Wang Bi’s Change!
Four Saints Research Institute, in the office on the third basement floor,
After noticing Tang Zhenli’s gaze, Qi Lu, who knew Tang Zhenli well, also had a clear expression.
Then he directly handed the document in his hand to Tang Zhenli, and then said in a calm tone.
“Mr. Tang, these are some documents from the Ministry of Science and Technology, which require your signature.”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli took the document and opened it to read it.
This document is nothing but the establishment of the Youth Academy of the Longguo Academy of Sciences.
Although Ji Chengtian never discussed with Tang Zhenli about the Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences, after all, Tang Zhenli was going to be the dean of the Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences, and he couldn’t get around him in the end.
After going back and forth like this, there is this document that is now on Tang Zhenli’s desk.
Tang Zhenli carefully looked at the contents of the document, and subconsciously frowned slightly.
While he was browsing the documents, Wang Bi was the only one present who didn’t dare to show his air, for fear of disturbing Tang Zhenli.
Qi Lu’s expression on the side is quite calm. After all, this kind of daily work is very common in getting along with Tang Zhenli.
As for Tang Ziyue 813
At this moment, she didn’t shy away from it at all. She just leaned against Tang Zhenli’s office chair, stretched her neck, and looked at the documents together with Tang Zhenli.
Tang Zhenli didn’t understand until Tang Zhenli finished browsing the documents.
He is the dean of the Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences?
For some reason, he felt as if he was being chased away again, but fortunately, it was also stated in the document that the dean was mostly just a name
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli relaxed a little.
Immediately, he felt waves of warm air circling above his head. When he looked up, he saw Tang Ziyue looking at him with a smile.
In desperation, Tang Zhenli could only close the document first.
Seeing this, Tang Ziyue said hastily, with a slightly teasing tone.
“Sign it!The future president of the Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences? ”
Listening to Tang Ziyue’s words, Tang Zhenli’s eyebrows twitched.
This little girl is getting more and more unruly!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli got up straight away. Before Tang Ziyue could react, regardless of Wang Bi’s presence, he quickly pinched Tang Ziyue’s fleshy little face with two fingers, and then twisted it clockwise. .
While twisting, he said in a bad tone.
“What did you just say? Say it again?”
Suddenly, Tang Ziyue let out a scream, and then hurriedly said.
“Bad pain brother! Brother! I was wrong!”
Obviously, Tang Ziyue has never had a long memory. It was the same last time, and it was the same this time.
In front of Tang Zhenli, Tang Ziyue has always been the kind of person who resolutely admits his mistakes and never repents!
And Qi Lu, who was on the side, turned his head silently when he saw this scene. To be honest, this is not the first time Qi Lu has seen this scene.
But Wang Bi was Tang Zhenli who saw her brother’s face for the first time, so she couldn’t care about anything else for a while, and watched this family drama meaningfully.
It can be seen that Academician Xiao Tang might let his younger sister in normally, but now it seems that Academician Xiao Tang also has a limit of patience.
She never imagined that one day she would be able to see such a down-to-earth side of Academician Xiao Tang.
At this time, he still has all kinds of aura, and the current Academician Xiao Tang is just an ordinary brother who teaches a lesson to his naughty sister.
For some reason, this scene looked extremely warm in her eyes!
Compared with the former academician Xiao Tang, the current academician Xiao Tang is more real.
And now she has sorted out everything about Tang Ziyue.
She finally knew why Tang Ziyue could face Xia Lian’s difficulties so calmly.
With a brother like Academician Xiao Tang, he can at least be arrogant, not to mention walking sideways at Longke University.
Now, she suddenly remembered what Xia Lian said before.
Telling a joke, a person who was barely qualified to apply for the Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences wanted to take the opportunity of tutoring to make the sister of the dean of the Youth Academy of Longguo Academy of Sciences his girlfriend.
Thinking about it now, this idea is a bit naive no matter how you look at it.
With the elder brother of Academician Xiao Tang here, let alone remedial courses, even if Ziyue doesn’t study anything, I believe that the teachers of Longke University will not dare to fail her course.
Just kidding, Academician Xiao Tang’s younger sister is not in the department. It is not the reputation of Academician Xiao Tang that is lost, but the reputation of Long University of Science and Technology.
Of course, this is just a joke. If Tang Ziyue doesn’t learn, the first person to disagree is probably Academician Xiao Tang.
Thinking of this, Wang Bi whispered to herself.
“It’s no wonder Ziyue always seems to be fearless at school”
With such a big brother, who is afraid of who?
Just as she was thinking, on the other side, Tang Zhenli ignored Tang Ziyue’s plea for mercy, and made up his mind to make her suffer.
After twisting it hard again, she didn’t let go until Tang Ziyue’s eyes filled with tears.
Tang Ziyue didn’t want to let go, but Tang Ziyue was unhappy. Her face was twisted red, and she said through gritted teeth.
“It’s so hard to start! Tang Zhenli, I’ll fight with you!”
After speaking, she opened her mouth and rushed up like a vigorous female leopard.
Unexpectedly, before he could touch Tang Zhenli, a hand pressed against his forehead.
Tang Ziyue’s body was originally very petite, but at this moment she was being held by Tang Zhenli’s hand. Even though she stretched out her arms, she still couldn’t help Tang Zhenli.
So, this seemingly funny scene happened.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli was still holding Tang Ziyue with one hand, but he turned his head and nodded directly to Qi Lu.
Qi Lu was also aware of it, and after glancing at Wang Bi who was standing still, he left the office.
After Qi Lu left, there were only Tang Zhenli and Wang Bi, whose heart was pounding, and Tang Ziyue, who was still struggling.

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