Sensitive, the key!
At this time, in the live broadcast room,
Listening to Tang Zhenli’s narration, the audience felt confused and understood, but they didn’t fully understand it, so they couldn’t help talking about it for a while.
“Why does it feel like I understand every word that Academician Xiao Tang said, but I just can’t understand it?”
“It’s not you alone”
“To be reasonable, what Academician Xiao Tang said is already very simple. Maybe you can understand every word he said, but the professional knowledge behind it is huge, which makes you feel that you understand it. But I don’t fully understand”
“To be honest, being able to understand and being able to understand are two different things!”
“That’s right, it’s not difficult to understand, but it’s difficult to understand it thoroughly. It can be foreseen that what Academician Xiao Tang said is just an overview of the plan, and it hasn’t involved professional knowledge yet?”
“Perhaps this is the gap between us and Academician Xiao Tang. Even those who can understand what he says must be the top scholars of mankind!”
“Well, let’s take a realistic example. The average IQ of humans is 100, and the average IQ of dogs is around 50. It is said that Academician Xiao Tang’s IQ is around 300. That is to say, the gap between Academician Xiao Tang and us Bigger than the gap between us and dogs”
“Stop talking, it hurts my heart!!!”
“A man is not as good as a dog series!”
“Life is hard enough, but we have already started emo!!!”
During the discussion, they all lamented that the gap between people can sometimes really make people despair!
On the other side, in the office of the person in charge of the Longguo Science and Technology Department,
Ji Chengtian and Li Wei watched Tang Zhenli’s narration on the screen without blinking. Even if they were them, puzzled expressions would flash across their faces from time to time.
Obviously, for some of Tang Zhenli’s words, even the two bigwigs from the Ministry of Science and Technology found it difficult to hear.
However, they basically understood the general direction Tang Zhenli explained.
After a long while, when they heard Tang Zhenli explain that the asteroid defense system should be based on the current missile defense systems of various countries, the expressions of Ji Chengtian and Li Wei changed instantly.
Afterwards, the two old partners who had been together for a long time and had a perfect understanding of each other looked at each other, and they could see the solemnity in each other’s eyes.
When it comes to this aspect, to be honest, it has already exceeded the standard.
Thinking about it, Ji Chengtian frowned, looked at Li Wei, and then said in a serious tone.
“Old Li, what do you think about this matter?”
Here, listening to Ji Chengtian’s question, Li Wei also had a look of embarrassment on his face. After shaking his head, he immediately turned to Ji Cheng.
“To be honest, I’m not very clear about Xiao Tang’s true thoughts, so I’m not good at making judgments on this matter!”
With that said, Li Wei also gave Ji Chengtian a helpless look.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian secretly sighed in his heart, Li Wei is like this, so why not him.
To be honest, the missile defense system has already involved issues in national strategy, and once it involves issues in this area, it means that it is very cumbersome.
If a superpower is compared to a mansion, then the missile defense system is the strongest gate of this mansion!
According to Tang Zhenli’s plan, if all human beings are to work together to build an asteroid defense system, then the problem arises, who should build the asteroid defense system based on the missile defense system, and who should do it after the construction is completed control
These kinds of belonging issues will make things very complicated.
Just the design and development is a big problem. For this kind of project for all mankind, the project personnel involved in the research and development must come from all major countries in the world, and on the way to participate in the research and development, it is very likely that some matters related to the country’s missile defense system will be involved.
After all, Tang Zhenli also made it very clear before that the asteroid defense system is based on the current missile defense systems of all countries in the world!
In layman’s terms, during the research and development process, there is a high possibility of leaking the country’s secrets.
And if the missile defense system of a superpower is leaked, it will undoubtedly mean that the door of a mansion is completely opened, and it will be exposed to everyone’s sight at any time. Although it may not be fatal, it will definitely make people feel uncomfortable!
This is not only what the Dragon Kingdom doesn’t want to see, it also has missile defenseStates of the system do not want to see.
If the design and development stage has passed, then it will involve the control of an asteroid defense system.
Who should control the countries to start this line of defense can be completely assured.
What you need to know is that if the asteroid defense system falls into the hands of some malicious people, then this human defense line may become the fuse of the dispute!
After all, the asteroid defense system is a solid line of defense to protect humanity in the hands of conscientious people
But for those with bad intentions, if the asteroid defense system is under their control, then maybe the asteroid defense system will evolve into a source of civil unrest!
Therefore, the various issues involved in Tang Zhenli’s plan are extremely realistic and cannot be ignored for the current international community. We must be cautious!
Although it is important to establish a human planetary defense system, it does not mean that all
This is also the reason why Ji Chengtian and Li Wei did not dare to make random decisions.
This kind of incident, even the person in charge of the science and technology department like them has no authority to make such a decision!
Of course, they also hoped that they thought more. Maybe Tang Zhenli had already thought of a solution in the plan, but it is not necessarily true. In short, it is better to wait and see how it changes. After all, it is only a discussion stage.
Thinking of this, Ji Chengtian and Li Wei felt a little at ease, and then continued to listen intently to Tang Zhenli’s narration in the picture.
I hope Tang Zhenli has figured out how to solve these problems, otherwise,
At least for now, they think that the difficulty of implementing this plan is not optimistic.

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