What is the end of science? !
Sisheng Research Institute, in the laboratory on the third basement floor,
For some unknown reason, the originally brightly lit laboratory is now pitch-dark. Apart from the occasional rustling of the emergency lights, the entire laboratory is extremely dim and quiet at the same time.
After a while, a shaky figure staggered to his feet in the darkness, and then mechanically walked towards the main control computer in the center of the laboratory.
Looking at the body movements of this figure step by step, it is like a mechanical creation without life fluctuations.
The next moment, with a slight noise, the entire laboratory regained its bright appearance.
The face of the figure just now appeared impressively, who else could it be if it wasn’t Tang Zhenli.
But at the moment, his expression even seemed a little stunned, and even when he suddenly escaped from the dark environment, his pupils did not fluctuate at all.
It stands to reason that normal people would have a period of time to adapt when they suddenly move from the dark to the bright place, but at this moment Tang Zhenli did not respond at all.
Coupled with his expressionless expression at this time, Tang Zhenli now looks like a robot.
After turning on the lights, Tang Zhenli was like a real robot crashing. After staying in place for a long time, he did not take any further action.
Until I don’t know how long, all of a sudden, Tang Zhenli’s seemingly stiff expression suddenly showed a look of pain.
The next moment, Tang Zhenli’s eyes suddenly turned pitch black as ink, as if ink had stained the clear pool, looking extremely strange.
What’s even more weird is that this darkest color is the color of the previous “Death” asteroid fragment!
Afterwards, Tang Zhenli’s body gradually trembled, and after a while, he finally regained his composure, and with it, the ink in his eyes faded.
Gradually, Tang Zhenli’s expression became more agile, showing an expression of relief. In the end, Tang Zhenli’s body trembled, and his body instinctively gasped for breath.
Then came the return of consciousness in the mind.
“This is what happened”
Tang Zhenli’s eyes flickered after he was conscious, and he kept recalling the previous wonderful ‘journey’ in his mind.
In fact, after Tang Zhenli lost consciousness, he vaguely felt a sense of ‘break free’.
That kind of feeling is like the soul has separated from the body, and in this state, he suddenly found that he didn’t feel any discomfort, and even in this state, he was better than any previous state.
Clear thinking, clear feeling!
This is a state he has never been in before. He seems to have gotten rid of his body, and his thinking is like a wild horse running away, extremely fast.
Until now, his consciousness has returned to his body, and his eyes flickered, and he felt a little bit in his heart. Could it be that the human body is really just a shackle to imprison the soul?
With it, his mood also fluctuated slightly.
Is it a coincidence that many famous scientific researchers in human history were obsessed with metaphysics in their later years?
Or, is the end of science really metaphysics? ? ?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli shook his head suddenly, tossed away these distracting thoughts, and tried his best not to let himself think deeply.
No matter what others think, Tang Zhenli has always been a firm materialist.
In his eyes, there are only two types of things in the universe, known and unknown!
Even if there is a creator in the world, it is just an unknown physical law and law.
And scientific research, isn’t it the process of exploring the unknown?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s thinking gradually recovered, and his inner belief became firmer.
But in the next moment, Tang Zhenli seemed to have thought of something, and his heart was instantly lifted.
Just when he woke up, he almost forgot that the culprit for his loss of consciousness this time was the debris on the asteroid “Death”, that is, the unknown alien “life form”!
In his thoughts, Tang Zhenli’s eyes suddenly turned, looking atIn the direction of the electron microscope, the scene in front of him made his eyes twitch.
I don’t know when, the fragments of the “Death” asteroid on the electron microscope have disappeared.
“Could it be”
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli stretched out his hands, his eyes flickering, and he didn’t know what he was thinking about.
Only as if to verify something, Tang Zhenli walked around the laboratory without any rules and regulations.
Outside the Four Saints Research Institute,
Wang Bi hugged Tang Ziyue’s arm, looked at the imposing door of the Four Saints Research Institute, and swallowed hard.
The Four Saints Research Institute, now in the eyes of the Dragon Kingdom academic circles, this is the top academic hall!
Although Longke University is only a few minutes away from the Sisheng Research Institute, to be honest, very few students from Longke University come here.
To put it badly, let’s not talk about the requirements of wanting to enter the Four Saints Research Institute, even if they take a close look, they would not dare to.
So generally speaking, many students of Dragon Science University will wait and see from a distance, but when they come to the gate of the Four Saints Research Institute at close range, they know that they are not qualified enough.
You must know that there are many scientific researchers in Longguo who have broken their heads and want to enter the Four Saints Research Institute.
For the scientific research community of Longguo, the Four Saints Research Institute is like a temple in the scientific research community, a dream that many scientific research scholars dare not touch!
Of course, she herself is looking forward to being a member of the Four Saints Research Institute, but she is still only a freshman at Longke University after all, and this goal is a little far away for her now.
But now, Tang Ziyue actually brought her here
Thinking like this, Wang Bi glanced at Tang Ziyue’s calm little face, her eyes were very complicated, some were shocked, some were incredulous, but more of it was speculation.
Why did Ziyue bring herself to the Four Saints Research Institute?
Is it that Ziyue is from the Four Saints Research Institute? No way
At this moment, doubts arose in her mind, and her expression was a little dignified. She was cautious and cautious, like a frightened rabbit, and there was still a little bit of chattering at Longke University.
Wang Bi thought about it for a long time, but didn’t understand.
Suddenly, Wang Bi felt her arms around Tang Ziyue tighten, and Tang Ziyue, who was afraid that she would run away, directly pulled her and walked towards the door of the Four Saints Research Institute.

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