Tang Zhenli’s Three Words Are Worthy!
Inside the Dragon Kingdom Assembly Hall,
Listening to Tang Zhenli’s words, Faraday also subconsciously expressed deep thought.
But after a short while, he finally realized it.
No, he was almost caught in it!
Faraday shook his head subconsciously, throwing away the views that Tang Zhenli had instilled in his mind before.
Feeling the change in the atmosphere in the arena gradually developing beyond his expectations, his expression suddenly changed.
If it develops in this direction, it may be possible for him to change everyone’s views.
After realizing this, Faraday’s heart felt inexplicable, and then subconsciously looked at Tang Zhenli who was still talking freely.
For the first time, his face became serious. This guy seemed to really underestimate him.
No, we can’t let the situation continue like this, otherwise, their preparations will be in vain!
Thinking about it, Faraday finally couldn’t sit still, looked at Tang Zhenli, and interrupted him directly.
“Professor Tang, I have a question. You keep saying that technology will be greatly improved within ten years. Okay, I believe this, but what I want to ask is, how can Professor Tang guarantee that the earth will No longer suffering from a crisis like the ‘Reaper’ asteroid?”
Having said this, Faraday paused, and then continued.
“Or, can Professor Tang guarantee that the earth will be safe and sound during the ten years?”
Following Faraday’s last soul question, the atmosphere in the venue froze immediately.
At this time, no one cared about Faraday’s rude interruption.
Because while Faraday was asking Tang Zhenli, this question was also lingering in their hearts.
Ten years, whether it is long or not, whether it is short or not
But what if there is another crisis event similar to the “Reaper” asteroid in this decade?
At that time, if, as Tang Zhenli said, the establishment of a rudimentary human planetary defense system can really stop this crisis of annihilation?
The panic of more than a month ago is still lingering in my mind. If such a thing happens again, they can’t even imagine it!
After realizing this, all eyes were on Tang Zhenli. ,
They want to hear how Tang Zhenli will respond to this problem!
In their field of vision, Tang Zhenli first shook his head slightly, then a confident smile appeared on his face, and finally said to Faraday with a firm tone in a flat tone.
“I can assure you! The safety of the earth within the next ten years!”
Beside the small podium, Faraday, who heard the words, felt the strong confidence in Tang Zhenli’s tone, and felt an inexplicable pressure in his heart.
But even so, he insisted on asking.
“Professor Tang, I need a reason!”
Unexpectedly, the moment his words fell, Tang Zhenli’s plain voice followed.
“There is only one reason, my name is Tang Zhenli”
After the voice fell, a strong sense of self-confidence and power spread throughout theFilled the venue!
Almost instantly, the thousands of representatives present looked at the person in front of them in shock!
Even the representatives of the other four great powers who shared the stage with Tang Zhenli were no exception.
Faraday next to the small podium was even a little dumbfounded. He froze in place and didn’t speak for a long time.
Just because his name is Tang Zhenli!
Tang Zhenli, who developed controllable nuclear fusion and freed mankind from the energy crisis!
Tang Zhenli, who developed the first space carrier of mankind and allowed mankind to go from the ground to space!
Tang Zhenli, who developed the world’s first space unmanned aircraft and filled the vacancy of space weapons! !
Tang Zhenli, who developed the world’s first unmanned tactical mech and turned science fiction products into reality!
Most importantly, he is still the Tang Zhenli who saved the world and all mankind by himself! ! ! !
These various honors, in his mouth at this time, are only condensed into a short sentence!
My name is Tang Zhenli!
With just this sentence, he categorically guarantees the safety of the earth within ten years! ! !
And this sentence seems to be full of weight, and only if it is said in his mouth will it not appear so inconsistent!
Because everyone knows that he can do it!
Or rather, he did it not long ago! !
At the same time, after Tang Zhenli finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!
“Fuck! Fuck! ‘My name is Tang Zhenli’! Academician Xiao Tang actually has such a domineering side, I love it!”
“This sentence has no weight in anyone’s mouth, only in the mouth of Academician Xiao Tang!!!”
“In the whole world, I am afraid that only Professor Tang can say such amazing words.”
“Do you understand the gold content of these three words?”
“Tell me how he said the most domineering words in the most flat tone.”
“Even if the words are amazing, I can still believe it even if I find out that I am tm!!! This is the most outrageous!!!”
“Great knowledge and knowledge, I didn’t expect that I could feel such powerful words from a scholar.”
“I’m about to fall, Academician Xiao Tang is really the son of destiny in TV dramas and movies! He really has the halo of the protagonist. If ordinary people say this, they will be scolded to death long ago!!! But in the mouth of Academician Xiao Tang, It seems so matched! No, I want to give him a baby!”
“Don’t say it’s you, I’m a big man, I’m going to fall!!! If I can say that with such a domineering attitude, this life will be worth it!!”
“It’s bombing! I’m going to die! Just relying on this, I swear that I won’t marry Academician Xiao Tang in this life!”
“Then haven’t you been a widow all your life?”
“I am willing!!! Song!”
Obviously, everyone was shocked by Tang Zhenli’s words full of strong confidence!
No one expected that academician Xiao Tang, who is always polite and gentle in public, could say such domineering words!
What kind of courage is it to be able to say such confident words!
For a moment, everyone looked at the handsome face in the center of the screen, and couldn’t help feeling a little dazed.

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