Inspect Space Weapons!
In the next few days, with Miluo and Tang Zhenli hiding from each other, life was considered peaceful.
But for some reason, since that day, Miluo’s attitude towards Tang Zhenli has improved a lot, and even the tone of his conversation is not as condescending as before.
In this way, one person, one pet, one thing, living together harmoniously.
As a high-level life form, Miluo has already lost the necessary factors for human survival, such as eating and the like. Of course, except for sleeping, sleeping has become Miluo’s personal hobby.
The current Miluo can be said to be chanting in Tang Zhenli’s ear after waking up, and then going to sleep after chanting, and the cycle continues like this.
Regarding this, Tang Zhenli had no choice but to let it go.
But just today, the Dragon Kingdom’s military invited him to inspect the new weapons of the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force to see if there are any major problems in the overall direction.
When Tang Zhenli first got the news, he was a little confused for a while.
You know, I only entrusted some specific space weapon plans to the Dragon Kingdom military after the New Year’s Eve. It has only been less than two months. Is the military’s speed so impatient?
But thinking about the detailed plan I gave at the beginning, it is no wonder that the Dragon Kingdom military is like this. After all, the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force will play a big role in establishing a human planetary defense system.
This is something that will affect the future world structure. Even the Dragon Kingdom has to be cautious.
Although from Tang Zhenli’s point of view at this time, some struggles within human beings are obviously so unnecessary for the overall cosmic structure.
But in general, this is an internal matter of human beings.
Even if he knows some truths about the current universe, he still can’t change it. Since he can’t change it, then just go along with it.
Just as she was thinking, the phone on the desk rang again.
“jingle bell jingle bell”
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and then he directly picked up the conversation on the desk.
“Hello, I’m Tang Zhenli!”
After the words fell, a voice full of air came from the other end of the phone.
“Report sir, the plane is ready and ready to depart at any time!”
For a moment, Tang Zhenli was so shocked by the voice on the phone that he took the conversation away.
But at this moment, he also understood, it seems that the military should be waiting anxiously
If that’s the case, let’s go there, sooner or later you have to go there.
With this in mind, Tang Zhenli greeted Wu Shaoying and Tang Ziyue with his mobile phone, and after saying hello to Qi Lu, he got dressed and set off directly.
Once on the ground, I saw a military helicopter lying quietly on the large flat ground of the Four Saints Research Institute.
After seeing Tang Zhenli, a military team that was in charge of escorting Tang Zhenli on this trip also rushed towards him. After saluting, they escorted him onto the plane.
As the helicopter slowly lifted off, the journey began.
Before the base of the Dragon Kingdom’s strategic space force is built, the destination of this trip is undoubtedly the Northwest Space Base.
At this time, the staff in the Four Saints Research Institute also looked familiar with this scene, but still respectfully watched the helicopter slowly go away.
After all, the current Tang Zhenli is not just the person in charge of the Four Sages Research Institute. Tang Zhenli now holds a high position and holds several positions. It is understandable that he is busy.
Finally, after nearly ten hours of trekking, Tang Zhenli returned to the familiar Northwest Space Base.
However, what is different from before is that there is a strange ‘passenger’ added to this journey
As soon as he got off the plane, the voice of Miluo’s broken thoughts came again.
“Is this the way humans travel? Use simple mechanical principles to indirectly control the truth of the universe, but it only consumes energy and time tsk tsk, if some iron-based civilization sees you ‘abusing’ them so much Homogeneous ‘life’, maybe it will directly fight with you.”
“It’s a pity that traveling within a planet is so cumbersome, no wonder it is”
In the end, Tang Zhenli directly chose to ignore Miluo’s words, followed a few soldiers, and walked directly towards the space strategic force station on the outskirts of the Northwest Space Base.
However, while walking, Tang Zhenli was also thinking about whether there was a more convenient way to travel based on the theory.
But before he could get to the bottom of it, a familiar voice came to his ears.
“Academician Tang, long time no see!”
When Tang Zhenli looked up, the middle-aged officer in front of him with a happy face was not Meng Siyuan, who else could it be?
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also said with a smile.
“Commander Meng, long time no see!”
Seeing Tang Zhenli’s arrival, Meng Siyuan was extremely excited, and then said hastily.
“It’s not too late. I know Academician Tang is busy, so let’s hurry up!”
As he spoke, he winked at the staff officer at the side, and then led Tang Zhenli to the Northwest Space Base.
In the original ‘Zhuangba’ project building, or the Armament Research Institute at this time.
The arrival of Tang Zhenli immediately caused a commotion in the whole building, althoughMany people in the institute were formerly Tang Zhenli’s subordinates.
But after all, the current Tang Zhenli is different from the previous Tang Zhenli.
The most obvious thing is the gap in status. Tang Zhenli is not like before. He only has the technical title of chief engineer.
Although he is well-known, Tang Zhenli has always been a very vague concept when it comes to specific positions.
The current Tang Zhenli is the first Chief Scientist of the Dragon Kingdom, and his position is equivalent to one of the heads of the Science and Technology Department of the Dragon Kingdom. Moreover, Tang Zhenli still retains his military status.
This means that Tang Zhenli is now their immediate boss.
So no matter from which angle you look at it, it makes sense that Tang Zhenli caused such a stir.

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