: Academician Xiao Tang! ! ? ?
Four Saints Research Institute, the third basement floor, in Tang Zhenli’s office,
After washing up, Tang Zhenli sat in front of the desk, staring blankly at his hands, frowning.
Although he didn’t know what happened in the laboratory before, he could somehow feel that some kind of unknowing changes must have taken place in his body.
But now, he hasn’t noticed any changes.
This is also the reason why he is rarely in a daze.
But at this moment, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and then he subconsciously looked towards the door.
He noticed that there seemed to be some movement outside.
Wang Bi, who was following Tang Ziyue, felt her heart skip a beat every time she took a step.
Although she wasn’t sure whether the guess in her heart was correct, she still couldn’t hide her current state of mind.
However, Tang Ziyue, who was walking in front, seemed very relaxed, and did not have the slightest awareness of being a visitor.
After a while, looking at the familiar gate in front of him, Tang Ziyue adjusted his expression a bit, and put on a look of asking questions.
The footsteps also became quicker, and when they reached the door, they pushed open the door of Tang Zhenli’s office without saying hello.
The corners of Qi Lu’s eyes twitched, if Tang Gong was busy
Thinking about Qi Lu, he wanted to stop him, but after a change of mind, he decided to forget it.
Who said she was Tang Gong’s younger sister?
With Tang Gong’s temperament, I’m afraid there’s nothing he can do about his own sister.
In desperation, he could only follow directly.
Wang Bi, who was lagging behind, suffocated when he saw this, and then walked in bravely.
Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered, she was shocked by the sight in front of her.
In front of the huge desk in the room, Tang Ziyue was standing in front of a young man with his hips akimbo, with an angry expression and muttering words.
But what shocked her was not this, but the young man who put his hand on his forehead and showed a helpless expression to Tang Ziyue!
Who else could it be if it wasn’t Academician Xiao Tang?
Although she only met Tang Zhenli on TV, Wang Bi probably will never forget that face in her life!
It turns out that Ziyue is Academician Xiao Tang’s younger sister! ! !
At this moment, she suddenly patted her head, her expression a little annoyed.
I should have thought of it a long time ago. It turns out that the rumor that Academician Xiao Tang’s sister is studying at Long Ke University is true!
For a moment, she only felt that her breathing was not enough.The haste is much under control.
How to do how to do? What should I do? Want to go up and say hello? But that’s Academician Xiao Tang!
At this time, a voice came from beside Wang Bi who was in a lot of thoughts.
Qi Lu looked at her expression and asked with some doubts.
“What? Don’t you know that Ziyue’s elder brother is Tang Gong?”
These words directly brought back the thoughts of Wang Bi who was at a loss in his mind.
Turning her head to look at Qi Lu, she then shook her head in a daze.
Who knows how he was deceived step by step.
Seeing Wang Bi shaking her head, Qi Lu really couldn’t figure it out. If Ziyue hadn’t told her classmates, what was the purpose of Ziyue bringing her classmates to the Four Sages Research Institute?
But no matter how much Qi Lu thinks about it, he probably won’t understand it.
Tang Ziyue’s bringing Wang Bi to the Four Sages Institute was nothing more than a whim of petty revenge.
It can only be said that she can’t figure out the mind of a naive girl.
Here, when Qi Lu was thinking, Wang Bi looked at Qi Lu’s face more and more, and felt more and more familiar.
But I obviously don’t know this girl who looks not much older than me?
But in the next moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in Wang Bi’s mind.
Isn’t this the only girl among the six assistants behind Academician Tang in the Longke University Alumni Exhibition Hall?
Although he is not as good as Academician Xiao Tang, he is still the head of the Four Saints Research Institute before he was thirty!
No wonder it looks so familiar!
Can be included in the Longke University Alumni Exhibition Hall, which one is not a peerless talent?
After realizing this, the way Wang Bi looked at Qi Lu changed instantly.
Before, I thought Qi Lu was an intern at the Four Sages Research Institute. After all, Qi Lu didn’t look very old.
But looking at it now, what kind of intern is this? This is clearly the number one person in the Four Saints Research Institute other than Academician Xiao Tang, the big boss among the big bosses!
Thinking of this, Wang Bi couldn’t help but look at Qi Lu with a lot of respect.
At this moment, Tang Ziyue at the desk in the distance seemed to have finished talking with Tang Zhenli, and waved directly to this side.
“Wang Bi, sister Qi Lu!”
Judging by Tang Ziyue’s expression at this time, this contact with Tang Zhenli undoubtedly gave Tang Ziyue the upper hand again.
There’s no way, who told Tang Ziyue to clamor to sue Dafa whenever he disagreed? Regarding this, Tang Zhenli still has a headache.
And here, Qi Lu and Wang Bi, who saw this, also moved towards them.
But it was only a short distance of a dozen or so steps, but Wang Bi felt that it was extremely difficult to walk.
For a moment, she didn’t know where to look at the spoon.
When the two came in front of the siblings, Wang Bi bit the bullet and took a look at Tang Zhenli.
I don’t know if it was due to an illusion, but Wang Bi felt that the Tang Zhenli he saw offline was more extraordinary than the one he saw on TV.
More importantly, although she was only a young man not much older than her, she felt a kind of nameless power from Tang Zhenli.
Even though Tang Zhenli didn’t express this aura deliberately, she still felt this invisible pressure.
Therefore, Wang Bi only dared to look at it, and immediately lowered her head, not daring to look again.
But at this time, her mood was undoubtedly very excited.
After all, there is no one else in front of her now, but Academician Xiao Tang!
On the other side, Tang Zhenli looked at the two people walking towards him. He first looked curiously at Wang Bi, who had his head down, and then looked directly at Qi Lu.

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