: Some Untrustworthy Guy!
In No. 1 cafeteria of Longke University,
Tang Ziyue chewed angrily, as if she wanted to vent her anger on the food.
Seeing this, Wang Bi, who was sitting opposite her, couldn’t help touching her forehead subconsciously.
As one of the few people who knew Tang Ziyue well, she knew that Tang Ziyue was really angry this time.
Thinking of this, Wang Bi comforted her with gentle words.
“It’s okay, Ziyue, isn’t it just that you are eligible to apply for the Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences? In the future, we can too!”
Obviously, she thought Tang Ziyue was concerned about Xia Lian using her cousin to oppress her.
Unexpectedly, Tang Ziyue shook her head when she heard the words. She didn’t even have the slightest feeling about the cousin Xia Lian was talking about.
What she’s angry about now is that a certain guy broke his promise, and the one who promised to make up lessons for him quietly disappeared.
Thinking about it, Tang Ziyue also explained to this intimate roommate.
“It’s okay, I’m not angry about this, I just thought of some dishonest guy!”
Speaking, Tang Ziyue’s words were full of resentment.
Seeing this, Wang Bi’s eyes lit up instantly. Looking at Ziyue’s expression, is there something wrong?
The next moment, Wang Bi asked Tang Ziyue directly and expectantly.
“Could it be that Ziyue has someone he likes 880?”
Tang Ziyue was taken aback when he heard the words, and then realized that Wang Bi had obviously misunderstood.
Afterwards, he quickly waved his hand and said as an explanation.
“What is this all about? I mean my brother! My dear brother!”
Unexpectedly, after hearing the words, Wang Bi’s expression changed for a while, and then she said in a narrow voice.
“Brother??? I think it’s Brother Qing! No wonder you were so angry when Xia Lian mentioned her cousin just now. It turns out that our Ziyue is in her own right!”
Seeing that Wang Bi’s misunderstanding had deepened, Tang Ziyue was at a loss for a while, but she still did not give up explaining.
“Oh! No, no, it’s really my brother!”
I never thought that Wang Bi would ignore Tang Ziyue’s explanation and continue to ask relentlessly.
“Quickly, Ziyue, who is it that can capture our family’s Ziyue’s heart? Is it a student of our Longke University? Is it a senior or a junior? Is he handsome or not?”
Tang Ziyue, who asked directly after a set of fatal three-in-a-row questions, was speechless.
For a moment, Tang Ziyue didn’t know what to say, but looking at Tang Ziyue’s expression at this time, it could be seen that she was crazy.
Immediately, Tang Ziyue opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but what he wanted to say in his heart was different in his mouth.
“Forget it, I won’t talk about it!”
After speaking, he began to pack up the tableware, then got up and walked outside.
Wang Bi, who looked so cleanly, was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to realize something, and her eyes lit up.
After that, he quickly got up, packed the tableware, and followed.
Said without forgetting while tidying up.
“Ziyue wait for me!”
As he spoke, he hurried forward.
Outside the cafeteria, Tang Ziyue looked helpless at the gossiping Wang Bi who hurried over.
Unexpectedly, Wang Bi didn’t realize it at all, and still looked excited.
“Ziyue, where are you going? No class in the afternoon, don’t you know the dormitory? Are you going to meet your love brother? Can you show me something!”
As she spoke, she hugged Tang Ziyue’s arm without hesitation, as if she wanted to follow Tang Ziyue closely.
You know, Tang Ziyue is looking for Tang Zhenli this time, and if Wang Bi wants to follow, it is very likely that the fact that she is Tang Zhenli’s younger sister will be exposed.
But she didn’t want everyone to know that Tang Zhenli was her brother. You must know that she was paid attention to by teachers and classmates a lot in the last period of high school, but she just didn’t like that feeling.
So for a while, she couldn’t help but feel a little tangled.
Unexpectedly, at this time, Wang Bi seemed to have guessed her thoughts, and said with a smile.
“Hey, Ziyue don’t want to abandon me, I want to see who Ziyue’s love brother is!”
Listening to Wang Bi’s words, Tang Ziyue was really helpless, but after being helpless, she became short of breath for a while, and then said to Wang Bi angrily.
“Okay, don’t regret it then!”
As she spoke, Tang Ziyue gritted her teeth.
On the other hand, after Wang Bi heard the words, she had a triumphant expression on her face. In fact, she had been suspicious of Tang Ziyue going out every weekend before.
Is it finally time to reveal the truth?
Just like that, the two young girls “snuggled” together and walked towards the gate of Longke University under the leadership of Tang Ziyue.
while passing byTang Ziyue subconsciously stopped to take a look at the laboratory where Tang Zhenli once stayed.
After the construction of the Four Saints Research Institute was completed, his original laboratory at the Dragon University of Science and Technology was temporarily sealed, which is the one in front of him.
Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that this laboratory will not be used by anyone in the future.
At most, it may be converted into a place like a memorial hall.
Tang Ziyue also felt a little emotional about this place where Tang Zhenli once fought.
But Wang Bi, who was on the side, saw Tang Ziyue’s pretty face that was quite touching. She didn’t care what Tang Ziyue was thinking, what she wanted to know most now was the man who could capture Tang Ziyue’s heart.
Thinking about it, Wang Bi’s expression showed a bit of eagerness, and then said in a hurried tone.
“Ziyue, every time I see you passing by the laboratory where Academician Xiao Tang stayed, I have to stop and take a look. Are you tired of watching it? Let’s go, brother Qing is waiting for you?”
Looking at her appearance, she was even more eager than Tang Ziyue.
When Tang Ziyue on the side saw this, she glanced at her inexplicably, but she didn’t look at her, then she moved her footsteps and continued to walk outside the campus, thinking secretly in her heart.
I hope you can laugh so freely later
Thinking about it, Tang Ziyue’s mouth also showed an inexplicable smile.
In this way, Wang Bi didn’t realize the importance of the matter at all, and along the way, she casually chatted with Tang Ziyue with a relaxed expression.
I didn’t feel Tang Ziyue’s increasingly weird expression at all.

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