Four Saints Research Institute, outside the gate.
Seeing that Tang Ziyue seemed to be really serious, Wang Bi couldn’t help but hurriedly said under her anxiety.
“Ziyue, Ziyue, this is not good! If you break into the Four Saints Research Institute, you will be removed from the research community of Longguo!”
In her words, Wang Bi obviously thought that Tang Ziyue did not want to see her love brother before she made such an outrageous act.
If they really attack the Four Saints Research Institute, their future scientific research will be cut off.
After all, the Four Saints Research Institute is not just a simple research institute, it is a secret unit where the Dragon Kingdom military is stationed!
To put it horribly, it is not impossible to eat peanuts directly if you are going to punch a card.
Thinking of this, Wang Bi’s face turned pale in an instant, and she hurriedly wanted to break free from Tang Ziyue.
Unexpectedly, Tang Ziyue’s strength at this time was astonishing, and she directly dragged her whole body and walked towards the Four Saints Research Institute.
Under the crisis, Wang Bi couldn’t care about anything else, and hurriedly shouted.
Unexpectedly, this operation immediately made a team on duty here instantly vigilant, and then a column of fully armed soldiers surrounded them directly.
Seeing the elite soldiers around her watching her vigilantly, Wang Bi next to Tang Ziyue only felt blank in her mind, and then she leaned against Tang Ziyue’s body weakly.
On the other hand, Tang Ziyue’s expression was still calm, but there was a hint of playfulness in her eyes.
Seeing Wang Bi’s panicked appearance, Tang Ziyue wanted to laugh inexplicably.
Just now I told you not to follow, but now it’s not that easy to leave!
Obviously, Tang Ziyue did it on purpose.
Here, fortunately, someone in the team on duty here today recognized Tang Ziyue. After all, Tang Ziyue is one of the frequent visitors of the Four Saints Research Institute.
It can be said that almost everyone in the Four Saints Research Institute knows that Tang Gong has a younger sister who is still studying at Longke University and comes to visit the Four Saints Research Institute from time to time.
So after that, the captain of the squad on duty today waved his hand, and the surrounding soldiers returned to their posts, walking towards the two of them alone.
When they approached the two, the captain first glanced at Wang Bi cautiously, then turned his eyes and asked Tang Ziyue.
“She is”
He is no stranger to Tang Ziyue, but he doesn’t know Wang Bi in front of him.
“Oh, this is my classmate, a student from Longke University, the talent my brother named!”
Hearing this, Tang Ziyue blinked her eyes and told a small lie without blushing or panting.
She knew that without Tang Zhenli’s name, Wang Bi would not be able to get in.
This time, she made up her mind to make Wang Bi suffer. This time, she would write Tang Ziyue’s name upside down without giving her a big shock!
Of course, all of this is based on the premise that she trusts Wang Bi.
Sure enough, after hearing the words, the guarded look in the eyes of the squad leader who was here was relieved, but after that, he still checked Wang Bi’s student ID card as usual.
And Tang Ziyue also took out a temporary card from the Four Saints Research Institute from her pocket and brushed it.
This card was specially given to Tang Ziyue by Tang Zhenli, and it was his rare “use of power for personal gain”.After all, compared to some rules and regulations, Chen Xinyao’s words were more deterrent to Tang Zhenli.
After the routine inspection, Tang Ziyue walked towards the Four Saints Research Institute, holding Wang Bi, who was bewildered, arrogantly.
Until Tang Ziyue dragged her and Wang Bi to the entrance of the administrative building of the Four Saints Research Institute.
Only then did Wang Bi realize that she had entered the Four Sacred Research Institute so easily, and entered the holy land of the scientific research community of the Dragon Kingdom? ? ?
The scene that I had seen from a distance before now appeared in front of my eyes at such a close distance.
For a while, Wang Bi felt like she was dreaming, but the scene in front of her was so real that she had to believe it.
While thinking about it, Wang Bi looked at Tang Ziyue with some complicated eyes.
She never imagined that Tang Ziyue would be able to enter and leave the Four Saints Research Institute!
And looking at the situation, looking at the performance of the soldiers guarding the Four Saints Research Institute, this situation seems to be normal?
Could it be that Ziyue used to come here every weekend? ?
But the question is, why? And why?
Tang Ziyue is just a freshman at Longke University, how could she have such a way?
Suddenly, she remembered what Tang Ziyue said about her earlier, saying that she was the talent her brother called for.
Could it be that Ziyue’s boyfriend is from the Four Saints Research Institute? ? ? ! ! ! And it looks like this situation is not low in the Sisheng Institute
After realizing this, Wang Bi looked at Tang Ziyue with a little surprise in her eyes.
It’s no wonder that Ziyue was not interested in the classmates of Longke University before. No one could look at the classmates who were still students.
If it is said that the students who can be admitted to Longke University are the favored ones, then those who can enter the Four Saints Research Institute are undoubtedly the favored ones among the favored ones!
The difference is like a deep moat!
If you understand it in this way, it is also in the past.
Thinking about it, Wang Bi looked at Tang Ziyue more cautiously. It turns out that Ziyue is the one who is the most hidden in our dormitory!
Obviously, Wang Bi was thinking wrong again, even though there were rumors that Academician Xiao Tang had a younger sister studying at Longke University.
Although Tang Ziyue and 2.4 Tang Zhenli are both surnamed Tang, she still didn’t think about it, or didn’t dare to think about it at all.
Because in her eyes, Academician Xiao Tang is like a god in the sky, and Tang Ziyue is just his roommate. What is the connection between the two?
After all, no one can imagine that an ordinary freshman at Longke University would have a connection with the now-prosperous Academician Xiao Tang.
But even so, she was still quite frightened by Tang Ziyue today.
But as soon as you come, you will be safe. If everyone comes in, there is nothing to be afraid of.
In this way, with this feeling in mind, under the leadership of Tang Ziyue, Wang Bi curiously looked at the Four Saints Research Institute.

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