The Weakness of Individual Combat Mechs!
In the finished product exhibition room, staff members of various projects were crowded outside the door, each of them scrambling to look into the room.
At this time, in the finished product exhibition room, only Meng Siyuan and several project leaders surrounded Tang Zhenli.
Looking at the two sets of mechas standing in front of him, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help stroking them lightly. The cold metal touch brought him a strong sense of security.
On the whole, he is satisfied, but he has not seen some parameter data and actual measurement data.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but turned his head and asked Meng Siyuan.
“Commander Meng, is there any specific comparison between measured data and parameter data?”
Hearing this, Meng Siyuan’s eyes flashed with embarrassment, and then he glanced at several project leaders. Obviously, this is also a master who only cares about the results.
Although he used to watch the development process of new space weapons from time to time, he mainly watched the results. As for the process, it was too embarrassing for him to understand it for a pure soldier like him.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also laughed in his heart, knowing that he was still being abrupt, and professional knowledge still needs to be answered by professionals.
So, he also set his sights on the several project leaders who followed him, and one of his old acquaintances, Chu Wenqian, even became one of the project leaders of the Space Strategic Force Armament Research Institute.
You know, Chu Wenqian is not a few years older than Tang Zhenli. It is unprecedented in this age group to be in such a position. Of course, Tang Zhenli should not be considered.
The project leader who is also in her twenties, if Tang Zhenli hadn’t been born, Chu Wenqian might be the number one scientific researcher in Dragon Kingdom today.
In the end, it was Chu Wenqian who understood his intentions, and took a step forward, walked up to Tang Zhenli, that is, in front of the two individual combat mechs, took out a chip from its head, and then inserted it into the chip she carried with her. on the laptop.
After a while, Chu Wenqian turned around, holding the laptop in both hands, and nodded slightly towards Tang Zhenli.
Seeing this, Tang Zhenli also took over the computer, and then browsed carefully.
During this period, the atmosphere in the venue was extremely quiet, and the staff who probed outside the door did not dare to take a breath, and even the several project leaders in the room raised their hearts.
If it was said that face was approved by Tang Gong just now, then Lizi is undoubtedly accepting Tang Zhenli’s test now.
That’s why many of the current staff look like elementary school students who are being tested on their homework, and the teacher who is testing their homework is Tang Zhenli.
Of course, only Tang Zhenli can make the expressions of the knowledgeable R&D personnel.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli looked at the densely packed experimental data line by line, and gradually recalled some detailed context of his original plan in his mind.
Comparing these contexts with the data in front of him, Tang Zhenli’s brain was running at high speed for a while. Unexpectedly, such a phenomenon directly attracted Miluo’s attention.
“Boy, what are you doing? Why is there such a big fluctuation in consciousness?”
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli ignored it at all, and was still comparing the two-phase data.
Seeing this, even though Miluo was a little anxious, she couldn’t do anything about Tang Zhenli’s reaction. In desperation, Miluo had no choice but to observe carefully.
Here, Tang Zhenli also found some clues through comparison.
There seems to be a discrepancy between the developed individual combat mech and Tang Zhenli’s original plan, and the discrepancy does not seem to be small.
At this time, when all the staff members saw Tang Zhenli’s frowning, their hearts twitched, and a sense of tension immediately spread.
“Why does the internal circulation system inside the current mecha fail to meet the expected requirements? Don’t you all know that the internal circulation system is a very important part of individual combat mechas in space?”
In the end, Tang Zhenli frowned and asked several project leaders word by word.
In fact, when he first considered the design, he did extra research on the internal circulation system of the individual combat mecha.
In space, a human body cannot withstand the environment in a vacuum at all. Although Tang Zhenli doesn’t know the purpose of this combat mech in the future, when it comes to matters related to people, everythingWe must be cautious.
Because everyone who goes into space is a warrior to mankind!
Naturally, in this regard, we must pay extra attention.
However, the data of the internal circulation system of the mecha that is presented at the moment is not just a little bit worse than expected.
It even goes so far as to say that the current individual combat mecha can only undertake activities in the cabin at most, and it is difficult to guarantee activities in space. How can this not make Tang Zhenli feel dissatisfied.
But at this moment, Chu Wenqian quickly explained,
“Tang Gong, at the beginning of our research and development, we also considered a complete internal circulation system, but after the final test, if the internal circulation system is installed, the cost of a set of individual combat mechs will be greatly increased and reduced. A request is a last resort!”
After the words fell, Meng Siyuan seemed to have thought of something, and quickly replied.
“Yes, yes, I also knew about the briefing at the beginning. Academician Tang, I really can’t keep up with the materials. At present, the number of crew members of the ‘Phoenix’ is 5,000, plus there are all kinds of technicians. , if everyone is equipped with a set of individual combat mechas or auxiliary mechas, the logistics side”
As he said that, Meng Siyuan also showed a bit of embarrassment on his face.
To be able to make the chief officer of the first army show such an expression, one can imagine how big the gap in materials is.
Here, listening to the two people’s explanation, Tang Zhenli was also pensive, and began to recall the internal circulation system in the original plan in his mind.

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