Tang Zhenli Arrives!
Long University of Science and Technology, returning to the familiar and unfamiliar campus,
Rao, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help feeling a little bit. Although the Sisheng Research Institute is very close to the Dragon University, since Tang Zhenli moved to the Sisheng Research Institute, he seldom came back.
Seeing the hustle and bustle of people on the campus at this time, it is like a thriving and prosperous scene.
Tang Zhenli felt a little relieved when he saw this situation.
But when he thought that Tang Ziyue was still in the teaching office at this time, Tang Zhenli didn’t have time to feel any emotion, and walked directly towards the administrative building of Longke University.
At the same time, the Miluo in his mind still did not stop his thoughts. Obviously, it was the first time that it was integrated into the civilization of the lower sequence. Naturally, there was a nameless freshness.
“Don’t say, your social structure is much more complicated than civilizations of higher order.”
“No, it should be because of the level of life. In the growing period of individual life, the outside world has to be intervened. The worldview built by mankind for nearly 10,000 years must be instilled in every individual in the past ten years.”
“In just a few decades of life, the growth period actually accounts for one-third or even one-fourth of the entire life process, tsk tsk, this is also unusual.”
Tang Zhenli: “”
Although Miluo’s words were eloquent and even meant to kill someone, it was obvious that Tang Zhenli didn’t want to talk to him, so he walked faster.
Thinking about it, objectively speaking, the growth period of human beings is indeed ridiculously long. Of course, this is compared to the entire life cycle.
Moreover, the evolution of nearly 10,000 years has not allowed every living individual to evolve, and does not accept external intervention. Every human individual who is just born will transform into a savage tens of thousands of years ago at any time.
For example, if a person has not received any education since childhood, then he is no different from the uncivilized savage tens of thousands of years ago.
But the problem is, even if Tang Zhenli understands, he can’t change this.
This is the result of natural evolution. If you want to change, you can only make the level of life jump, that is, the ascension sequence.
So in the end, Tang Zhenli simply forced himself to think about other things and stopped listening to Miluo’s ‘comments’.
Fortunately, after entering the administrative building of Longke University, Miluo finally shut up, and Tang Zhenli’s ears were also a little clearer.
As soon as he went up to the third floor, Tang Zhenli found Wu Shaoying holding his shoulders and waiting in the corridor.
On the other side, Wu Shaoying saw Tang Zhenli for the first time, her eyes brightened, and then she hurried to Tang Zhenli’s side.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also asked, with a bit of concern in his eyes.
“What happened?”
Seeing Tang Zhenli’s reaction, Wu Shaoying had to patiently tell him about the conflict between Tang Ziyue and Xia Lian.
Tang Zhenli, who was listening directly, frowned. To be honest, he was busy with work.He hates being disturbed the most.
This time it was because of Tang Ziyue’s affairs, so she ran over in a hurry.
But now, hearing what Wu Shaoying said, he dared to quarrel for a long time, but it was just two little girls who had a conflict?
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli sighed helplessly, forget it, who said this is his own sister? I don’t care, who else will care?
Then he took Wu Shaoying and walked towards the office of the director of the teaching department.
As soon as the door was pushed open, Tang Zhenli instantly attracted everyone’s attention.
Almost instantly, the atmosphere in the office fell silent.
Wang Bi is okay, her expression is quite calm. After all, she met yesterday, and she also expected that if things got serious, Academician Xiao Tang would definitely come.
But other people are not so calm, such as Xia Qi, Xia Lian and Shen Youwei.
All of them stood there in a daze, their minds blank.
Although Academician Xiao Tang’s reputation is well-known in the Dragon Kingdom today, and he has even been a frequent visitor on TV recently, this is the first time they have seen Tang Zhenli in real life.
Even Xia Qi was the same, his expression gradually turned into shock after being dazed for a moment. Tang Zhenli didn’t have a good reputation when he was in Long Ke University, and he didn’t pay much attention to it.
Even when Tang Zhenli became famous and left Dragon Science and Technology University, Xia Qi had never met the real Tang Zhenli.
Under the shock in her eyes, Xia Qi’s mind gradually became active.
Never thought, never thought, never thought, how could this great god be invited here!
But before a few people could think about it carefully, Tang Ziyue, who had kept a cold face, ran towards Tang Zhenli directly. After that, without saying a word, he hugged Tang Zhenli’s arm and looked at Xia Qi and Xia Lian with unfriendly eyes.
The relationship seems even closer than Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli.
Seeing such a situation, even a fool can see it at this time.
Tang Ziyue, Tang Zhenli
It doesn’t matter if you say it, even if you kill them, you won’t believe it.
At this moment, he finally realized why he couldn’t find Tang Ziyue’s student file before.
Now it seems that it is because of this
Don’t think about it, out of some need, Tang Ziyue’s academic status was naturally hidden by someone with a heart, and this person with a heart is likely to be the dean!
The moment he realized this, Xia Qi was 4.8, and his back was soaked in cold sweat in an instant, and the reason was precisely because of this ordinary-looking young man in front of him.
Even though Tang Zhenli didn’t have the slightest momentum at this time and looked extremely restrained, Xia Qi was still under pressure and couldn’t lift his head.
As for Xia Lian on the side, although she didn’t feel Tang Zhenli’s aura, she still looked at Tang Ziyue in a daze, and then at Tang Zhenli. Her eyes were wide open, and she couldn’t come back to her senses for a long time.
No one expected that Tang Ziyue would have a relationship with Tang Zhenli.
Although both of them are surnamed Tang, there are many people with the surname Tang in Longguo. It is impossible for everyone to think of Tang Zhenli when they see a person surnamed Tang!
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