The Earth Planetary Administration is established!
Externally, after the end of the Global Planetary Defense Conference, the subsequent turmoil gradually subsided.
Everything is being implemented according to the original plan proposed by Tang Zhenli.
According to what Tang Zhenli said before, the guidance systems of various countries are also being implemented.
Most importantly, it was the day after this Global Planetary Defense Conference ended.
All countries jointly issued a statement, and the Earth Planetary Administration was officially established!
This statement also indicates that human civilization is entering a new chapter!
The Earth Planetary Administration is in charge of all outer space affairs, including crisis times like the ‘Reaper’ asteroid.
In addition, the Earth Planetary Management Bureau does not have subordinate positions, and all affairs are decided through discussion.
Countries in the international community, regardless of their strength and status, can only send one representative to participate in the affairs of the Earth Planetary Administration!
But the five leading countries still have the right to veto, and this is a fact that all countries in the world have to accept
After all, when it comes to the establishment of a global planetary defense system, they have paid the bulk, so it is not difficult to understand that they have a higher level of power.
Of course, there are high and low status among the five major countries. As for some detailed rankings,A discerning person can basically see it.
To put it bluntly, the level of scientific research in the international community now determines everything!
Compared with the past, there may still be differences in economic strength in the international community.
But after the announcement of self-controllable nuclear fusion, the energy crisis was resolved, and the comparison of economic strength became so meaningless.
After all, even if it is the poorest country in the entire human race now, under the influence of controllable nuclear fusion technology, at least it is safe for food and clothing.
It can be said that the eyes of all countries in the international community are now fully focused on space.
Therefore, to measure the strength of a country’s national strength, it is basically measured by its comprehensive scientific research level.
With the current level of scientific research, it goes without saying that it is basically understandable.
In addition to the representatives of various countries, the Earth Planetary Administration also has the position of scientific advisor.
The difference between scientific consultants and representatives of various countries is that consultants are only responsible for providing discussions on technical issues and do not participate in the implementation of specific affairs.
The implementation of specific affairs still needs to be voted by representatives of various countries.
However, the term of office of representatives of various countries is usually only half a year or even a year, and the scientific consultant is different. When coordinating the plan of the Earth Planetary Administration, the level of scientific consultants was divided into three levels.
Scientific advisors are selected from all countries in the world. The first level is the lowest, but the tenure is also ten years. This level is an ordinary scientific advisor.
The second-level scientific consultants have much higher selection requirements than ordinary scientific consultants. The selection conditions are at least the need for big-level figures in related fields or industries. This level is also called expert-level scientific consultants. The term of office is generally twenty years!
As for the scientific consultants at the last level, the selection criteria are even more stringent. After all, this is the only scientific consultant limited to only three seats. That is to say, in the current scientific research community where there are many talents, only three top candidates are selected. of scientific research scholars hold this position, and the scientific advisor at this level is also called the chief scientific advisor, the chief scientific advisor of all mankind!
The most important thing is that the tenure of this position is tenure, which means that the three chief scientific advisers of all mankind must be the top scientific research scholars in the present and even before death!
It can be said that the chief scientific advisor not only represents a position, but also an honor, an honor that is far beyond the past in the human scientific research community and has the highest gold content in history!
But before the selection, everyone knew that the positions of chief scientific advisers appeared to be three, but in reality there were only two.
Because one of them has basically been pre-determined, and this pre-determined person, I am afraid that no one can find any negative excuses to oppose him!
In the dozens of minutes after the declarations of various countries were issued, Tang Zhenli was the first thought in everyone’s mind when they saw the position of Chief Scientific Adviser, which is beyond doubt.
Since the birth of this genius scientific researcher, there has not been a scientific research achievement that has not promoted the progress of human civilization!
On this point, basically everyone can reach a consensus.
For this matter, even if some people don’t want to admit it, they have to admit Tang Zhenli’s contribution to the scientific research community!
Although Tang Zhenli has no theoretical achievements from beginning to end, this will be criticized by some malicious people.
But no one can deny that every project developed by Tang Zhenli is much higher than pure theoretical achievements!
The theoretical results are important, but compared to the practical verification, the theoretical aspects are indeed worthless.
After all, since the innovation of technology, human beings have always thought more than they have done.
Hundreds of years of development have made the theoretical foundation of various fields extremely solid, so compared with the actual scientific research results, the ratio is simply terrible!
And the appearance of Tang Zhenli has undoubtedly broken this unbalanced situation, and single-handedly made the practical scientific research achievements of all mankind progress for hundreds of years!
This is also the reason why everyone thinks there are only two seats when they see these three seats. Except for one of the recognized seats, there are only two seats.
In any case, Tang Zhenli must have a place among the three chief scientific advisors.
To put it bluntly, it is an honor for others to be selected as chief scientific adviser, but for Tang Zhenli, being selected as chief scientific adviser is a kind of affirmation for this position.
This is a manifestation of identity and status!
At this time, Tang Zhenli, who was still in the laboratory, didn’t know that he had been given a very important honor.
Of course, even if he knew about it, he probably wouldn’t care in his heart, and most likely he would just laugh it off.
He didn’t pay much attention to these titles from beginning to end. After all, none of the titles and honors he has blessed are not heavy.

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