not fifty years, ten or even several years are possible!”
Saying that, everyone in the audienceNow that they understand Tang Zhenli’s general meaning, many people have already started to think secretly.
Generally speaking, Tang Zhenli’s point of view is indeed similar to that of the previous Long Guo representative.
But the biggest difference is precisely what everyone finds difficult to accept.
The previous scholar did not consider giving up the development of the planetary defense system after completion, but simply did not want to waste too much human energy to complete the planetary defense system.
If you say this, no one will listen.
But they still listened to what Tang Zhenli said, because Tang Zhenli considered the overall situation when he conceived it, and that scholar didn’t consider the overall situation, so he was targeted!
But generally speaking, the views of the two are quite consistent.
Tang Zhenli’s point of view is easy to understand. The simple explanation is to temporarily establish a prototype of a planetary defense system, and then devote himself to the development of existing technologies.
After all, after the energy problem is solved, many fields will usher in revolutionary improvements!
After ten years of development of existing technology, the establishment of a planetary defense system will be put on the table and gradually improved. By that time, human technology has already reached a certain level.
It doesn’t take fifty years to complete a planetary defense system. Just like what Tang Zhenli said, maybe ten years, maybe three to five years, it’s all possible!
For a moment, everyone who only thought of straightening out their thoughts suddenly felt enlightened, and 610 suddenly became enlightened!
In fact, many of them are unwilling to devote all human energy to building a line of defense, because as long as they do their best to build a line of defense, it means that 80% of the world’s scientific research projects will be forced to stop!
And this stagnation period is not short, and it is very likely that they will not last the day when they restart their project!
This only means that their previous efforts were wasted. If it is a little more serious, it may even cause academic faults!
It’s just that considering the survival of human beings before, they all selectively ignored this issue. After all, who would dare to raise such seemingly inappropriate views in front of all human beings?
But now it seems that some people really dare! But they had to trust this person!
Because to put it bluntly, all human beings owe him a life!
The most important thing is, after listening to Tang Zhenli’s detailed explanation, after thinking about it carefully, it is not unreasonable.
In the past, I arbitrarily tried my best to build a complete human planetary defense system, but now that I think about it, I really feel like giving up because of choking

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