Pulling the frame!
Sisheng Research Institute, in the laboratory on the third basement floor,
Tang Zhenli was leaning over his desk, writing something intently, and communicating with Miluo in his mind while writing.
If people saw what he wrote, they would definitely be shocked.
What Tang Zhenli is writing at the moment is nothing but the common sense about the universe that Miluo told him earlier.
Of course, common sense is relative to it. For human beings, once these so-called common sense of the universe are revealed, it will definitely cause a big shock!
It may even bring about the fourth technological innovation!
After all, Tang Zhenli almost collapsed when he accepted these ‘common senses’!
Because some of these things are completely contrary to the common sense recognized by the current human academic circle, which is why Tang Zhenli is not going to make these things public in a short time.
Just as his record was rising, a mouthful opened in his mind,
“Only you humans can continue the inheritance of knowledge in this way of recording. You must know that as a low-level sequence, many civilizations have broken away from the actual way of storing knowledge.”
11 Listening to Miluo’s words, Tang Zhenli’s eyes twitched, but he didn’t respond.
Unexpectedly, Mi Luo continued to speak as if he was unwilling to give up.
“This problem has never been solved. No wonder you humans have developed for millions of years to reach the present level.”
Following Miluo’s voice, Tang Zhenli resisted the urge to talk to it.
After getting along with each other for a day, Tang Zhenli felt that Miluo was more or less broken-hearted because of the fact that Miluo had lived alone for too long.
It’s all about random thoughts, the main reason is that you can’t talk to him. Once you talk to Tang Zhenli, he can’t even think about doing anything. Just get ready to lie down and listen to him bragging about his billions of years of experience!
So Tang Zhenli had a vague guess, whether all intelligent individuals of this advanced sequence have this kind of urination!
Just as Tang Zhenli was thinking gradually, a familiar vibration interrupted his thinking.
Afterwards, Tang Zhenli took out the mobile phone in his pocket, and the caller displayed Wu Shaoying’s name impressively.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s heart skipped a beat, and he pressed the answer button.
“Hey Yingying”
“There is something wrong with Ziyue, can you come to Longke University?”
Unexpectedly, Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone said straight to the point.
Hearing Wu Shaoying’s words, Tang Zhenli’s heart skipped a beat, and a sense of worry arose spontaneously, and he immediately asked.
“What happened, where are you?”
“Longke University Teaching Office, come quickly!”
As she said that, Wu Shaoying on the other end of the phone seemed to be in a hurry, so she hung up the phone directly.
When Tang Zhenli saw this, his expression immediately became solemn, and then he hurriedly put on his clothes, and hurriedly walked towards the door.
Although he didn’t know what happened, but as an older brother, Tang Zhenli naturally couldn’t ignore it.
Just an hour before this, in the office of the Director of the Teaching Department of Longke University,
A group of three came here under the leadership of the teacher from the teaching office.
When she first entered the door, as Tang Ziyue expected, Xia Lian raised her chin and looked at her proudly.
In addition, there is a middle-aged man in the office, who seems to be the dean of Longke University.
“Director Xia, I brought him here”
The teacher greeted Xia Qi and left the office directly.
So far, there are only four people in Xia Qi and Tang Ziyue’s dormitory in the office.
“May I ask who is student Tang Ziyue?”
Looking at the three girls, Xia Qi asked with a serious expression, looking at the three of them.
Hearing the words, Tang Ziyue took a step forward and said with a neither humble nor overbearing expression.
Seeing that Tang Ziyue took the initiative to stand up and still showed no remorse, Xia Qi frowned subconsciously and narrowed his eyes slightly, but overall he looked calm.
He has been engaged in education for decades, and he has never seen any thorny students, and in the end, he has to be honest and submissive?
Thinking of this, Xia Qi’s expression became more and more calm, and an aura of calm and prestige emerged spontaneously, and then he said with a bit of sternness,
“Oh classmate Tang Ziyue, why can you maintain such a posture after injuring your classmate? Do you treat school rules and discipline as nothing?”
Listening to Xia Qi’s words, Wang Bi and Shen Youwei already had a premonition that something was wrong.
“I didn’t do anything, she bumped into it herself!”
Unexpectedly, Tang Ziyue remained unmoved, and said in a flat tone.
As Tang Ziyue’s voice fell, Xia Qi’s gaze flickered, and she was about to speak, but Xia Lian who was beside her spoke first.
“Tang Ziyue, in front of the dean, do you still want to use your tongue? Do you mean that I let you beat me voluntarily?”
Just after finishing speaking, Tang Ziyue snorted, and after glancing at Xia Lian, there was a bit of contempt in her eyes, and said 280 in an arrogant tone.
“It’s hard to say. It’s not like there are people who don’t open their eyes.”
As soon as the words fell, Xia Qi’s eyes twitched when he heard the words, and then he patted the table directly and said loudly.
“Presumptuous! Student Tang Ziyue, this is the teaching office. I hope you are more sensible and don’t give up your bright future by being quick!”
If Xia Qi had tolerated Tang Ziyue before, then from now on, he was really angry.
It was the first time he had seen such an unrepentant student in the teaching office.
SeeWhen Xia Xia Qi was angry, Wang Bi and Shen Youwei’s heart was about to be in their throats.
Unexpectedly, Tang Ziyue, who was in front of them, still had a calm appearance, but upon closer inspection, she could see a bit of anger flashing in her eyes.
Anyone can see that the dean of the school is outright biased, and indiscriminately convicted himself!
Besides, since childhood, Tang Zhenli had never spoken to him in such a serious tone. How could Tang Ziyue endure this kind of grievance for a while?
Don’t make a sound at all, and ignore the dean of the school!

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