The situation is reversed!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, in the office of the person in charge.
After Tang Zhenli uttered the extremely weighty words in an extremely calm manner, Ji Chengtian and Li Wei also showed strange expressions immediately.
Apparently, they didn’t expect that Tang Zhenli, who was considered modest and polite in their impression, would respond in such a tough way at this time.
For a moment, both of them couldn’t help being a little shocked!
It wasn’t until quite a while later that Ji Chengtian and Li Wei came back to their senses. After realizing it, the two looked at each other tacitly, and then they both saw a hint of admiration in each other’s eyes.
Then, both of them showed gratified smiles on their faces at the same time.
Ji Chengtian stroked his beard on his chin, his expression was looser than before, and he smiled and said to Li Wei who was beside him.
“It seems that we may have misunderstood our Academician Tang.”
As he said that, Ji Chengtian’s opinion of Tang Zhenli changed slightly.
Hearing this, Li Wei also sighed slightly, and then said in a somewhat inexplicable tone.
“I also didn’t expect that he, who has always been gentle and gentle, could respond so forcefully! It’s really tough!”
“At the end of the day, Xiao Tang’s status is enough, but it’s not enough for another person to say this!”
Listening to Li Wei’s words, Ji Chengtian nodded, and said with a somewhat erratic look in his eyes.
Faraday overwhelmed others with great power, and Tang Zhenli overwhelmed everyone with one manpower! 957
With such a simple comparison, it’s up to you!
At that time, since they had reached this point, the words of the two of them were no longer so important. The comparison was who had more momentum.
Faraday suppressed Tang Zhenli with the public opinion of all countries in the world. This is an unsolvable problem for everyone!
Little did he know that he forgot the most important point.
The person in front of him is not an ordinary person, but Tang Zhenli!
Tang Zhenli, who once tried his best to turn the tide and save the world!
In terms of public opinion, he is an incomparable king!
Because when facing him, everyone has to weigh whether they are qualified or not
Naturally, when you tell Faraday how you can guarantee the safety of the earth within ten years!
Tang Zhenli was able to say the extremely insolent words “I am Tang Zhenli” in a flat tone.
If it was an ordinary person, he would have been scolded for saying that.
Because no one dares to guarantee the safety of the entire world with such confidence!
but ratherPartial Tang Zhenli dare! Because he did!
In a sense, he can call himself the guardian of the earth!
That’s why these ordinary and plain words can shock their hearts so deeply!
Inside the Dragon Kingdom Assembly Hall,
After Tang Zhenli’s extremely ordinary words landed, the atmosphere of the venue froze for a long time.
Everyone, including Faraday, did not expect Tang Zhenli to be so amazing!
But more importantly, the power behind this sentence is something they cannot ignore!
Beside the small podium, Faraday’s face was very ugly, and he was already a little anxious.
Annoyed, he immediately backed off and made his debut.
“It’s ridiculous, just rely on you Tang Zhenli? How can you guarantee it! Are you worthy?”
Unexpectedly, as soon as the words came out, his expression changed first, obviously realizing that he was in a hurry to speak out.
Saying this means that he has completely erased Tang Zhenli’s previous achievements in saving all mankind!
This is more serious than a simple cognitive bias!
It is normal to have academic deviations and disputes, but the most serious thing is that when a person has a problem at the very least!
If a simple sentence can deny Tang Zhenli’s previous credit, who will stand up when mankind is in danger in the future?
In the end, this is not just a sentence, the deep-seated impact it brings is very bad!
If Faraday’s words were just academic disputes before, then what he just said has undoubtedly touched the bottom line of human morality.
So after his words fell, the audience was shocked, not waiting for Tang Zhenli to speak.
Everyone off the field was already a little commotion.
Including the live broadcast room, the audience also exploded instantly.
“This old dog really dares to say it!!!???”
“Ask Academician Xiao Tang if he is a match? Is this person Alzheimer’s? Or is he just instinctively ungrateful???”
“Is this really what?”
“This is the level of scholars in the Bald Eagle Country? Can you hear this from human beings?”
“As a citizen of the Bald Eagle Country, I feel that these mindless remarks have disgraced my country, and I am ashamed of it!”
“My dear, what happened just over a month ago has already been forgotten.”
“If this Academician Xiao Tang is not worthy, no one in the world is worthy!”
“Damn it? Has this person always been so brave? Or is the old guy relying on the old to sell the old???”
“What do you mean by living a long life to a dog! Bah! What a shame!”
Obviously, netizens from all over the world have the same views and opinions on this topic.
Inside the venue, I felt the change in the wind direction down the venue.
Tang Zhenli hadn’t responded to this yet. The leading scholar representative of the Bald Eagle Country sitting beside him had already stood up, and then scolded Faraday angrily.
“Faraday, what are you talking about? Please apologize to Professor Tang!!!”
Between words, the leading scholar representative was full of anger.
Although this leading scholar representative is slightly inferior to Faraday in terms of reputation and status, his attitude towards Faraday at this time is rude!
At this moment, the situation has reached a situation where he has to stand up.
Because Faraday’s remarks are likely to make the Bald Eagle Country a target of public criticism!
Originally, the Bald Eagle Nation was originally a general trend of all countries in the world. Now, as soon as these remarks came out, the Bald Eagle Nation undoubtedly fell from the commanding heights of morality to the bottom!
After all, no country will rely on and believe in a perfidious country
So the anger in his tone just now was real, but it was only towards Faraday.
Such remarks are likely to make the preparations made by the Bald Eagle Country for this conference immediately come to nothing!
Aware of these consequences, he has come to the point where he has to stand up

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