: Ji Chengtian’s Plan!
The busy staff of the Longguo Science and Technology Department brought a noisy smell of human smoke to the huge courtyard of the Science and Technology Department.
After the Global Planetary Defense Conference ended, the Ministry of Science and Technology has maintained such a busy state.
Undoubtedly, every agenda discussed at this Global Planetary Defense Conference will have a great impact on the future world structure.
In the office of the person in charge at this moment,
Ji Chengtian was reviewing documents at his desk. After a while, his confidential secretary walked in.
And Ji Chengtian seemed to know that it was him, so he didn’t look up. He just said while approving the documents, with a questioning tone.
“How is it? Has Academician Tang’s office been arranged?”
The confidential secretary nodded quickly when she heard the words, and then said with a little respect.
“Jibu, everything has been arranged. As long as Academician Tang comes, we can arrange work at any time!”
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian, who had been keeping his head down, raised his head slightly, glanced at his confidential secretary with his eyelids, then shook his head, and said in a tone of laughter.
“That’s good, but I’m afraid it’s impossible to invite Academician Tang to work in the Ministry of Science and Technology.”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian’s confidential secretary was slightly taken aback, and then asked curiously.
“The season department? Why do you want it?”
Unexpectedly, halfway through the conversation, Ji Chengtian interrupted him.
“The position of Chief Scientist of the Dragon Kingdom is unique, so naturally we can’t stay in the office building like us administrative staff.”
Having said that, the confidential secretary has already reacted.
What is the accusation of Longguo’s chief scientist? He is in charge of Longguo’s scientific research on all technical issues.
Naturally, it is impossible to solve the problem by sitting in the compound of the Ministry of Science and Technology like them.
In the final analysis, the reason why this office was arranged for Academician Tang was out of respect.
How can I say that Academician Tang is also one of the nominal leaders of the Longguo Science and Technology Department.
Besides, there is another most important reason. Even if Academician Tang is willing to work in the Ministry of Science and Technology, they are unlikely to be happy.
This is quite an overkill!
With Academician Tang’s current scientific research level, not staying in the laboratory is the biggest waste!
Thinking of this, the confidential secretary also showed a bit of comprehension on his face.
To be clear, the position of Chief Scientist of Longguo is actually a link between Ji Chengtian’s Ministry of Science and Technology and Tang Zhenli.
As for the position itself, it is not that important.
Here, after seeing his confidential secretary’s expression, Ji Chengtian nodded slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.
Then he seemed to think of something again, and asked a casual question.
“What is Academician Tang doing now?”
Hearing this, the confidential secretary also said honestly.
“I heard that Academician Tang has returned to the Four Saints Research Institute since the meeting ended, and he hasn’t come out yet.”
Listening to the confidential secretary’s report, Ji Chengtian’s eyes flashed with thought, and then he nodded.
To be honest, Tang Zhenli’s performance at the Global Planetary Defense Conference was already impressive.
In that case, let him go
At this moment, Ji Chengtian seemed to have thought of something again, his expression froze slightly, and then he asked his confidential secretary.
“Xiao Wang, how old am I this year?”
As Ji Chengtian’s voice fell, the confidential secretary’s face froze for a moment. He obviously didn’t expect Ji Chengtian to ask this question suddenly.
With a lively mind, he also said in a respectful voice.
“Jibu, if I remember correctly, you should be sixty-seven this year!”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian’s eyes flashed a bit of vicissitudes, and after sighing a few times, he said to himself in a somewhat complicated tone.
“Sixty-seven! There are still three years left!”
Listening to Ji Chengtian’s words, the confidential secretary didn’t dare to speak.
Obviously, he knows what Ji Chengtian means by the three years. Ji Chengtian has three years left, and he will retire from this position.
After Ji Cheng finished these words, he was silent for a long time, his eyes flickered slightly, and he didn’t know what he was thinking in his mind.
In fact, Ji Chengtian is not worried about his age and position at this time.
What he was worried about was Tang Zhenli’s situation in three years’ time.
You must know that Ji Chengtian, Fu Zhiyuan and others are taking care of all Tang Zhenli’s worries now.
In other words, they are now Tang Zhenli’s greatest protection. No matter what happens, they will always stand behind them!
Because they all know that the future of Long Kingdom depends on this young man.
Of course, there was also a reason why they watched Tang Zhenli approach step by step.
But they know it doesn’t mean that the latecomers know that if the person who takes over his position can’t do these logistical tasks for Tang ZhenliThen even if he retreats, I am afraid he will not be relieved!
Even though Tang Zhenli’s status is very high now, some things do not mean that he is omnipotent!
To put it bluntly, Tang Zhenli has a very good reputation in the scientific research circle, but in the final analysis, the foundation is still weak.
Right now, there is only one Four Sacred Research Institute under his control, and at best a Northwest Space Base, which seems to have a lot of wind, but Ji Chengtian knows that this is only the tip of the iceberg for the entire Longguo scientific research.
Many of the previous co-ordination and deployment were only contacted by Tang Zhenli through the hands of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
If his successor can’t be so careful and meticulous, it will undoubtedly be difficult for Tang Zhenli in the future.
So after realizing this, Ji Chengtian was a little worried for no reason.
Thinking about it, Ji Chengtian raised his head and said coldly to his confidential secretary.
“Go ahead and announce it in the academic circles across the country. In the name of Academician Tang, not in the name of the Ministry of Science and Technology, we will recruit some younger researchers who are up to the standard! As for the future, I will give another order!”
Saying that, Ji Chengtian gave him a serious look.
Seeing this, the confidential secretary was also nervous. Although he didn’t know what Ji Bu wanted to do, it was definitely not a trivial matter.
Thinking about it, he responded quickly.
“Yes! I will tell you to go on!”
Having said that, he quickly walked out of the office.
At this time, Ji Chengtian’s eyes watched him leave, and there was a leisurely look in his eyes.

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