The scale of victory is gradually tilted!
“The second part of this plan is based on the response mechanism made after the discovery of celestial bodies that threaten the earth!”
Inside the venue, Tang Zhenli’s unhurried voice spread throughout the venue.
“Based on the current level of human science and technology, the response mechanism of this plan is based on the current missile defense systems of various countries in the world, and then extended.”
Listening to Tang Zhenli’s words, everyone’s expressions changed.
Missile defense system is a sensitive word in this academic exchange
In fact, although Tang Zhenli was talking about the missile defense systems of various countries in the world.
But everyone knows that the current missile defense system with a complete supporting system is only the five countries behind the representatives of scholars sitting on the summit platform!
To put it bluntly, the missile defense system is one of the cutting-edge technologies of human beings today!
Owning it means that you have stepped into the ranks of superpowers!
It can be said that the missile defense system has touched the bottom line of some countries present here.
In the final analysis, if Tang Zhenli’s plan is to say that the missile defense systems of various countries are publicized for use in the whole region, the 817 matter will be a big deal.
After all, this is not something they can decide!
So hearing this, the expressions of some scholars from the Five Great Kingdoms, including the Dragon Kingdom, could not help but become serious.
But out of curiosity, they still wanted to hear Tang Zhenli continue.
At this time, even the representatives of scholars from John Niu Nation and Bald Eagle Nation who wanted to pick on the thorns forgot about the thorns for a while, and now they just want to hear what Tang Zhenli has to say next.
And Tang Zhenli on stage didn’t let them down, and quickly continued.
“Before I go into details, allow me to distinguish between asteroid defense systems and missile defense systems”
“I just said that the asteroid defense system is based on the missile defense system. That is to say, the response mechanism of various countries to missiles can also be used in the response mechanism of asteroids. For example, if an asteroid is about to hit the earth, We will use two methods of nuclear bomb interception and impact interception, of course, this is based on the current level of technology, and will not be limited to these two methods in the future!”
“But at present, there is no difference in the technical level of interception between the asteroid defense system and the missile defense system!”
Speaking of which, Tang Zhenli seemed to have thought of something, and his expression moved slightly.
“Since I said the similarities between the two, then I will talk about the differences between the two!”
“Although the current asteroid defense system and missile defense system are very similar, they are not exactly the same. There is only one main reason, because intercepting asteroids is much more difficult than intercepting ballistic missiles! And the difference lies here!”
Speaking of this, everyone can understand,
Ballistic missiles are weapons of mutual deterrence between countries on the earth. Even if a country launches ballistic missiles to attack another country, the attacked party can realize remote detection and even effective interception through high-tech means such as satellites and long-range radars!
Therefore, several major countries with missile defense systems in the world have sufficient early warning of ballistic missiles of other major countries, which is also the premise for the perfect deployment of missile defense systems.
However, the asteroid defense system is different. Because various asteroids, meteorites and other celestial bodies that can threaten the earth suddenly appear from the depths of space, and then pass around the earth, their orbits are changeable, and because of their high speed, it is difficult to been predicted.
This is why Tang Zhenli deliberately emphasized the importance of crisis warning before!
At this moment, Tang Zhenli’s voice sounded again.
“The most important aspects of developing an asteroid defense system are several aspects. One is the orbital defense technology, which requires a high-thrust rocket that can launch the defense device into space. I believe that Longguo’s ‘Phoenix’ is sufficient. Competent! Essentially, this problem is not a problem”
“The second aspect is what I just said. There must be advanced and precise high-power radars or radio telescopes, so that distant celestial objects flying towards the earth can be detected early! There is no need to elaborate on this!”
“The third aspect is that there must be a more sophisticated and advanced computer that can calculate the trajectory of the small celestial body in the shortest time, so as to judge whether it will “encounter” with the earth…”
“The above three aspects are the key to establishing an asteroid defense system!”
“The most important thing is that these three aspects are more important to the current level of human technology than building a complete planetary defense system.Said, I don’t know how many shortcuts I have taken.”
Hearing this, many scholars in the audience also nodded.
Although they could only listen to half-understood, they still understood Tang Zhenli’s general meaning
If Tang Zhenli’s above-mentioned three aspects are somewhat difficult for any country in the world at present, then if all human beings work together, it may really be as Tang Zhenli said before.
It will take half a year or even a year to lay out the prototype of the planetary defense system of this plan.
After all, the fields involved in these three aspects are before that, even if they are some relatively deep fields in the human scientific research circle, it will not be too difficult to implement them!
Compared with what the previous scholars said, it takes thirty to fifty years to establish a planetary defense system that can withstand all crises
Or Tang Zhenli’s system seems to be more likely to achieve some
At least it looks more realistic
Obviously, now, under Tang Zhenli’s narration, the balance in the hearts of most scholars and representatives from various countries has quietly tilted.
For human beings, the plan corresponding to Tang Zhenli’s insistence is undoubtedly the most suitable for the development of current human civilization!

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