Intelligent individuals of advanced civilization!
Four Saints Research Institute, three underground floors.
After the play, the two brothers and sisters calmed down a little, but seeing Tang Ziyue’s angry appearance, Tang Zhenli knew it was time to divert her attention.
Otherwise, God knows how long her sulking will last.
So Tang Zhenli turned his eyes and looked at Wang Bi, who was still very restrained, and said calmly.
“Ziyue, haven’t you introduced me yet?”
Unexpectedly, before Tang Ziyue could speak, Wang Bi, who was a little excited when she heard the words, spoke first herself.
Looking at Tang Zhenli who was close at hand, Wang Bi resisted the trembling of her body and said excitedly.
“Academician Tang of Xiaotang Academy, I am Ziyue’s classmate, Wang Bi”
Listening to Wang Bi’s slightly stumbling response, Tang Zhenli nodded, but he didn’t care about it in his mind, and then said with a gentle smile.
“Student Wang Bi, hello!”
Just when Tang Zhenli wanted to say something, Tang Ziyue poked him and said angrily.
“It’s time for class!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, and then he didn’t say much nonsense. He got up and pulled a mobile blackboard that had been prepared in front of Tang Ziyue, and started to give a lecture. There was no way, who said that he only had such a sister?
As for Wang Bi, sitting next to Tang Ziyue was considered a lesson.
Tang Ziyue’s major is physics, although he doesn’t know how Tang Ziyue’s small head came up with the idea of ​​learning such a profound major., but he still taught seriously.
After all, if Tang Ziyue were to fail the examination, it is estimated that Chen Xinyao’s accusing voice would immediately appear in Tang Zhenli’s ears.
Although he has little experience in the field of physics, many of the theoretical foundations he has covered before come from the field of atomic physics, and he is not completely unfamiliar with these Tang Zhenli.
For him now, basically he can understand it after reading it once.
In addition, Tang Ziyue is only a freshman now, and the course knowledge she has learned has not been so in-depth yet.
So at this time, he taught Tang Ziyue a lesson with ease.
The small stove that Tang Zhenli opened for Tang Ziyue lasted for three hours. Finally, Tang Zhenli closed the textbook of atomic physics, raised his head and said to the two of them.
“Okay, atomic physics is more of an experiment-oriented course, and some basic theoretical knowledge will be covered here for the time being. Let’s end the get out of class!”
As soon as she heard the get out of class was over, Tang Ziyue, whose head was dizzy, immediately pulled Wang Bi and ran away. Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment at the speed of her footsteps.
At this point, the huge office area was left with the solitude that Tang Zhenli was used to.
And after Tang Ziyue and Wang Bi left, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed suddenly, and then he seemed to be restraining something, and walked hurriedly towards the core laboratory on the third basement floor.
As soon as he entered the laboratory, Tang Zhenli turned off all the lights in the laboratory, and the whole laboratory suddenly became pitch black.
But at this time, Tang Zhenli seemed to have his own night vision. He walked towards the main control computer. After turning on the main control computer, he sat down directly.
Looking at himself reflected by the bright light on the main control computer screen, Tang Zhenli was silent for a long time, like a puppet, just looking at himself quietly.
After a long while, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and the corner of his mouth turned up slightly.
In the end, he chuckled lightly, and then said something in a light tone.
“Come out, or I’ll turn on the light”
When there was no one in the field, Tang Zhenli seemed to be talking to himself.
However, just after his voice fell for a few breaths, the self reflected in the master computer suddenly changed a little.
Although his face was the same as usual, his eyes turned pitch black, just like he had not woken up before.
Looking at the faces reflected on the computer screen, Rao was mentally prepared, and he was stunned subconsciously.
However, after being stunned, Tang Zhenli’s expression returned to his old-fashioned appearance, very calm.
At this time, although his eyes were like black pupils, regardless of pupils and whites,
But even so, he still calmly looked at himself reflected on the computer screen.
The next moment, there was a hoarse and strange laughter in Tang Zhenli’s mind.
“Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!”
This sound sounded like the sound of fingernails scratching a blackboard, very noisy and unpleasant.
As for why Tang Zhenli could hear laughter, it was because he could clearly feel the emotion of the owner of the voice.
After a while, a stiff voice came from Tang Zhenli’s mind,
“I didn’t expect that a low-level carbon-based life could find me! Even if you are a low-level life, I have to admit that you are not simple!”
This strange voice was a language that Tang Zhenli had never heard before, and it sounded like an amplified electric current.
But what’s even more weird is that although Tang Zhenli had never come into contact with this language, when it resounded in his mind, Tang Zhenli found that he could clearly understand its meaning.
This feeling is also a novel experience for him.
However, he did not put too many thoughts here, but continued to ask the voice in his mind.
“What civilization are you from? Where did you come from? Why did you attack us?”
After the question, Tang Zhenli was calm on the surface, but he was a little excited inside.
Because he can be sure that the things in his mind definitely do not belong to the earth, that is to say, the ‘Death’ asteroid is not just an unknown alien ‘life’.
It is completely an intelligent individual of an advanced civilization!
As long as this intelligent individual can be thoroughly studied, human beings may be able to take a big step in their understanding of the universe.
This is why he is excited.
But the voice in his mind was not at all enlightened, after Tang Zhenli asked this question.
The voice in his mind fell silent, and he didn’t say a word.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli had already expected it, and when he saw him get up, he walked towards the light controller in the laboratory.
Before that, he had guessed that this kind of intelligent individuals from extraterrestrial civilizations may be afraid of things like light!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli’s footsteps couldn’t help being much faster.

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