The continuation of advanced sequence civilization!
Sisheng Research Institute, in the laboratory on the third basement floor,
As the voice in my mind stopped speaking, it seemed to fall into a deep sleep, and this conversation also
Without the knowledge of almost all human beings, human beings had the first contact with extraterrestrial civilization.
In this short one hour, Tang Zhenli’s emotional ups and downs can be said to be like riding a roller coaster.
Although he can try his best to control his emotions, he can’t help but feel ups and downs when he hears so many things beyond his knowledge at one time.
But in the end, his emotions calmed down.
Because after finishing the conversation, he thought of one thing, something he had never subconsciously ignored before.
And this matter, to a certain extent, may also be related to the sequence of the universe.
That is the system in his mind!
At present, the high-energy civilization where the so-called cosmic inspector is located belongs to the fourth sequence of the universe. Judging from the current situation, the so-called parasitism should be attached to his own brain in an unknown form.
What you need to know is that you have a system of storing 860 in your mind!
But looking at his tone, he didn’t seem to notice the existence of the system in his mind at all.
In other words, none of the intelligent individuals of the fourth-sequence advanced civilization have been able to discover that they still have a system!
This had to make Tang Zhenli feel a little bit of reverie.
Tang Zhenli had an idea after listening to its general description of the cosmic environment.
Whether the so-called system in my mind is also a product of higher civilization, and from the current point of view, the cosmos sequence of the civilization to which the system belongs will definitely not be lower than the fourth sequence.
Otherwise, the system should have been discovered long ago.
So after realizing this, Tang Zhenli rekindled hope in his heart.
Can you also find a way to fly to higher order for mankind?
According to the current statement, human civilization still has a hundred years at most, and within this hundred years, or within one’s own lifetime, can human civilization escape the sequence of lower civilizations?
Decades are compared to billions of years. To be honest, this is the difference between mountains and ants!
Before that, even if Tang Zhenli had confidence, in the face of the cruel reality, it would be difficult for him to change his life against the sky!
But now, perhaps with the help of the system, maybe there is still a chance for human civilization?
Even if the probability is one in a trillion, it is still possible!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli’s eyes were deep, and he didn’t know what he was thinking about.
At this moment, the sound of vibration in Tang Zhenli’s pocket interrupted his thinking.
In desperation, Tang Zhenli had to take out his mobile phone and then pressed the answer button.
“Hello! Yingying”
The voice fell, and a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.
“Are you in the research institute now?”
Wu Shaoying asked with some anticipation in her tone.
Listening to Wu Shaoying’s question, Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, and answered immediately.
“What happened here?”
“Really? I’m here!”
Wu Shaoying, who didn’t want to hear the words, suddenly changed her tone and hung up the phone after she finished speaking.
Hearing the ‘beep’ sound on the other end of the phone, Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows, and then a bit of helplessness flashed across his expression.
After a while, Tang Zhenli, who returned to the living area, looked at Wu Shaoying, who was in casual clothes, and looked at him with a smile, thinking secretly in his heart.
For some reason, he felt that Wu Shaoying’s temperament when getting along with him seemed to follow Tang Ziyue more and more, and he was much more lively than he had imagined.
But anyway, it’s a good thing
Here, looking at Tang Zhenli, whose expression seems to be unchanged for thousands of years, there is a bit of resentment in his heart, his mouth is slightly pout, his arms are around his chest, and then he tiptoes and tilts his head. drum said.
“Is it so unwelcome to come?”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli raised his brows. Just as he was about to explain, his mouth was blocked.
If nothing else, he was kissed again
I don’t know why, but he always takes the passive role in the interaction between the couple, and every time he is in close contact with Wu Shaoying, he is not the one who takes the initiative.
A few minutes later, two panting voices came from the huge living area.
Wu Shaoying leaned into Tang Zhenli’s arms with a ruddy face, her eyes were stunned and she didn’t dare to meet Tang Zhenli’s eyes. As a girl, although she took the initiative every time, she was always thin-skinned and shy.
Here, Tang Zhenli hugged him on the surface.Wu Shaoying, in fact, in the twinkling of his eyes, his soul has already wandered into the sky.
Because the voice in my head sounded again when it was just inappropriate.
“Is the interaction between you human individuals all so strange?”
Regarding this, Tang Zhenli could only say nothing.
But then he seemed to think of something, and asked about it in his mind.
“Is there no so-called partner concept between your races?”
Hearing this, the figure in his mind was silent for a while, then he said.
“Mate, do you mean an interactive bond signed by your human offspring? Sorry, in the advanced civilization of the fourth sequence, there is no concept of a partner.”
Listening to what it said, Tang Zhenli was really stunned.
Without a partner, how does the reproduction of races, or the continuation of civilization work?
In his cognition, the continuation of a civilization is passed down from generation to generation. If there is no reproduction, how can this so-called high-energy civilization exist for so long?
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli also asked it curiously.
“If that’s the case, what is the continuation method of your civilization?”
Hearing Tang Zhenli’s question, the voice in his head smiled and said immediately.
“The so-called reproduction is just a method evolved by lower civilizations in order to survive. As a civilization of higher civilizations, the continuation of civilization does not pass through generations of reproduction. Compared with the short lifespan of you low races, our lifespan But it is almost infinite, and the continuation of civilization is not a problem for us to consider.”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s gaze froze, and then he was a little stunned.

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