Tang Ziyue standing on the shoulders of giants!
Four Saints Research Institute, laboratory on the third basement floor.
Wu Shaoying, Tang Ziyue, and Qi Lu gathered together and watched Tang Zhenli’s plan.
I don’t know when, Qi Lu actually went to play with his aunt and sister-in-law. From time to time in his spare time, he would come down to play with Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue.
And Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue are also very curious about what makes Qi Lu stand out as Tang Zhenli’s first assistant.
In the past few days, the two sides have contacted each other with curiosity, and they get along very well.
Since Qi Lu was the oldest of the three, Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue naturally called out Sister Qi Lu.
The three girls were sitting on the sofa, looking at Tang Zhenli in the center of the screen, but they were happy.
For Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue, watching the live broadcast is just to watch Tang Zhenli, only Qi Lu can understand what Tang Zhenli said among the three people in the room.
Looking at it, to be honest, Tang Ziyue felt a little sleepy.
No way, who called her the only ‘entrainer’ among the three in the field, and the reason is easy to understand.
Compared with her sister-in-law who was a nympho, Tang Ziyue and Tang Zhenli grew up together, and they looked up every day but didn’t see each other. It can be said that the two brothers and sisters are a little bit disgusted with each other, which is why Tang Zhenli and Tang Ziyue are together. The reason why we often fight together.
So Tang Ziyue naturally felt very bored watching Tang Zhenli talk about some academic issues through a screen.
As for Qi Lu, Qi Lu can still understand it anyway. A freshman from Longke University in Tang Ziyue District, He De He Neng can understand some technical terms in Tang Zhenli’s mouth.
Under these kinds of reasons, she was not to blame for her sleepiness, but Wu Shaoying and Qi Lu, who were sitting around her, were watching each and every one of them, so she couldn’t say anything else.
After a long while, Tang Ziyue finally couldn’t bear it anymore. She turned her head to look, Wu Shaoying on the left was still looking at Tang Zhenli in the center of the screen with a focused expression, with little stars twinkling in her eyes, it was hard to speak at first glance.
In desperation, he could only look at Qi Lu, who had a serious face and even took out a notebook to record. With his mind active, he couldn’t help but ask.
“Sister Qilu, are you so fascinated?”
As she spoke, Tang Ziyue’s mouth pouted.
When Qi Lu heard this, he smiled subconsciously on his face, then put away the small book in his hand, and touched Tang Ziyue’s small head.
“You’re still young, you’ll understand when you grow up.”
To put it bluntly, the current Tang Ziyue is nominally a freshman in the first year of Longke, but his actual knowledge level is still at the high school level.
After all, the topics that the freshmen need to study are not so in-depth yet. In other words, what Qi Lu said is correct.
Listening to Qi Lu’s words, Tang Ziyue’s fleshy bun face puffed up, she seemed very unhappy when someone said she was still young and so on.
Seeing this, Qi Lu’s eyebrows raised, something moved in his heart, and then he reached out and subconsciously pinched Tang Ziyue’s little face.
It really felt as good as I imagined.
In front of Tang Ziyue, no one could resist the urge to pinch her bun’s face!
However, it is inevitable to attract the eyes of the client, just like Tang Ziyue at this time,
After being pinched, Tang Ziyue’s nose was slightly wrinkled, and then she said in a somewhat resentful tone.
“Hey! Sister Qi Lu!”
Hearing this, Qi Lu glanced at Tang Ziyue, and then said in a persuasive tone.
“Alright, alright, let’s watch the live broadcast! Don’t you know how many people around the world are now waiting for Gong Gong to speak? If you miss this time, how long will you have to wait?”
Unexpectedly, Tang Ziyue did not appreciate it at all, and said in a somewhat arrogant tone.
“Humph! I don’t care about it!”
Seeing this, Qi Lu just wanted to say something, but then he seemed to think of something, what he wanted to sayThe words turned into a helpless wry smile.
Speaking of which, Tang Ziyue is indeed not uncommon as Tang Gong’s younger sister.
As a younger sister who has been with Tang Gong since childhood, I must be tired of listening to Tang Gong talk every day. How could she care about what she said across a screen.
As long as Tang Ziyue wants to, she can even ask Tang Gong to give her a one-on-one tutoring at any time.
You must know that with Tang Zhenli’s current status, how many prestigious universities and research institutes have sent invitations to invite him to give lectures!
Tang Zhenli may not be clear about this, but as Qi Lu who has been helping Tang Zhenli with chores, how could he not be clear!
She made a preliminary estimate that since the identity of the chief engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ project was exposed until now, no less than 100 famous schools around the world have invited him, and he has rejected them one by one!
So this is why so many people were looking forward to Tang Zhenli’s speech before.
Although the deeds and achievements of this true god in the scientific research world are reverberating in the hearts of everyone, some deeper understanding of Tang Zhenli has not yet been known.
Therefore, this is the Global Planetary Defense Conference, the first time that Gong Gong has officially appeared in front of the world!
Thinking of this, Qi Lu also came back to his senses a little bit, looking at Tang Ziyue who was in the midst of happiness, he could only sigh inwardly.
Some people are born under the protection of the gods!
Now Tang Ziyue may not know much about Tang Zhenli’s current position in the scientific research world, but she will be able to understand it in the future as she improves her studies.
What her brother has done from beginning to end, how great it is for human civilization!
While Qi Lu was pondering, Wu Shaoying, who was beside him, was also released from the state of nympho. He glanced at the two of them curiously, especially Tang Ziyue, who had a bulging face, and couldn’t help but feel a little funny.
Then she subconsciously pulled Tang Ziyue into her arms, playing with her fleshy bun face with both hands.
Of course Tang Ziyue refused, and immediately began to struggle.
But the young Tang Ziyue was Wu Shaoying’s opponent, and she was quickly defeated.
For a while, Tang Ziyue, who couldn’t break free, only felt that she had no love for her life!
At this time, she felt that she was just an emotionless tool doll
For some reason, looking at Tang Zhenli on the screen, Tang Ziyue suddenly missed her brother.

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