Two lines of defense in the world!
In the Dragon Country Conference Hall, after Tang Zhenli opened his mouth,
The atmosphere in the venue was suddenly suffocated. Whether it was with good intentions or malicious intentions, at this time, he listened to Tang Zhenli’s explanation very seriously.
Anyway, this is the first time that Tang Zhenli has shown his expertise in front of the world.
In this regard, there are naturally many people who are listening carefully with curiosity and anticipation, for fear of missing even a little detail!
The delegations of scholars from the John Niu Country and the Bald Eagle Country also listened very seriously. Of course, this was malicious.
They just waited for Tang Zhenli to make mistakes in the plan, and then they could continue to attack.
After all, what you need to know is that even a plan completed by an entire team may go wrong, not to mention this plan completed by Tang Zhenli alone!
No matter how smart he is, he cannot be without a single flaw.
Now they are waiting for Tang Zhenli to make mistakes
On the summit stage,
The conversation has been moved to Tang Zhenli’s mouth. At this moment, Tang Zhenli is roughly explaining the components of his plan.
“The composition of the planetary defense system in my expectation is divided into two parts, namely, the crisis warning section and the response mechanism section.”
“Under the current level of human science and technology, my personal emphasis is to focus on establishing a crisis early warning section, and the response mechanism section only needs to have a basic framework.”
“After all, this ‘Death’ asteroid crisis, to put it bluntly, is actually a crisis warning crisis for human beings. It was less than a month away from the impact that the asteroid that would bring a great crisis to mankind was detected. This is our failure and subsidy, so that’s why I’m leaning towards the crisis warning section”
“If we could observe the ‘Reaper’ asteroid earlier this time, even if it was only half a year, we wouldn’t be so embarrassed to deal with it this time!”
As Tang Zhenli’s words fell, everyone in the venue began to think subconsciously.
For now, Tang Zhenli’s words are not very professional, but they are better than they are.
Before the arrival of the “Death” asteroid, human beings have always been very confident in astronomical observation or monitoring systems.
Because where humans cannot reach, they can see through astronomical telescopes.
So far, the diameter of the observable universe of human beings has reached 93 billion light-years!
Compared with the human home solar system and even the Milky Way, the range of 93 billion light-years is simply the difference between an ant and a giant peak!
However, humans have already observed it, so in this field, all scholars in related fields have full confidence.
This has also indirectly led to the stagnation of astronomical observation, and most scholars are content with the current achievements and complacent.
As everyone knows, a ‘Death’ asteroid directly smashed their self-confidence and ruthlessly, and clearly told them a fact.
The universe is cold and cruel, destruction and survival are only a matter of thought!
Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, only arrogance is!
So at this time, Tang Zhenli directly broke through the whole bloody fact and showed it to the world.
If human beings want to develop and explore, they must transcend their cognitive barriers.
As Tang Zhenli said, if the current human astronomical observations, or the crisis early warning system, can observe small celestial bodies that can pose a crisis to humans a year or even years in advance, then the level of danger will be greatly reduced!
In other words, if the “Death” asteroid could have been observed to have an impact on the earth a year in advance, then it would not have caused such a big crisis to human beings.
In this year’s time, with the current level of human technology, it is enough to come up with a solution, instead of blindly waiting for the crisis to come like this time!
Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help feeling a little touched.
Obviously, what Tang Zhenli said was something they didn’t expect.
Everyone in the past was focusing on how to build the most complete and safe line of defense. No one realized that sometimes, the sequence of information is more important than the event itself!
The most important thing is that it is more important to complete this than to establish a solid line of defense!
Just as they were thinking, Tang Zhenli’s voice came again.
“For the crisis warning section of the planetary defense system, my idea is to build the world’s largest single-aperture spherical radio telescope! It is used to observe these kinds of threats from extraterrestrials!”
“Of course, the most important thing is to develop a complete monitoring system. In the past, astronomical observations between countries were independent and separated from each other. I propose to set up an astronomical observation bureau in the name of all mankind, no matter which country found anomalies. Or new discoveries need to be reported to the Astronomical Observatory!”
“In this way, we can avoid mistakes as much as possible! Let the incident of the ‘Death’ asteroid not repeat itself!”
As his voice fell, everyone off the court was thoughtful.
Having said that, it is indeed necessary.
In the past, the astronomical observation systems of each country were independent of each other, and the information was alsoNo sharing, which also leads to a large overlap in the number of asteroids and the number of planets discovered by humans each year.
If astronomical observations are not regarded as a matter between countries in the future, or if information is shared.
Undoubtedly, the efficiency of astronomical observation will be greatly improved, and some threatening celestial bodies can be detected more quickly.
From the perspective of future human development planning, this matter is necessary.
While thinking about it, Tang Zhenli on the summit stage spoke again.
“However, I won’t elaborate on the specific construction standards here! Next, I will elaborate on the second module.”
Speaking of which, Tang Zhenli’s tone paused slightly, glanced at the document on the desktop from the corner of his eye, and then continued.
All of a sudden, everyone’s ears perked up subconsciously, and they all looked extremely solemn.
After all, finding out how to deal with it is what all human beings want to know the most!

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