A Chance of Extraterrestrial Civilization!
Sisheng Research Institute, in the laboratory on the third basement floor,
After this Global Planetary Defense Conference, Tang Zhenli’s original thoughts also changed a bit.
As for the Dragon Country Space Strategic Force, Tang Zhenli has already handed over all the space weapons plans made during the New Year to the research and development team there. As for himself, he will not go there first.
But Rao is like this, the Long Kingdom military still retains his position in the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force, which inevitably surprised him a little, but think about it and let them go.
The affairs of the Global Planetary Defense Conference have also come to an end, and the detailed arrangements have not yet been made.
However, what Tang Zhenli can be sure of is that this time he should not hold some important positions.
Although I came up with this plan myself, to be honest, I am just a layman in this area, and it is better to involve researchers in those professional fields for some fine technical issues.
After all, there is still a big discrepancy between the big plan and some detailed plans when it is reported to be implemented.
He was just planning a planetary defense system to verify the feasibility with the system in his mind. To be honest, participating in the Global Planetary Defense Conference 723 this time was quite a bit of a rush to the shelves.
And most importantly, this kind of project jointly developed by the international community will never allow military personnel and senior leaders of a superpower to participate!
Unfortunately, Tang Zhenli was both the chief technical officer of the Longguo Space Strategic Force and one of the heads of the Longguo Science and Technology Department.
Therefore, due to various reasons, it is impossible for Tang Zhenli to act as the person in charge of this global planetary defense plan as he was in charge of the research and development of the ‘Phoenix’.
At most, you can hang up the title of a consultant and provide some general suggestions.
And the program plan of the planetary defense system that I promised before, in fact, with the help of the system, it is only a blink of an eye to formulate a set of interception programs for the planetary defense system. The reason why it takes a month is because I don’t want to make yourself fancyIt’s too shocking.
What’s more, the guidance technology of various countries has not yet been implemented. There is no doubt that it will take a certain amount of time. In other words, this plan is not in a hurry
In addition, the “Phoenix” is still being repaired. According to the previous staff report, it should take several months, which means that the “Heavenly Court Project” cannot be restarted in a short time.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli thought for a second.
My new appointment in the Ministry of Science and Technology
The Chief Scientist of the Dragon Kingdom is in charge of the technical issues of the Dragon Kingdom’s scientific research projects. However, under the current situation and under the premise of liberating energy, the speed of human technological breakthroughs is changing with each passing day. result.
You must know that most of the scientific research scholars in the past were engaged in theoretical research. Under the circumstances of various theoretical foundations, it was basically difficult to encounter some major technical problems in the project.
So much so that in the next period of time, although he will be the chief scientist of Dragon Kingdom, with the current situation, I am afraid that there will not be many things.
Therefore, the only option for Tang Zhenli now is to conduct research on the components of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid!
Thinking of this, even if it was him, his complexion couldn’t help but become a lot more dignified.
For now, although the human scientific research community has not unanimously determined that the ‘Reaper’ asteroid is an attack by extraterrestrial civilizations!
But as far as the various anomalies behind the “Reaper” asteroid incident are concerned, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.
Therefore, the “Reaper” asteroid event is basically not considered an ordinary asteroid crisis event in the human academic circle. This is a tacit fact of all anthropologists.
The reason why I haven’t said it publicly now is because it doesn’t cause a huge panic.
And now Tang Zhenli’s research is likely to touch the first and biggest conjecture of human beings in the universe!
In this vast universe, is human being really the only civilization?
Of course, no one can tell to what extent things will develop until they figure it out.
However, what is certain is that by conducting research in this area, human beings can gain a deeper understanding of the universe from the components of this “Reaper” asteroid.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli got up and walked towards the core laboratory on the third basement floor.
The fragments of the “Reaper” asteroid in the main control room of the “Phoenix” have already been secretly transported to the Four Saints Research Institute, and are now being kept in the storage room of the core laboratory.
Outside the core laboratory, compared with the past, the core laboratory at this time has temporarily installed several access controls.
After going through numerous identity checks, Tang Zhenli finally walked into the core laboratory slowly. Seeing the same layout as before, Tang Zhenli nodded secretly.
Basically, only he can enter the current laboratory. Even Qi Lu and others do not have permission to enter this laboratory at this time.
After all, the relationship behind the ‘Reaper’ asteroid is too important, even though few people know about it even in Dragon Kingdom, let alone other countries.
But one code counts for one code. After all, this matter is a secret, so it can’t be sloppy at all!
Entering the laboratory, Tang Zhenli walked directly towards the storage room of the laboratory.
All the main bodies of the “Reaper” asteroid collected on the “Phoenix” were placed here for safekeeping.
As soon as the storage room was opened, the huge ‘Hanguang’ unmanned tactical mech was first seen, and then the semi-finished curvature engine.
After passing through these two machines that had been alone for a long time, one could see the black substances contained in a transparent glass box.
Those are the substances stripped out after the explosion of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid!
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s face became slightly solemn. Facing this kind of material that might come from an alien civilization, no one can face it with a completely calm attitude.
Afterwards, Tang Zhenli put on a lab coat, manipulated the robotic arm in the laboratory, slowly opened the glass box, and picked out a small fragment of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
After placing it in the center of the laboratory, Tang Zhenli began to study the fragment.

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