Construction of the second space carrier!
For now, there are only a few ways to destroy the universe, heat death, big collapse, big tear, and big freeze.
But any of them is unimaginable for human beings.
Even a high-sequence intelligent life individual like Miluo is unimaginable.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli also said in a half-joking way.
“If, what I’m talking about is if human beings master the method to destroy the universe, what will happen?”
Unexpectedly, after Miluo heard the words, his spirit fluctuated violently, and then he said in a cautious tone.
“There is no doubt that human beings will first become the masters of the universe! Then go to destruction! Because all higher sequences do not want to see a group with such a strong emotional ability control the life and death of the universe!”
During the words, the awe-inspiring feeling came directly to his face, which made Tang Zhenli stunned for a moment.
After that, everyone was silent for a long time.
After a long while, Tang Zhenli suddenly came back to his senses, how could he be led more and more sideways by Miluo, and what he asked before was obviously not this.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli asked persistently.
“To be honest, if I really mastered the method of destroying a high-level sequence, does this count as indirectly mastering the method of destroying life in the universe?”
Following Tang Zhenli’s words, Miluo fell silent.
And this also convinced Tang Zhenli that Miluo must have deliberately changed the topic before.
After a long time, Miluo finally spoke, and asked with vigilance in her tone.
“Boy, what do you want to do?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s heart skipped a beat, and then he said curiously.
“There’s no reason to be curious.”
After a few breaths, Miluo spoke.
“Boy, it’s best not to think about it, although everyThe high-sequence civilizations are equal, but it does not mean that each high-sequence civilization behaves in the same way. If you encounter an electromagnetic civilization, you may directly drag the entire universe to its end, and you don’t want to be restricted by the low-sequence civilization.”
“Then what if it’s a high-energy civilization?”
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli would not let him go, and continued to ask.
The moment Tang Zhenli finished speaking, Miluo spoke, with a bit of anger in his tone.
“Boy, don’t go too far! You’ve crossed the line!”
Sensing Miluo’s emotions, Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up slightly, because he knew that he might have asked the right question.
“Master Miluo is afraid that the advanced civilization of the fourth sequence will be controlled by human beings? If not, why don’t you want to answer this question for lower human beings?”
Hearing this, Miluo suddenly ran away.
“How is it possible? My majestic Fourth Sequence Cosmic Inspector, Master Mi Luo, would be afraid of little humans? If I hadn’t been severely injured, I would just snap my fingers, let alone humans, and this planet would be wiped out!”
Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli ignored Miluo’s self-promotion and continued to ask questions.
“So yes or no?”
After the words fell, Miluo seemed to have fallen into silence, and spoke after a moment.
“Friends don’t tell lies. My friend, Master Miluo, is lying to friends a tradition of higher sequences?”
Who would have thought that Tang Zhenli didn’t believe him at all, and seemed to be determined to ask him a satisfactory answer.
After the words fell, Miluo fell silent again, and did not continue until quite a while later.
“Of course, if some people in power have other ideas, the situation will be very complicated!”
Tang Zhenli couldn’t understand what Miluo said.
It seems that the interior of the high-energy civilization is not monolithic.
Here, Miluo’s mood is very entangled at this time. It stands to reason that it doesn’t need to pay attention to this human brat at all.
In other words, it doesn’t matter if you tell this human kid some of the truth.
But every time at this time, it can’t help but think of the thing in Tang Zhenli’s mind.
Before, it didn’t believe that this human kid could subvert the sequence of the universe.
For some reason, it often thinks of this unrealistic and almost absurd idea in its mind.
What if, what if, this kid really did it?
Thinking of this, Miluo quickly interrupted his train of thought.
impossible! Absolutely impossible!
It must be because I slept too much during this time!
Thinking of this, Miluo seemed to relax a lot.
Think about how a dignified high-sequence intelligent life individual would be frightened by a low-sequence human kid
I don’t want to, sleep sleep
Not long after, Tang Zhenli suddenly found that no matter how he spoke, Miluo never responded.
Only then did Tang Zhenli come to his senses, and Miluo probably fell into dormancy again.
Thinking of this, even Tang Zhenli couldn’t help muttering in a low voice.
“Who would have thought that Tangtang, a high-level life outside the earth, would actually be addicted to sleep?”
After finishing speaking, Tang Zhenli also closed his eyes, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.
Longguo Science and Technology Department, Office of the person in charge,
Ji Chengtian was sitting at his desk, holding a document in his hands and watching intently.
This is an application for the construction of the second space carrier of the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force
Not long after, Ji Chengtian put down this document, then picked up another document, looking at the repair progress of the “Phoenix” during this period, with a slightly thoughtful expression.
According to this progress, the “Tiangong Project” can be carried out as planned, and the construction of the planetary defense system can also be carried out simultaneously.
But according to Dragon Kingdom’s future focus on space exploration, and the completeness of Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force, the “Phoenix” alone is indeed somewhat overwhelmed.
Besides, there is competition and pressure from other superpowers in this regard. .
In the end, Ji Chengtian, who was thinking twice, signed his name on the application for building the second space carrier.
Since the Dragon Kingdom is already ahead of other countries in the world at this time, it is necessary to maintain this leading advantage.

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