The conference is over!
In the Dragon Kingdom Conference, if Tang Zhenli’s words have reached this level, basically there is no suspense about the main argument of the planetary defense system.
This conference is entirely Tang Zhenli’s personal show. In the past few days, it may be said that representatives of scholars from all over the world are blooming, so today is Tang Zhenli’s unique show!
This young man who shines in the world’s scientific research circles has once again successfully changed everyone’s ideas with his own ideas.
At this moment, even the representatives of the Bald Eagle Country and the John Bull Country couldn’t help feeling a little dazed.
Why do I feel that the agenda for the meeting has almost been set before I and others have done anything.
Thinking back carefully, since the beginning of the meeting, how many people were full of confidence and hoped that through this meeting, they could seize a new opportunity in the future world structure.
However, although the Dragon Kingdom has taken the initiative in the plan right now, some detailed progress in implementing the plan still needs to be carefully discussed.
But in general, the matter of the Dragon Kingdom’s dominance is over!
They didn’t even have time to move out the “Archangel” space carrier that they had reserved before, so the result was already doomed.
If you want to blame, you can only blame that young man from Longguo for being too amazing, so amazing to a desperate degree!
Finally, the fifth day of the Global Planetary Defense Conference ended under a strange atmosphere.
As for the next two days, it was just some unsalty battles.
Therefore, in the last two days of the Global Planetary Defense Conference, although the “Phoenix” was still in a state of repair, the result was within the expectations of everyone in the Dragon Kingdom, given that the Dragon Kingdom already had various advantages.
Whether it is the newly established Planetary Crisis Management Bureau at the meeting or the research and development of the asteroid defense system, Dragon Kingdom occupies a vital position in it!
There is no doubt that Dragon Kingdom still has the world’s top scientific research strength at this time!
Naturally, in this kind of meeting where strength is measured by scientific research level, Dragon Kingdom naturally took over most of the work of the planetary defense system.
Under this premise, there is no doubt that Dragon Kingdom will have the right to speak in the planetary defense system in the future!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
After seeing Tang Zhenli announcing the successful conclusion of the first Global Planetary Defense Conference on the electronic screen, Ji Chengtian looked slightly relieved, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.
In the end, an undisguised smile appeared on his face.The length of this week’s meeting, for Ji Cheng, feels longer than a month.
On this occasion, there are too many battles, both overt and covert.
Rao is that after watching it this week, he couldn’t help feeling a little exhausted. This kind of high-intensity thinking confrontation is simply beyond the ability of ordinary people to control.
But Tang Zhenli brought him a great surprise. Since then, Ji Chengtian’s impression of Tang Zhenli has changed a lot.
To be honest, the results obtained by the Dragon Kingdom now, simply don’t make him too satisfied.
Thinking about it, Ji Chengtian got up from the coffee table and walked towards the desk.
Now that Tang Zhenli has brought satisfactory results to the Dragon Kingdom, it is the Ministry of Science and Technology’s turn to take action on the next specific and detailed affairs.
If nothing else, in the next period of time, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo will usher in a busy period of time again.
But for Ji Chengtian and even the entire Dragon Kingdom, these are all worth it!
Four Saints Research Institute, laboratory on the third basement floor.
As soon as the Global Planetary Defense Conference ended, Tang Zhenli returned to the Four Saints Research Institute under comprehensive protection.
At this time, Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue had also left the Four Saints Research Institute.
With Sister Xia and others back, Wu Shaoying was still bold enough to live with Tang Zhenli all the time. She was not afraid that Tang Zhenli would not be able to control her emotions, but she was afraid that she would not be able to control her fiery emotions. You know, Wu Xingjian But Yao Shihuai and Yao Shihuai have emphasized more than once that the two must exercise restraint before getting married.
Chen Xinyao probably meant the same thing.
It can be said that the concepts of the two families are relatively traditional.
And Tang Ziyue was also forced to move back to the dormitory because of the start of the Long University of Science and Technology. Originally, according to her idea, she wanted to stay on forever.
After all, the Four Saints Research Institute has Tang Zhenli, and she has no worries about eating and drinking. In just ten days, Tang Ziyue’s little face in the Four Saints Research Institute has gained a lot of weight.
After all, the meals provided to the researchers at the Sisheng Research Institute are the best among the various institutions in the Dragon Kingdom. Besides, Tang Ziyue, as Tang Zhenli’s sister, should eat his small stove, not to mention how happy he is. .
It’s no wonder that she was so reluctant to think about Shu, but she had no choice. In the end, she had to return to Longke University honestly under Qi Lu’s persuasion.
After all, Longke University is one of the top universities in Longguo. The school spirit and discipline are still very strict. Except for students in the internship stage, any student must leave the school without any reason during the study period.
Even if the Four Saints Research Institute is not far from Dragon University, it is not acceptable to buy it.
Although Tang Ziyue could apply in the name of Tang Zhenli, she didn’t. Although she sometimes looks like a silly little girl, it doesn’t mean she has no brains.
At least in essence, she hasn’t been coddled to this extent.
Although the Tang family is also considered a wealthy family, it is strange that neither Tang Zhenli nor Tang Ziyue has developed the attitude of a high-ranking young lady. Compared with their status and status, the characters of the two brothers and sisters can be regarded as approachable. .
Perhaps all this is due to Chen Xinyao, who has a certain literary quality.
Anyway, when Tang Zhenli returned to the laboratory on the third basement floor, he was alone again.
But that’s fine. For him, he can concentrate more on the experiment.

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