Sudden! The corner of the hidden laboratory!
Ji Chengtian’s idea is very simple, that is to try his best to make follow-up preparations for Tang Zhenli before he leaves office.
Although he still has three years to leave office, three years are not too long or too short. For a person of his age, it is nothing short of nothing.
Therefore, he must build the strongest logistics support team in the world for Tang Zhenli within these three years!
And the scale of this logistics support team is unprecedented.
This may be the only thing he did in the last few years as Minister of Science and Technology of Longguo that could affect him after he left office.
He is very clear that as long as Tang Zhenli is not at the level where he cannot do research and development, the future of Longguo’s scientific research community depends on him alone!
This is not to say that there is no successor in the current scientific research community of the Dragon Kingdom, but only Tang Zhenli can so powerfully influence the process of the Dragon Kingdom and even human civilization.
In fact, driven by the benchmark of Tang Zhenli in recent years, more and more young people in Longguo have devoted themselves to scientific research. Among them, there are also some top talents with extraordinary talents, but there is still a gap between Tang Zhenli and Tang Zhenli. of.
After all, the current Tang Zhenli is a top-notch scientific researcher in the world!
It is not an exaggeration to say that the current human beings are the leaders on the road of science!
To put it bluntly, whenever something happens to Tang Zhenli now, it’s not just the Dragon Kingdom who is worried about him, I’m afraid the whole world will be shaken!
Because first of all, all countries in the world know that Tang Zhenli is the accelerator of the progress of human civilization, but if there is a slight difference, the progress of human civilization with rapid development will be greatly reduced!
So based on this alone, not only the scientific research scholars of the Dragon Kingdom, but even the top scholars from all over the world, can only honestly ‘bow their heads and bow their heads’!
And Ji Chengtian has this kind of plan because he deeply realizes this.
According to his idea, he will recruit some of the top scientific research scholars in the current Dragon Kingdom’s new blood in the name of Tang Zhenli.
Finally, through training and investing these recruited top talents into various functional departments in the scientific research community of Longguo, so as to achieve the purpose of assisting Tang Zhenli after he leaves office in the future.
You must know that the kindness of teaching is as heavy as a mountain. There is an old saying in Longguo since ancient times, a teacher for one day is a father for life!
This sentence has obviously deeply affected everyone in the Dragon Kingdom.
In layman’s terms, Ji Chengtian wanted to use the bond between teachers and students to allow Tang Zhenli to conduct research smoothly while their older generation retired.
Of course, Ji Chengtian wasn’t going to really let Tang Zhenli teach and educate people, he was just borrowing his name.
Even if it is a nominal teacher-student relationship, it is also a teacher-student relationship.
I just don’t know if Xiao Tang will have any opinion?
So after thinking of this, Ji Chengtian sighed consciously
But then he seemed to think of something, and Ji Chengtian’s eyes flashed with determination.
? No matter what, this must be done!
So this time, I don’t care about asking Xiao Tang’s opinion.
The right is to be self-willed for once!
At the same time, the Sisheng Research Institute, in the laboratory on the third basement floor,
Since discovering that the composition of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid may be an extraterrestrial ‘life’, Tang Zhenli has made a deduction in his mind.
If the “Death” asteroid is a response that alien civilization can make to human civilization.
So what is its ultimate purpose?
Is it for the purpose of destroying human civilization orfor other purposes
If it is for the purpose of destroying human civilization, after learning that human civilization has successfully survived this crisis, how will it react in the future?
Furthermore, if this is just a misunderstanding, what kind of trouble might it bring to mankind in the future?
However, it is a pity that Tang Zhenli does not have much research on cosmology, and now he can only deduce the possible follow-up results through his own subjective speculation.
But no matter how he deduced it, Tang Zhenli found that this is definitely not a good thing for human beings!
As for the specific reasons, there is no need to look at anything else, just refer to the natural laws on the current earth.
Natural selection, survival of the fittest!
This sentence also applies to the vast universe.
Every civilization is a hunter with a gun, traveling through the dark forest of the universe.
Unless a civilization’s strength is enough to surpass the entire universe, then every civilization is each other’s natural enemy!
As long as whoever is first discovered in this cosmic forest, it will be in a dangerous situation.
Undoubtedly, human civilization is now on the verge of being discovered!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s brows couldn’t help but feel a little anxious. For human beings, they may even be under the perspective of some advanced civilization!
“The time left for the development of human civilization is still too short.”
Thinking of this, he shook his head, sighed helplessly, and then muttered to himself.
For a while, for some reason, there was some inexplicable emotion in his heart. For a single human individual, the life span of just a few decades is really too short.
A person’s life is so short that it cannot even verify the continuation of an experiment, just like the most famous “asphalt experiment” in the scientific research community.
But the next moment, he shook his head directly, throwing these distracting thoughts out of his mind.
If you continue to be so stubborn, it may be extended to philosophy.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli lowered his head and secretly laughed.
But just as he lowered his head in the blink of an eye, his eyes suddenly froze, and the eyebrows twitched slightly.
“When did the cut ‘Death’ asteroid fragment fall on the ground, obviously?”
While he was thinking about it, Tang Zhenli only felt an inexplicable cold on the back of his neck.
Immediately, Tang Zhenli’s heart jumped, and he reached out to touch it, only to find that he was empty.
I don’t know when, the small piece of ‘Reaper’ asteroid that was placed under the electron microscope before turned out to be quietly on top of his head.
In an instant, Tang Zhenli’s back was soaked with cold sweat.
? I was thinking too much just now, but for a while I was careless and forgot about this strange alien ‘life form’!
The next moment, just when he was about to make a move, he only felt a sudden darkness in front of him, and then he lost consciousness.
Then, in the huge laboratory, there was a muffled sound of ‘bang’, and Tang Zhenli collapsed unconsciously.

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