Wu Shaoying with a clear mind!
In the end, Wu Shaoying still didn’t stay overnight.
Obviously, what Wu Xingjian and Yao Shihuai said to her are still in their hearts. Before getting married, the couple cannot do anything special.
This is not only her promise to her parents, but also her secret promise to Tang Zhenli.
On the wedding night, she wanted to give him her whole body.
In fact, what Wu Shaoying said was really a misunderstanding. With Tang Zhenli’s emotional intelligence, he still couldn’t think of a difficult aspect.
She kept Wu Shaoying just because it was getting late, so she was worried.
Who knew that Wu Shaoying misunderstood so thoroughly
But this is so, Wu Shaoying still walked briskly towards the house, who said this was a rare initiative by Tang Zhenli! And so active
As he walked, he shyly thought about the scene if he stayed.
Just thinking about it, Wu Shaoying flushed with shame.
Until she returned to the villa in Jinling Bieyuan, even though the outdoor environment at this time was more than ten degrees, the blush on her face could not be dissipated.
Seeing that, Sister Xia and the others were surprised for a while, so they went to the Four Saints Research Institute, why are they so happy this time?
Thinking about it, Sister Xia, who was already going upstairs to sleep, couldn’t help but ask curiously.
“Yingying, what happened? Why are you so happy this time?”
Here, Wu Shaoying, who heard the words, was stunned for a moment, and then asked a little strangely,
“Is there? Do I look happy now?”
Unexpectedly, these words directly aroused the eyes of several women.
The fleas on the bald head are obvious!
The corners of his mouth almost didn’t even touch his ears.
Seeing the reaction of the girls, Wu Shaoying also came to her senses, and then she seemed to have thought of what happened just now, and stuck her tongue out embarrassedly.
Seeing this, the other girls were even more curious, especially Sister Xia. She had been with Wu Shaoying for the longest time, but she knew that Wu Shaoying seldom revealed her emotions so unconcealedly on the surface.
Of course, the concert confessed to Tang Zhenli that time, could it be possible, what breakthrough happened between the two?
Thinking of this, Sister Xia raised her eyebrows and continued to ask.
“Yingying, tell me, what happened?”
Between the words, it was quite a bit of a break from the casserole and askedBottom, unyielding posture.
After Sister Xia’s words fell, Xiao Yin and Ye Yingxin also focused their eyes on Wu Shaoying, and the fire of gossip in their eyes was burning brightly with the naked eye.
Looking at Wu Shaoying’s situation, it must be something complicated behind it.
Feeling the three fiery gazes, Wu Shaoying shrank her head subconsciously, wanting to speak but didn’t know how to speak.
“I said nothing”
As he spoke, he also told the girls about Tang Zhenli’s invitation to her to stay overnight.
At the end, Wu Shaoying seemed to recall the scene just now, and Wu Shaoying’s face became more rosy.
As everyone knows, the women who heard the words on the other side looked at each other and looked at each other, with weird expressions on their expressions.
Can you be so happy because Tang Zhenli invited you to stay overnight? ? ? ! ! !
You are the national goddess, sister Tianxian! I don’t know how many people want to kiss Fangze’s existence
Please be more sober and reserved, hey!
Is Wu Shaoying, who is so excited because her fiancé invites her to stay overnight, really the rumored fairy sister?
Is there really anyone in the world who would be excited by this unreasonable request?
Thinking about it, Miss Xia stepped forward, grabbed Wu Shaoying’s shoulders with both hands, and shook her vigorously, as if she wanted to wake her up in this way.
“Yingying, be more sober! Be more reserved!”
“Yes, yes, sister Yingying!”
Ye Yingxin, the little assistant who saw this, also said hastily.
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying’s answer made their hearts jump even more.
“Sister Xia, I have my sense of proportion, okay! This is the first time he’s been so active, so can’t he make me happy?”
Hearing this, the girls were really speechless. At this moment, two words inexplicably came to their minds.
Love brain plus dog licking
Although these two words are very inappropriate when applied to Sister Tianxian, but seeing Wu Shaoying at this time.
The first thought in their minds is this
Thinking about it, the helpless sister Xia could only leave one sentence.
“Forget it, it’s getting late, I’m going to bed”
After finishing speaking, he went upstairs.
Seeing this, the little assistant and Ye Yingxin didn’t stop. After taking a meaningful look at Wu Shaoying, they also went upstairs.
Originally thought that Wu Shaoying’s mentality would change after the matter between the two of them was settled.
I didn’t expect that I just kept it in my heart before, and now it looks like it’s getting worse.
On the other side, looking at the three people acting strangely, Wu Shaoying rolled her eyes, shook her head at last, and went straight upstairs
Sisheng Research Institute, in the laboratory on the third basement floor,
After Wu Shaoying left, Tang Zhenli took a shower.
But in the process of washing up, he always felt that someone seemed to be peeping at him, presumably it should be a friend in his mind
At first, Tang Zhenli still felt uncomfortable, but when he thought about it, the person in his mind had lived for billions of years.
To put it bluntly, when it was born, the earth and even the solar system hadn’t even been seen yet?
And under the current situation where it decides to help itself, it is not unacceptable for it to study the basic structure of human beings
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli relaxed a lot.
After washing up and lying on the bed, Tang Zhenli once again asked for some basic concepts about the universe with an open-minded attitude of learning.
Unknowingly, one night passed, and Tang Zhenli, who had been chatting all night, was lying on the bed refreshed. Judging from the situation, the chatting between the two different sequences of life forms seemed to hit it off.
After understanding the current general form of the universe, Tang Zhenli gradually gained some insight in his mind.
As far as the human civilization is concerned, slow development is not feasible. If you want to survive, you have to take a shortcut that has never been seen before.

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