Alien ‘Lifebody’? ? ! !
Four Saints Research Institute, in the laboratory on the third floor underground.
Tang Zhenli stood on the experimental platform in a daze, the shock in his eyes was undisguised.
To be honest, this is the first time he has lost his composure since he was a child.
This discovery is really shocking!
No scholar in the world would faint with fright at the sight in front of him.
Because at this time, the screen on the electron microscope impressively displayed these cell-like structures!
In other words, what is displayed on the screen at this moment is based on vital signs!
This vital sign should not be too obvious in Tang Zhenli’s eyes!
How did Tang Zhenli make the judgment?
If you want to know this question, you must first understand what is the definition of life and non-life?
At present, it is recognized by human beings that cells are the smallest components of life. As for why cells are also composed of molecules, but cells can show vital signs10
This starts with the internal structure of cells,
There is a system for storing genetic information in the cell, that is, the nucleic acid system, which is commonly known as DNA and RNA. DNA stores various genetic information.
Of course, in addition to the storage system in DNA, there is also an expression system, that is, DNA can guide the synthesis of proteins through a series of enzymatic reactions, that is, “growth”. The reason why currently known organisms grow up is that Because food will produce various nutrients after digestion, such as sugar, protein, fat, inorganic salts, etc. These are the raw materials for cell growth, and cells can use these raw materials.
Finally, under the guidance of the DNA system, various proteins with unique functions are synthesized. With the continuous accumulation of proteins, the living body grows up, so that the cells can show the characteristics of life.
As for inanimate things like stones, they are just the arrangement of some single molecules. The arrangement of these molecules will not change much in millions of years, and they cannot grow, so they have no characteristics of life.
Of course, this kind of life characteristics can usually be judged at a glance, just like Tang Zhenli at that time.
That is to say, the composition of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid turned out to be a kind of life form! ! !
No matter who knows this statement, it is impossible to believe it!
The “Reaper” asteroid that brings death crisis to mankind! It turned out to be an unknown alien life form? ? ! !
Then if you put it another way, doesn’t it mean that the ‘Reaper’ asteroid is an alien creature? ? ?
More importantly, this unknown alien life form has survived more than a hundred nuclear bomb attacks and a fully charged lasing shot from a space-based laser cannon, and still maintains the activity of this cell! ! !
What an incredible substance this is!
What Tang Zhenli can be sure of is that this ‘life body’ is definitely not a carbon-based life body, because no carbon-based life form can withstand such a high temperature and a vacuum environment in space!
If it’s not carbon-based life, then what kind of material is this unknown alien life form made of?
After realizing this, Tang Zhenli looked at these dark ‘living bodies’ that seemed to be able to absorb all light, and felt chills in his heart!
If this is really an alien civilized creature, then no matter how low the level of this civilization is, as long as it can get close to the earth, then to be honest, it only needs to rely on its own body to completely crush human civilization !
For a moment, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel a little urgent. He wanted to find out as soon as possible what components this unknown alien ‘life body’ was made of!
Unfortunately. It’s a pity that the electron microscope in his laboratory has not yet reached the magnification that can observe the atomic structure.
In fact, there is only one electron microscope in the world that can observe the atomic structure, but according to the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for this appalling discovery to be revealed.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel a little pity. It seems that we can only see the situation in the future.
After he figured it out, he felt a sense of rejoicing for no reason.
If I hadn’t touched the key by mistake just now, I might really have missed this shocking discovery.
After all, the images seen under different magnifications are completely different. If the magnification of the electron microscope had not been lowered just now, it would be very difficult to discover the fact that the ‘Reaper’ asteroid is actually a living body.
As the train of thought gradually extended, Tang Zhenli’s expression subconsciously became dignified.
This discovery should not only be concealed temporarily, but no one should know about it.
And more importantly, how to properly preserve these collected ‘Reaper’ asteroid fragments.
You know, back then in the main control room on the ‘Phoenix’, a lot of fragments of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid were collected.
But fortunately, the fragments of these “Reaper” asteroids are all stored in the Four Saints Research Institute at my own request, that is to say, in the laboratory where Tang Zhenli is located.
If it’s not as expected, I should be the first human being who has come into contact with the alien “Life 567”.
In an instant, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help feeling a little dazed.
In fact, Tang Zhenli was undoubtedly shocked when he first discovered that the ‘Reaper’ asteroid fragments were a different type of life form.
But as his thoughts gradually fell back, he found that there was some faint excitement in his heart?
Are there other civilizations in the universe besides human beings?
This doubt has been around since the revival of science hundreds of years agoIt has continued ever since.
Similarly, before this, this confusion naturally appeared in Tang Zhenli’s mind from time to time.
But now, everything is clear!
Humans are not the only civilization in the universe!
The universe is not as lonely and indifferent as he imagined!
After thinking about this, it’s not hard to understand that Tang Zhenli was a little excited.
The sea of ​​stars full of thorns is magnificent. He doesn’t want the universe he longs for to be dead and silent!
This also indirectly means that everything I do now is meaningful!
The development of human civilization is meaningful!
If this is the case, then the starting point for human beings to conquer the star sea, let yourself take this first step

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