Tang Ziyue’s Punishment?
In the administrative building of Longke University, in the office of the Director of Academic Affairs Office,
Xia Qi thoughtfully brought Xia Lian a cup of hot tea, and then listened carefully to the ins and outs of Xia Lian’s “being bullied”.
Of course, many of what Xia Lian said have their own added ingredients.
After finishing speaking at the end, Xia Qi also understood some of the ins and outs of the matter, of course most of them were untrue.
“Xiaolian, you mean that you want to introduce Xiaoguo to your roommate, but your roommate is not happyJust hit you? ”
After speaking, Xia Xia Qi felt that something was wrong, but out of trust in his niece, he didn’t go into it.
As for Xiaoguo in his mouth, it is the cousin in Xia Lian’s mouth, who is also his biological son.
Hearing the words, Xia Lian also responded quickly.
“Yes, that woman has always been very rude! If she doesn’t want to, she doesn’t want to, but she actually did it! Uncle, can you drive her out of Longke University! At least I can’t live with her!”
Listening to his niece’s request, Xia Xia Qi’s face showed a bit of embarrassment.
As the director of the teaching office of Longke University, he naturally understands the school rules and regulations of Longke University.
This incident is just a normal small conflict between students. It may be criticized verbally, and even punishment may not be necessary. After all, Xia Lian was just smashed with a small bag, but at a larger scale, it is a fight in the school. , If it is serious, you will be punished, or even drop out of school!
Thinking about it, Xia Xia Qi couldn’t help but look at the small bag on his niece’s forehead, a hint of distress flashed in his eyes again, and then he said in a serious tone.
“Xiao Lian, otherwise, give your roommate a demerit and arrange for her to change to another dormitory, and then forget about it!”
Listening to Xia Xia Qi’s words, Xia Lian’s face flashed a bit of dissatisfaction, knowing that she wanted that little green tea to get out of Longke University.
But thinking about this matter, whether it is too big or too small, the punishment of dropping out of school is a bit too much, and even the punishment of demerit is too much.
After thinking about it, he nodded and agreed.
Here, seeing his niece nodding, Xia Xia Qi’s expression was slightly relaxed, for fear that his niece would not be satisfied.
To be honest, he asked himself, the demerit punishment was a bit heavy, but who said that the one who was bullied was his own niece?
Tang Ziyue, who was far away in the teaching building, didn’t know that in such a short time, her demerit punishment had already been decided.
After sitting down and making a decision, Xia Qi also went back to his desk and turned on the computer to find out Tang Ziyue’s student registration file.
Seeing this, Xia Lian also hurriedly stepped forward to check, with a bit of pride in her eyes.
But after a long while, Xia Qi didn’t find Tang Ziyue’s student registration file after all his operations.
Looking at the list of class members that had been checked several times, Xia Xia Qi turned her head slightly and asked Xia Lian with some doubts.
“Xiao Lian, are you sure, what Tang Ziyue is your classmate?”
Listening to Xia Xia Qi’s question, Xia Lian, who had been watching the whole process, was also stunned, and immediately answered.
“Uncle, that’s right, she is our classmate. Do you think my name is on the list?”
Hearing this, Xia Xia Qi had to check it several times, but he still didn’t see Tang Ziyue’s name.
“Impossible! She is a student in our class.”
At this time, Xia Lian also said in disbelief.
Seeing this, Xia Xia Qi had no choice but to shake his head. He didn’t think his niece would lie to him. From this, maybe there should be a bug in the system, which is quite common.
Thinking about it, Xia Tian Qi also said in a calm tone.
“Forget it, Xiaolian, I’ll find someone to find her in person.”
After he finished speaking, he picked up a handle on the desk and ordered it directly.
In fact, Tang Ziyue’s student status was assigned to the special program for college students by Fu Zhiyuan when he entered the school, because it is generally planned to be included in this program, and it can be combined for undergraduate, master and doctoral studies.
Of course, this matter also obtained Tang Zhenli’s consent. In Tang Zhenli’s opinion, although he doesn’t need a high degree, his sister can’t.
If you want to ask why Tang Zhenli believes so much in Tang Ziyue’s ability to take the postgraduate entrance examination, this is not something he should care about, because the person in the family cares more than him.
This is also the reason why Xia Qi couldn’t find Tang Ziyue’s student status, because Tang Ziyue strictly speaking does not belong to any college or major.
Here, after listening to Xia Xia Qi’s orders to go down, Xia Lian’s face finally showed a hint of happiness.
On the other side, after a while, in the teaching building,
Outside the door of Tang Ziyue’s classroom, the arrival of a person interrupted the course.
The teacher of the class just wanted to have a seizure, but when he saw that it was the teacher at the teaching office, he knew that this must be something important.
In desperation, the teacher in charge could only stop the process of lecturing and leave the time to the teacher in the teaching office.
I saw that the teacher from the teaching office first nodded towards the class teacher after entering the classroom, then turned to look at the students sitting below, and said in a serious tone.
“Which is Tang Ziyue, please come to the teaching department!”
After speaking, he looked around at the students outside the field.
And as his voice fell, the students off the field suddenly turned their eyes and all looked in the direction of Tang Ziyue.
The teacher of the teaching department came to get people in person, what did Tang Ziyue do?
You must know that only the teaching office of particularly serious matters has the chance to show up at the Longke University 4.5
For a while, the students in the class were also speculating in their hearts.
Here, Tang Ziyue, who was named, still had a calm face, as if she had expected it long ago, ignoring everyone’s eyes, and then slowly got up and stood up.
Seeing this, Wang Bi couldn’t help but say, without hesitation, she hurriedly followed.
As for Shen You’s slightly tangled expression, but after a short while, she still got up and followed Tang Ziyue.
As roommates, they have the responsibility and obligation to reconcile the conflicts between roommates.
The last group of three followed the teacher from the teaching office towards the administrative building.
How many people along the wayNo words were spoken, and the atmosphere seemed extremely quiet.

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