: Tang Zhenli’s Scheme!
Here, Tang Zhenli, who had just returned from the airport to the Four Saints Research Institute, saw a document on his desk, pinched his chin with one hand, and looked thoughtful.
Looking at the time at the bottom of the document, it should be the latest regulations of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
According to the document, the delivery of Dragon Kingdom’s second space carrier has already begun for approval.
In fact, Tang Zhenli is currently the chief scientist of Longguo, and every time the Ministry of Science and Technology approves a copy, he will have a separate copy for him to review.
Even if some of them have nothing to do with him, this has become a custom.
And seeing this news, Tang Zhenli’s first reaction should be that the “Tiangong Project” will continue.
Some of the previous plans for the “Tiangong Project” are actually almost perfect, but I never thought that I would meet the “Grim Reaper” in the end.
The subsequent situation was that the “Phoenix” was severely damaged, so the “Tiangong Project” of the Dragon Kingdom has been put on hold.
Now it seems that the reconstruction of the second space carrier by the Dragon Kingdom means that the Dragon Kingdom wants to carry out the “Tiangong Project” and the establishment of a planetary defense system simultaneously.
But these, to be honest, don’t have much to do with me.
In fact, during the time spent with Miluo, Tang Zhenli’s thinking has changed a lot. He knows that human beings will never be able to keep up with the queue of the universe by relying on simple and gradual development!Judging from the current situation of human beings, only by overtaking in corners can we continue to survive in the universe!
But to be honest, even Tang Zhenli didn’t catch the shortcut to overtaking at this corner.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help feeling a little helpless.
In fact, Tang Zhenli also thought about publishing some of the things that Miluo told him about the environment of the universe before, but every time he thought about it again and again, he still didn’t make this decision.
In his opinion, there are only two preconditions for releasing these news.
One is when human beings are on the verge of extinction, and the other is when he has found a way to fly high-level sequences.
But now, apparently not either of these two occasions
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli sat quietly at the desk, rather confused.
But suddenly, at this moment, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and then he thought of the semi-finished product of the curvature spaceship that was still quietly placed in the laboratory warehouse.
I stopped researching the curvature spaceship for technical reasons, but now I have Miluo by my side
This guy sleeps in his body every day, now it’s time to do his best.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up slightly, then he got up immediately and walked towards the core laboratory.
After a while, Tang Zhenli came to the laboratory, and as soon as he entered the laboratory, he walked straight towards the warehouse.
While walking, Tang Zhenli kept trying to wake up Miluo in his mind.
In the warehouse of the laboratory, except for an unmanned tactical mech lying quietly aside, there is also a large-scale arc-shaped cabin placed here.
Undoubtedly, one of these is the previous “Hanguang”, and the others are semi-finished products of curvature spacecraft.
At this moment, Miluo, who Tang Zhenli had never been able to wake up, actually woke up by himself, and immediately said,
“Huh? This breath”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli raised his brows, and then looked at the remaining fragments of the ‘Death’ asteroid before another thing in the laboratory warehouse, that is, Miluo’s broken limbs.
Obviously, within the time Tang Zhenli reacted, Miluo also discovered it.
“Boy! You still have my body here???!!!”
In the words, the anxious and urgent feeling was undisguised.
Later, Miluo also came to his senses, and then said with a bit of gritted teeth.
“Boy, you are so brave to hide Lord Miluo’s body!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, his brows also wrinkled, his eyes flickered, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth in the next moment, and then he moved his footsteps and turned around and walked outside.
To be fair, even if Miluo is an intelligent being of a higher order, the initiative now rests with him.
“Boy, what are you doing? Why don’t you return Lord Miluo’s body quickly!”
When the voice fell, I didn’t expect Tang Zhenli to leave as if he didn’t hear it, and the pace of leaving became more and more swift.
“Don’t stand still, kid!”
Tang Zhenli didn’t answer, his expression was calm, and he didn’t react at all.
“Stop, stop, boy!”
Tang Zhenli continued to walk back, turning a deaf ear to Miluo’s words.
“Stop! Forget it, boy, make some conditions!”
In the end, Miluo still gave in, his tone seemed to be exhausted, and he said weakly.
It can be seen that this human boy is completely the master of not seeing rabbits and not hawking eagles. If there is no benefit, he will not pay attention to you.
Unless these ‘stumps’ are really important to it, Miluo will never compromise. To a certain extent, this can help it recover faster.
To put it a little bit unrealistically, if Tang Zhenli found all of its ‘fragments’, Miluo would not even have to wait for his own clan to arrive, and it would immediately recover to a considerable level and strength.
There is no way, the life of the higher sequence is in a sense so 4.3 has no solution.
On this side, after hearing the words, Tang Zhenli’s originally expressionless expression suddenly changed, then he showed a slight smile, and his footsteps stopped, and finally he smiled and said to Miluo in a gentle tone.
“What are you talking about, Lord Miluo is my friend. Friends do not negotiate conditions. According to what we humans say, this is called mutual help between friends!”
While speaking, Tang Zhenli’s eyes narrowed into a line with a smile. If anyone saw this scene, everyone would think that Tang Zhenli at this time was very much like a little fox who succeeded in a ‘tricky scheme’.

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