Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences!
The Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, after Ji Chengtian made a decision.
He stopped his confidential secretary again. He seemed to think that he had some whims before, and some of them were not very thorough.
It would be a bit too abrupt to simply make an announcement to recruit people.
After all, it was something to be done under Tang Zhenli’s name, so naturally everything had to be done in detail.
In this way, after thinking for several hours, Ji Chengtian finally came up with a specific and detailed plan.
During these few hours, he even called and discussed with several deans of the Longguo Academy of Sciences.
After hearing about Ji Chengtian’s intentions, several deans of the Longguo Academy of Sciences also gave unconditional support.
For Tang Zhenli, they are obviously just as deeply aware of the importance of him to the Dragon Kingdom and human civilization in the future as Ji Chengtian!
Although they are still in office, their age is there after all. One day, they will leave office and retire.
At that time, they didn’t want Tang Zhenli to be entangled in trivial matters.
After some discussions, a plan to build a logistics team for Tang Zhenli came out!
Compared with the decision made hastily by Ji Cheng Tian, ​​this plan is naturally incomparably meticulous.
Of course, where the team was created, the purpose of this plan is not so obvious.
However, if the results are effective, they will gradually show up with the passage of time.
Therefore, the Longguo Science and Technology Department represented by Ji Chengtian and the Longguo Academy of Sciences, represented by several deans, discussed and decided to establish a new institute with special significance.
This institute is called the Youth Institute under the Longguo Academy of Sciences, and Tang Zhenli is the president of the Longguo Youth Institute.
In a sense, this is similar to Ji Chengtian’s idea.
To put it bluntly, it is to lay the foundation for Tang Zhenli’s network in advance after he and others leave office!
The reason why young people are selected is also because young people have a shallow foundation and will not cause unnecessary troubles.
Moreover, compared with the previous Ji Chengtian who only recruited young scholars from Longguo, this newly established Longguo Academy of Sciences Youth Academy canNot only limited to the scope of the Dragon Kingdom.
Under the influence of several deans of the Longguo Academy of Sciences, Ji Chengtian also decided to set his sights on the world.
After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, Tang Zhenli’s admirers are not limited to the Dragon Kingdom.
To put it bluntly, Ji Chengtian and Longguo Academy of Sciences are playing a big game, a big game specially planned for Tang Zhenli!
It may not be obvious at the moment, but as time goes by, after they retire one by one, the Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences will one day bring some unexpected help to Tang Zhenli!
If speaking realistically, the newly established Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences is more like Tang Zhenli’s affairs administration.
It’s just that the words are different
Although this may sound exaggerated, as far as the current situation is concerned, aren’t they the ones doing this job?
As for Tang Zhenli’s specialness, they naturally have to consider some special things as those in power.
After agreeing on this plan, Ji Chengtian ended the conversation with several deans of the Longguo Academy of Sciences, and then ordered it directly.
During this period, he didn’t even hesitate.
The staff of the Longguo Science and Technology Department are also very efficient. Soon, the people under them wrote a description and announced the statement on the official accounts of each platform through the Longguo Science and Technology Department.
Almost in less than ten minutes, this statement was instantly spread all over the Internet!
“The Longguo Science and Technology Ministry and the Longguo Academy of Sciences have negotiated and decided to establish the Youth Academy of the Longguo Academy of Sciences to recruit contemporary young scholars! The first president of the Youth Academy of the Longguo Academy of Sciences is Professor Tang Zhenli, an academician of the Longguo Academy of Sciences and the chief scientist of the Longguo Academy of Sciences! Note: specific application For details, please refer to the appendix of the announcement! The Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo announced!”
“Attachment: Application Requirements for the Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences!”
“One, under the age of 30, there are important scientific research achievements!”
“Second, the educational background requires a doctoral degree or above! (Those who have major scientific research achievements can relax the conditions appropriately)”
“Three, the scope includes but not limited to the Dragon Kingdom! Young scholars from all over the world are also welcome to join us!”
“If you are interested and meet the conditions, please send the application conditions to your mailbox*!”
“Note: The Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences aims to recruit and cultivate top scholars of the young generation! It is an academic institution directly under the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo! Please pay attention to the difference with the Longguo Academy of Sciences!”
Although the announcement and the attachments seem a bit cumbersome, netizens read it word by word, and it spreads at an extremely fast speed.
After Tang Zhenli was born, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo has become the most concerned one among the official accounts of Longguo on various platforms!
Almost all citizens of Longguo who can surf the Internet have followed the account of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo.
Rather than saying that they paid attention to the Longguo Science and Technology Department, it would be better to say that they paid attention to Tang Zhenli.
When Tang Zhenli didn’t have a public account, all those who were related to him became the biggest beneficiaries.
Wu Shaoying and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo will not be mentioned for the time being. Even after Tang Ziyue was @ Wu Shaoying before, her account now has millions of followers, just like a traffic blogger!
In addition, this announcement is also related to Tang Zhenli, so it seems very reasonable to say that this announcement spreads quickly at this time.
Of course, the most important thing is that there are too many things in this announcement, and every piece of news is enough to shock everyone.
So in a short while, this post from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo on various platforms instantly attracted a large wave of traffic.
Countless netizens have left comments under this post.
In an instant, there were tens of thousands of comments under the post!

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