The wind direction changes! The Dragon Kingdom is on the rise!
At this time, the atmosphere in the Dragon Kingdom Conference venue gradually became more and more intense.
Beside the small podium on the stage,
Faraday’s complexion was already ashen when he realized that he was speechless, and he looked more than a dozen years older than before.
If he looked like a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties before, now he looks like an old man of his age.
No way, no way!
He shouldn’t rise to the level of personal competition in this academic discussion topic, and the object is Tang Zhenli!
At this moment, he felt extremely regretful in his heart. Before that, he had an advantage in words, but as soon as he made these remarks, he instantly fell from the peak to the bottom.
And it is very likely that he will be accompanied by the bald eagle country. At that time, he will be the sinner of the country!
In an instant, his heart shook!
Recalling how high-spirited I was when I just came to power, how embarrassed I am now
Facing the censure of the representative of the leading scholars in his country, he only felt more and more ashamed.
On the summit stage,
Seeing that Faraday was stunned on the spot and did not apologize for a long time, the leading scholar representative of the Bald Eagle Country couldn’t help it.
With anxiety in his heart, he spoke directly to Tang Zhenli, who was beside him, with a bit of respect in his tone.
“Professor Tang, in view of the offense and rudeness of scholars in this country, I want to apologize to Professor Tang on his behalf, and I hope you can accept this real apology!”
Having said that, the leading scholar representative stood up and bowed deeply to Tang Zhenli, before stopping to straighten up after a long time.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli was watchingGlancing at Faraday, who was in a state of despair at this time, there was a slight nod to the representative of the leading scholar of the Bald Eagle Country.
Then Tang Zhenli looked at the clutter of the atmosphere off the field, and his brows couldn’t help but jump slightly. After his eyes narrowed, Tang Zhenli coughed a few times and then said.
“Silence! The meeting continues!”
After he finished speaking, he sat down directly, and he didn’t seem to be affected by Faraday’s remarks just now.
And after the people off the court heard the words, their hearts were also certain.
It seems that Professor Tang did not care about the remarks made by Fang Cai.
I think so, although Faraday’s status in the human scientific research community is an existence at the top of the pyramid.
But compared to Professor Tang, there is still a gap between the sky and the sky. He doesn’t need to be angry for the following person.
After Tang Zhenli spoke, the meeting started as usual.
It’s just that compared to just now, there was a lost Faraday on the stage.
The meeting moved to the discussion of the human planetary defense system.
Before Tang Zhenli expressed his views, 90% of the scholars were inclined to establish a complete planetary defense system now!
But after Tang Zhenli expounded his point of view, their minds were slightly shaken.
Compared with the first tone, what Tang Zhenli expounded is undoubtedly the plan that is most in line with the promotion of human civilization!
After all, according to the first plan, in terms of the current level of human technology, to be honest, it would take at least fifty years as predicted by Tang Zhenli!
In these fifty years, it can be said that human beings have not saved any money!
On the contrary, the second plan mentioned by Tang Zhenli is to establish a prototype of a planetary defense system first, without spending too much manpower and material resources, until the human technology develops to a certain level, and then fully enrich this human defense line .
And this time, in Tang Zhenli’s estimation, is ten years!
The biggest risk in the past ten years is, as Tang Zhenli said before, the incomplete period of ten years!
As for Tang Zhenli’s prediction that within ten years, human technology will develop enough to support the rapid establishment of a planetary defense system, no one will question the correctness.
Because under the condition that the energy problem is no longer a problem, the take-off of human technology is an inevitable event, not an accidental one.
Therefore, no one would question the ten years predicted by Tang Zhenli, but rather believe it very much.
If the vision of the people standing at the top of human scientific research cannot be believed, then there is no one among human beings who can believe it!
To be honest, although ten years is a long time for an ordinary human individual.
But for the universe, or even for the entire human civilization, ten years is just a blink of an eye.
This means that the probability of a similar event to the ‘Death’ asteroid in this decade is extremely low! Even as low as a near-impossible concept!
For example, before the “Reaper” asteroid hit the earth, the previous planetary crisis event similar to the size of the “Reaper” asteroid occurred 65 million years ago!
Sixty-five million years is not too outrageous compared to ten years.
Even for the entire human civilization, the time interval of 65 million years is an incomparably long time!
If there is another planetary crisis similar to the “Reaper” asteroid in the ten years after the “Reaper” asteroid impact, it goes without saying that there must be something tricky about it.
Although the academic world is now widely speculating that there may be a deep meaning behind the crisis event of the asteroid “Death”, after all, this view has not been recognized.
To put it in a more realistic way, if there is really an extraterrestrial civilization targeting human civilization, then it is not too short of ten years!
If their guess is wrong, and the asteroid “Death” is really just an accidental event, then the probability of encountering the same event again in the following ten years is about zero!
Thinking of this, they came to understand Tang Zhenli’s true thoughts!
Under the balance of these two factors, even a fool can realize that the plan is better. The previous choice was because their eyes were all blinded. Now after Tang Zhenli’s detailed explanation, everyone can’t help but suddenly feel enlightened!
Compared to this great pioneer of mankind, their ideas are still too conservative!
Of course, this is also the difference between them and Tang Zhenli. If everyone’s thoughts can be synchronized with Tang Zhenli’s, then the three words Tang Zhenli will not be so loud!
After realizing this, everyone’s eyes subconsciously looked at the previous Dragon Kingdom scholar.
Unexpectedly, this little-known scholar could actually agree with Professor Tang, and under such circumstances, he could reveal his true thoughts.
To be honest, this man really has courage!
For a time, there was a faint admiration in everyone’s eyes.

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