Xia Qi who feels cheated!
In the Office of the Dean of Long Ke University,
The atmosphere did not calm down with the passage of time, but instead became more and more frozen in silence.
But obviously, this kind of solidification is only for one-sided solidification.
Just like Xia Qi standing in front of the desk.
At this moment, Xia Qi’s heart was full of bitterness, and he had already remembered that there had been a rumor on the Longke University campus that the sister of Academician Xiao Tang was studying at the Longke University.
This rumor is naturally believed by the students of Longke University, but to him, who is the teaching director, he naturally thinks it is nonsense.
If Academician Tang’s younger sister is studying at Longke University, it is impossible for him not to know something.
But now it seems that this rumor is actually true!
If that’s the case, it can only be said that the dean’s secrecy work is really good, even he, the dean, can’t hide it.
Thinking of this, Xia Qi subconsciously glanced at Tang Ziyue again, with a bit of resentment in his eyes.
If you had moved out Academician Tang earlier, would he have been arguing like this all the time?
Calling one’s sister-in-law sister, is this a human thing? This properly made 11 suffer!
After realizing this, Xia Qi only felt more and more desolate in her heart.
At this time, he was still struggling with Tang Ziyue’s attitude. Academician Tang’s younger sister had a bit of a temper, which was considered normal.
But just as he was thinking, Tang Ziyue stood on tiptoe and put his mouth next to Tang Zhenli’s ear, and then seemed to be saying something softly
Seeing this, Xia Qi raised her heart in an instant. Although the position of the teaching director of Longke University is not low, and Tang Zhenli is not his direct superior, he is also one of the heads of the Science and Technology Department.
Already counted as a leader at the level, compared to him, I don’t know how much higher.
It can be said that even Fu Zhiyuan, the dean of Longke University, is half a level lower than Tang Zhenli in terms of rank.
Regarding this, he couldn’t help but be worried.
While Tang Ziyue and Tang Zhenli were whispering, no one in the huge office dared to speak out.
After a long while, I understood the matterTang Zhenli’s eyes stayed on Xia Lian and Xia Xia Qi for a moment,
When they saw this, Xia Lian and Xia Xia Qi also felt tight in their hearts.
Xia Xia Qi needless to say, Xia Lian no longer has the high attitude she used to have before, and she can’t wait to shrink her head to her chest.
To tell the truth, she also applied for the entrance examination of Longke University with Academician Xiao Tang in her mind. She hoped to have face-to-face contact with Academician Xiao Tang, and it is best to work together after graduation.
Of course, many of her students this year applied for Longke University for this reason.
But now I didn’t expect that my first meeting with Academician Xiao Tang turned out to be like this.
That little green, that Tang Ziyue turned out to be the younger sister of Academician Xiao Tang!
Although it had been rumored on campus before, she did not expect that the younger sister of Academician Xiao Tang, who had been discussed by others, turned out to be her roommate.
If that’s the case, then everything makes sense.
No wonder Tang Ziyue was dismissive of her cousin before, no wonder she always felt a sense of superiority in Tang Ziyue
If this is replaced by the younger sister of Academician Xiao Tang
If you think about it like this, you can’t understand it!
When the uncle and nephew were extremely nervous, Tang Zhenli spoke, his tone seemed extremely calm.
“Director Xia? If this matter is handled according to the school’s rules and regulations, what should be the result?”
Listening to Tang Zhenli’s question, Xia Xia Qi’s heart tightened, he swallowed hard, and then stammered.
“That, that Academician Tang, usually verbal criticism is fine in this case, after all, it’s not a big fault.”
But before he could finish speaking, Tang Zhenli’s questioning voice came again.
Compared to just now, Tang Zhenli’s tone was somewhat solemn.
“Then why did you give Ziyue a punishment or even a school probation before?”
Hearing this, Xia Xia Qi’s heart was about to come to his throat, but he still said it afterward.
“This, this, this is all about Tang Ziyue’s attitude before, but it’s just a small matter, it doesn’t matter!”
Seeing Xia Xia Qi’s respectful appearance, even though Tang Zhenli wanted to vent his anger on Tang Ziyue, he couldn’t find any reason for a while.
To put it bluntly, it’s all about the conflicts between little girls. If it’s true, maybe he doesn’t even understand it himself.
I happened to think that I still have things to do, so I might as well be more straightforward, and then said directly.
“Then can I take Ziyue away now? Director Xia?”
Listening to Tang Zhenli’s words, Xia Xia Qi suddenly felt as if he had been granted amnesty, and immediately said in a very respectful tone,
“Yes! Of course you can!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also nodded at him expressionlessly, and then left the office with Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue.
After the three of them left, only the other three people in the Tang 170 Ziyue dormitory and Xia Xia Qi were left in the office, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed a little.
Although Tang Zhenli only took a few minutes from appearing to leaving.
But there is no doubt that in these few minutes, the oppression that Tang Zhenli brought to everyone was unprecedented.
On the other hand, even though Tang Zhenli had already left, Shen Youwei, who had been watching silently before, still couldn’t calm down.
At this time, a word kept popping up in her heart, Academician Xiao Tang, Academician Xiao Tang
What did she see, she saw the living Academician Xiao Tang!
Moreover, Academician Xiao Tang is actually her roommate’s brother! ! !
Is there anything more magical than this? ? ?
While her mind was active, Shen Youwei’s expression also froze.
Seeing that Shen Youwei has been unable to get out of it, Wang Bi from the side cast a clear look.
Thinking back then, when I just learned the truth yesterday, is it not like this?
But at this moment, in a time when no one had time to react.
Xia Lian hurriedly walked out of the office door

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