Wang Bi’s guess!
Inside the Four Saints Research Institute,
Tang Ziyue took Wang Bi lightly and walked towards the elevator leading to the underground, not paying any attention to the staff of the Four Saints Research Institute who came and went around.
However, Wang Bi on the side was always cautious, because to her, everyone here was a boss-level figure, and she was just an ordinary freshman of the Dragon Branch.
The gap between the two, in terms of identity and status, is like the difference between clouds and mud! At least in Wang Bi’s heart, she thought so.
So now she is very nervous, so nervous that if Tang Ziyue hadn’t been dragging her away, she might not be able to walk at all.
However, compared to Wang Bi’s nervousness, Tang Ziyue on the other side seemed very relaxed at the moment.
How do you say something? The people here speak nicely, all of them are the pillars of the country, every time Tang Ziyue arrives, it’s like coming home
Of course, 10 of the reasons are due to her brother being the biggest boss here
Just as she was walking towards the elevator unhurriedly, a familiar voice stopped her.
Tang Ziyue, who heard the words, also paused, and then her little head turned to follow the voice, only to see Qi Lu in the distance holding a document and looking at her with a smile.
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue’s eyes suddenly lit up, and then she shouted excitedly.
“Sister Qilu!”
During the conversation, Qi Lu also walked towards Tang Ziyue.
Here, when Wang Bi watched this not-so-old girl approach, there was a vague feeling of familiarity in her mind.
Why do you feel this face is so familiar, as if you’ve seen it before?
But Wang Bi was certain that she had never seen her.
That’s weird
Just as Wang Bi was thinking about it, Qi Lu had come to the two of them. First, he glanced at Wang Bi casually, and then he said to Tang Ziyue with a doting tone.
“Are you here to disturb your brother again?”
Unexpectedly, Tang Ziyue, who heard the words, pouted, and then said in a slightly dissatisfied tone.
“No, I’m here to fulfill my promise!”
Seeing this, Qi Lu also touched Tang Ziyue’s head, shook his head helplessly, then looked at Wang Bi and asked.
“Who is this”
“Hello! I’m Tang Ziyue’s classmate!”
Listening to Qi Lu’s question, Wang Bi said nervously.
“Oh hello!”
Hearing this, Qi Lu’s expression became enlightened, and then he followed.
After speaking, she glanced at Tang Ziyue subconsciously, Tang Ziyue was also a little guilty when she saw this, and then she was playful.He stuck out his tongue.
Tang Ziyue was very clear in Qi Lu’s eyes. After all, the Four Sages Research Institute is a confidential unit. It would be too unruly for Tang Ziyue to bring people here so rashly.
Tang Ziyue could use Tang Zhenli’s name to deceive the guards outside, but she definitely couldn’t deceive Qi Lu.
Because you have to know that Qi Lu is the actual person in charge of the Four Sages Research Institute when Tang Zhenli basically doesn’t care about things.
For those little things in Tang Ziyue’s heart, she can see clearly, she can see clearly!
But now that people have been brought in, it’s hard for Qi Lu to say anything more.
He can’t be kicked out again. Anyway, he is also Tang Ziyue’s classmate, a student of Long Ke University, so there shouldn’t be any problem with his identity.
In addition, the “Tianting Project” is now suspended, and there are not many projects under research and development at the Four Saints Research Institute.
There shouldn’t be too many risks. Let’s consider it an open day.
Just as Qi Lu was thinking, he heard a ‘ding dong’.
The elevator leading to the lower floor arrived. Seeing this, Tang Ziyue hurriedly dragged Wang Bi into the elevator.
But to her surprise, Qi Lu followed closely behind and entered the elevator.
Looking at Tang Ziyue’s suspicious eyes, Qi Lu could only shake the document in his hand and signaled to her.
“This is a business for me! I asked your brother to sign it!”
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue shrank her little head, as if she also realized that it was wrong to bring Wang Bi here hastily.
But it seems too late to regret now.
Listening to the speeches of the two, Wang Bi felt a little inexplicably shaken in his heart.
Why do I feel as if I really guessed wrong?
Could it be that Ziyue really came to find her brother?
If that’s the case, judging from the situation, Ziyue’s brother’s status in the Four Saints Research Institute should be even higher than I imagined.
No! At this moment, Wang Bi’s heart skipped a beat, and there was a violent shock in her mind.
Tang Ziyue, Tang Ziyue’s surname is Tang, no way, academician Xiao Tang is also surnamed Tang
Tang Zhenli Tang Ziyue hissing
Suddenly, Wang Bi seemed to have figured out something, and her heartbeat accelerated rapidly. 827
Then she glanced at Tang Ziyue in shock.
I don’t know if I don’t see it, I’m shocked when I see it
With such an association, why does it feel that Ziyue looks a bit like Academician Xiao Tang!
No way, no way!
After realizing this, the blood in Wang Bi’s body flowed rapidly. Thinking of the person she might meet later, her face flushed with excitement.
If my guess is correct, whether Academician Xiao Tang is Ziyue’s brother or not, we may find out later.
At this moment, the elevator successfully arrived at the laboratory on the third basement floor.
A ‘ding dong’ sound interrupted her association.
As the elevator door opened, Tang Ziyue walked briskly towards the outside of the elevator, not forgetting to remind Wang Bi as she walked.
“oh oh”
Hearing this, Wang Bi swallowed with difficulty, and after answering, followed with a dazed expression.
As for Qi Lu, he followed behind the two of them and walked towards Tang Zhenli’s office together.

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