The bond of ‘friends’!
Sisheng Research Institute, in the laboratory on the third basement floor,
Tang Zhenli sat in front of the main control computer, his eyes were slightly erratic under the divergent thinking.
It has to be said that the words of this intelligent life form from a higher civilization still have a certain blow to him.
But after a while, Tang Zhenli shook his head suddenly, as if he wanted to take back all these divergent thoughts.
At the same time, I was constantly questioning myself in my mind,
Shouldn’t you be mentally prepared when you embark on this road?
I’ve always been chasing the stars and the sea, isn’t that what it should be like?
Boundless, without end, even with many dangers
It stands to reason that you shouldn’t have such negative emotions, right?
What it said was actually the same as what he thought before, but it explained some concrete things in detail.
What if humans were the lowest-rank civilization?
What if it is an impossible path to ascension?
The truth of the universe is to be verified by oneself, rather than listened to by others.
There is never a road that can’t be taken, only the footsteps that are blinded by one’s own heart!
The stars and the sea are infinite, but to a certain extent, isn’t it the human mind?
What the eyes are looking for, what is in the heart!
Always striding, no matter how big the stride is, this is what a civilization needs most!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli took several deep breaths, his eyes gradually returned to calm, and his face became calm.
What followed was a strong sense of self-confidence all over the body!
In the end, Tang Zhenli calmly asked the last question to the ‘it’ in his mind,
“Why are you telling me this?”
Here, feeling the change in Tang Zhenli’s temperament, when he suddenly heard Tang Zhenli’s question, he couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, and then he said slowly.
“To be honest, you are different from ordinary individuals of low-level civilization. I just want you to live a more thorough life in your limited life! And in the fourth sequence, I am not only a cosmic inspector in this star area for less than a hundred years. , my disappearance will be discovered, and then you will know the consequences.”
“Telling the dying clan some truth about the universe and watching you get wiped out is an interesting experience!”
“Friendly reminder, not all individuals in high-energy civilization are like me”
As the voice in his head fell, Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed slightly.
Listen to what it means, that is to say, within a hundred years, human beings are likely to usher in the crisis of life and death again!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but be suspicious, and immediately asked.
“Why must low-level civilizations be wiped out? Isn’t there a place for low-level civilizations in such a huge universe?”
Hearing the words, the ‘it’ in his mind responded indifferently.
“Then I’ll ask you a question too, what does it have to do with you if you obliterate you?”
After hearing its answer, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help being silent.
This seemingly irrelevant answer has already answered him the truth.
In the vast universe, being weak is one of the obstacles to survival!
Needless to say, the resources of the universe are also limited. Compared with erasing high-rank civilizations, it is better to choose to erase the low-level civilizations that are widely distributed and weak.
Tang Zhenli doesn’t know how high-sequence civilizations get along with each other, but he has to say that the lifeform that thought of this rule must have a long-term vision!
But in this case, does human beings really only have a hundred years in the future?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli frowned slightly, and there was no idea in his mind for a while.
At this time, his confidence was not affected, but the crisis has oppressed his thoughts.
Seeing Tang Zhenli’s appearance, the voice in his mind spoke again, and his tone was not as stiff as before.
“You are the first low-level civilized life form that made me look at it differently. Don’t worry, with your life cycle, you will never see the day when mankind will perish!”
Listening to the words in his mind, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became a little strange.
“Does this count as consolation?”
Hearing the words, the voice in my mind sounded again.
“I was intervened by you humans when I was carrying out the erasure mission, and the loss of life energy was serious, so before my tribe comes, I will coexist with you in a parasitic form.”
“That is to say, maybe we have a short time together for decades, so I want to sign a bond called ‘friend’ among you humans, so as to plan for a short boring time”
When the voice fell, Tang Zhenli, who heard the words, was stunned for a while, and there was such an operation.
Are the brain circuits of individuals of higher civilizations so direct?
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli also said bluntly.
“Aren’t you afraid that I will find a way to erase you?”
To this, the voice in my head didn’t respond, it just made a strange sound like a smile but not a smile,
Immediately, Tang Zhenli also reacted.
Resistant to nuclear bombsHow can a powerful life individual be afraid of a threat that is a low-level civilization individual to it?
Besides, it was still parasitizing in Tang Zhenli’s mind at this time, which in itself is no solution!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli felt a little funny, his threat was too weak.
After shaking his head, Tang Zhenli’s eyes regained his calmness.
As it said, Tang Zhenli at this time has no way to take it.
Perhaps its lifeblood is the light source, but it is definitely not an ordinary light. Tang Zhenli can feel that it simply hates light.
Of course, with the current level of human technology, there are solutions.
It is to let the space-based laser cannon give the weak one another shot, but the problem is
Let the space-based laser cannon take a shot. It’s hard to say whether it can withstand it or not. Anyway, Tang Zhenli definitely can’t withstand it.
Come to think of it, it was also expected
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli could only helplessly shake his head, in that case
If you can’t handle it, then let it go

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