Friends go together for a lifetime!
Tang Zhenli’s mind was silent for a long time.
As an intelligent life of a higher sequence, the interaction between individuals is far less than that of some life individuals of a lower sequence.
For them, the meaning of life is a long lonely journey.
Without the need for reproduction and inheritance, each high-rank civilization individual is rare and alone, and it seems that each individual can be regarded as a group.
Because at the high-sequence level, what each individual individual can do compared to lower-sequence individuals is beyond their imagination.
This also leads to the fact that it is a whole civilization on the surface, but in fact it is an alliance composed of independent individuals. The only bond they have since their birth is the bond between civilizations.
Converted to a more simple explanation, it can be understood that the life individual of each advanced sequence civilization is more like an emotionless machine to human beings.
But the actual 10 is different from the machine with the programmed program. To be honest, it does not know that for the higher sequence, it can perceive other fetters than the fetters of civilization.
This is also the reason why it previously wanted to sign a ‘friend’ bond with Tang Zhenli
For it, this is also a unique experience in its long life. At least now, Tang Zhenli is a very interesting person in its eyes.
Of course, through the current guidance and understanding of human civilization, the knowledge it has learned does tell it that friends help each other.
But the problem is that Tang Zhenyuan wants help, but he can’t give it either.
After a long time, the voice came again in Tang Zhenli’s mind.
“What if I refuse?”
Hearing its voice, Tang Zhenli seemed to have expected it long ago, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.
“If I’m not mistaken, my friend, the piece of the original ‘Phoenix’ should have been purposefully found in the main control room.”
At the moment when his voice fell, Tang Zhenli clearly felt a strange wave in his mind, and this wave strengthened his thoughts even more.
So without waiting for the one in his mind to answer, he said again on his own.
“As expected, you should have stayed with me at that time.”
In fact, when the fragments of the ‘Death’ asteroid in the main control room of the previous ‘Phoenix’ were transported, there was a faint feeling of intimacy in Tang Zhenli’s mind at that time.
At that time, since it hadn’t appeared yet, Tang Zhenli didn’t care about it for a while.
It now seems that when the fragments of the ‘Death’ asteroid are taken out for study today, it should be awakened in the mind, and the disappeared fragments are likely to be absorbed by it, so they can affect themselves.
In addition, the strange fluctuations in his mind after Fangcai finished speaking made Tang Zhenli sure that it was definitely not parasitic in his body today.
If this is the case, then its concealment is very suspicious.
In this case, there may only be one thing hidden before, and that is that it must be afraid of something
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes became deeper and deeper.sink.
Here, the couple in reality are still embracing each other, the atmosphere is very peaceful and quiet, and Tang Zhenli’s mind is also silent.
After hearing Tang Zhenli’s words, the voice in his mind seemed to disappear.
It wasn’t until a long time later that he spoke again, and his tone was not as calm as before, but with some fluctuations.
“I have to say, I still underestimate you. In that case, I promise to help you! But”
Speaking of which, its tone paused slightly, as if it had some scruples, and then I saw it continue talking.
“But I want to explain in advance that I can only answer some questions for you at most, some specific things, and I can’t interfere.”
“Don’t be too happy too early, what I can tell you is that even with my help, the probability of human beings flying to the high-level sequence will not increase much, because I don’t know how to complete the transfer of life forms. It is even a taboo existence in the entire universe! Even now, they are forced to forget this matter!”
Listening to the voice in his head, Tang Zhenli’s mood gradually recovered. Obviously, as he guessed, he must have some scruples.
But now that it has been promised, as a friend, he also thinks he can’t break it down.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli hugged Wu Shaoying in his arms tighter, and a reassuring smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.
When the eyes opened and closed, a ray of divine light flashed in the bottom of his eyes
If there is such a cosmic encyclopedia to assist him, even if human beings can’t achieve the high-level sequence in the future.
Well, at least in your lifetime, try your best to keep human beings from being wiped out.
Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he said it in his mind.
“By the way, my friend, can you tell me my name?”
Hearing the words, the voice in my mind sounded again.
“Name? Higher-order life individuals don’t have names. The only difference is the origin of life. If you say my name, then you can call me Miluo. This is a cosmic vortex that I like very much.”
Here, Tang Zhenli didn’t bother about what the cosmic vortex was, but muttered to himself in a low voice.
In reality, Rao Shi Wu Shaoying was delighted by Tang Zhenli’s initiative, but he didn’t speak for so long. What does this mean?
Thinking about it, Wu Shaoying’s careful thoughts began to come alive again.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli, who had come to his senses, let go of his hands and looked at her with a smile.
Seeing this, Wu Shaoying subconsciously touched her little face and looked at Tang Zhenli suspiciously.
“What’s wrong, what’s wrong with my face?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli, who was in a good mood, also rarely made a witty remark.
“No, I want to see more if it looks good.”
Almost instantly, Wu Shaoying’s face turned red, and then she lightly slapped him on the chest, her eyes dodged a little, and she didn’t dare to look at him.
Here, looking at Wu Shaoying, who felt pity to me, Tang Zhenli also moved in his heart.
“How about you tonight”
Before Tang Zhenli could finish speaking, Wu Shaoying directly stretched out her hand to cover his mouth, looking at him with a look of anger but anger.

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