The last question!
And at this moment, when everyone’s mind was confused, a voice came again,
“Professor Tang, I have another question. If this problem is solved, then we can finalize the basic plan for the future planetary defense system!”
As the voice fell, the eyes of everyone off the field focused on the voice.
I saw a scholar from the John Niu Kingdom raising his hand and speaking with a solemn expression off the field.
In fact, John Niu Kingdom and Bald Eagle Kingdom agreed to jointly develop the “Datian”After the “Emissary”, on matters related to space, a pair of trousers have been put on between the two countries.
There are some historical reasons among them, and the current Dragon Kingdom’s power is more important, so they have to unite.
At this time, the meaning behind his words is also very clear, that is to prevent the Dragon Kingdom from gaining the dominance in it.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also looked at the John Niu country scholar, and said in a calm tone.
“If you have any questions, you can ask them. I will answer all the questions about my plan! This sentence is not only for you, but also for all the scholars present. If you have any questions, you can ask them. This meeting That’s the purpose of it!”
At the end, Tang Zhenli turned his gaze to the audience.
Seeing this, the scholar from the John Bull Country changed his expression and continued to ask questions.
“Since Professor Tang has said so, I’d rather be obedient than respectful! The question I want to ask is, does Professor Tang have a detailed plan or overview of how to establish a prototype of the planetary defense system! You know, the previous mainstream views, However, many experts and scholars have elaborated on the detailed plan, and academician Tang’s point of view has only been put forward by two people so far. Regarding this, I have to doubt the feasibility and objectivity of this point of view!”
During the speech, the scholar from the John Bull Country was very awe-inspiring.
As his words fell, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously pondered in their eyes.
Previously, they were only busy discussing the pros and cons of the two plans, but they forgot the core of this meeting.
You must know that many experts and scholars have put forward detailed plans for the mainstream views before, the ones that are so detailed that they can be used directly!
However, no one has verified the feasibility of Tang Zhenli’s views. In other words, Tang Zhenli’s current views are just empty words and have not been outlined in detail yet!
After all, detailed planning and feasibility are the basic prerequisites for a point of view to be tenable!
If what Tang Zhenli said was just a pure thought or point of view, then the next two days of the meeting would not be able to proceed at all.
After all, there are only two people who have discussed and studied this point of view at present, and the others conceived along with the mainstream point of view.
If that’s the case, how will the meeting go on?
Thinking of this, the hearts of everyone in the audience couldn’t help being shaken, and they felt a bit in a dilemma for a while.
Because no one will think that Tang Zhenli can make a detailed plan and plan alone, because you must know that the various plans elaborated by the previous scholars were completed with the joint efforts of many scholars under his command !
Here, several people on the summit stage changed their expressions after hearing the scholar representative from the John Bull Country speak.
Especially the representatives of leading scholars from the Bald Eagle Country and the John Bull Country, with a hint of inadvertent joy flashing in their eyes.
At this time, the John Bull scholar’s opening of his mouth was undoubtedly one of the joint plans of the two countries.
I don’t know if it’s because of Faraday’s lessons learned from the past. Compared with Faraday’s sharp sharpness before, this scholar’s speech is much more stable, and even his words are respectful, and there is no mistake at all.
But the argument got stuck on the point again.
This time, as long as Tang Zhenli can’t come up with a detailed plan, even if he can’t completely veto his point of view, it will still be a pillar of momentum for Tang Zhenli to return to the top.
To them, suppressing Tang Zhenli at this moment is equivalent to suppressing Longguo.
And the purpose of suppressing Dragon Nation is to gain more dominance in the future human planetary defense system in this meeting!
You know, they still have the trump card of the “Archangel” that hasn’t been used yet!
At the same time, in the live broadcast room,
“This is too embarrassing. Let Academician Xiao Tang come up with a detailed plan to support this point of view!”
“Yeah, which one of the scholars who came to the stage before made a speech without a team sitting behind to support it??”
“Although it’s a bit embarrassing, there’s no way around it. What they said is indeed the truth. Science needs to be so rigorous!”
“It seems that there is no other way. Why is this meeting a bit messy for me? I don’t know how to end it.”
“It’s right to be chaotic. After all, this human planetary defense conference is an academic exchange on the surface, but it is actually a competition between countries. There is no way around it.”
“Hey, it would be great if human beings could unite as one from the beginning to the end. If this is the case, maybe human beings will move from surface civilization to space civilization.”
“Silly boy, you think too much, your remarks are too idealistic.”
“To put it bluntly, this is still a matter of human nature.”
During the discussions on the barrage, the atmosphere in the Dragon Country Conference gradually became silent.
All the scholars sitting in the audience looked expectantly at Tang Zhenli.
At the same time, the leading scholars of John 5.0 Niuguo and Bald Eagle Kingdom who were sitting beside Tang Zhenli subconsciously showed smiles.
Obviously, they didn’t think Tang Zhenli could come up with a detailed overview and plan to support his point of view.
So they naturally showed a look of winning.
Here, Tang Zhenli frowned slightly as he listened to the speech of John Niu Guo’s representative.
But this was just a subconscious move. In fact, it was perfected after the first five days.
He already has a completed plan that can be used to support his point of view.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s expression moved, and his eyes flashed; bright.
In that case, then tell them in detail

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