Curvature spaceship, start again!
Sisheng Research Institute, in the core laboratory on the third basement floor,
To be honest, Miluo’s compromise was within Tang Zhenli’s expectations.
As far as Tang Zhenli is concerned, from the current point of view, if the beings of the higher sequence are as inattentive as Miluo, then the sense of fear will instantly drop.
Think about it, the weaker the group, the more obstacles it needs to survive, and for the life of the higher sequence, it is born in a relatively harmonious environment. among.
But Tang Zhenli would not be foolish enough to think that all beings in the higher sequence are like this.
After all, beings who can come up with a way to erase all the lower sequences in the universe are definitely not good people.
But no matter what, Miluo has stabilized.
At this moment, Miluo’s eager voice came again.
“Quick, give it to me!”
A few black lines appeared in Tang Zhenli’s forehead, butStill turned around and walked towards the storage shelf where the ‘Reaper’ asteroid fragments were stored.
In the end, Tang Zhenli asked 16 patiently.
“How should I give you?”
The moment the words fell, Miluo’s voice sounded again, revealing the deep eagerness in the words.
“You can touch it with your hands! Quick!”
Hearing this, the helpless Tang Zhenli also followed Miluo’s words and put his hands on a large dark and dull ‘shard’.
After listening for a moment, a burst of ecstasy sounded directly.
Hearing this voice, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but have the idea of ​​pulling his hands away.
And as the voice of ecstasy came one after another, Tang Zhenli’s thoughts became more and more intense.
How does this absorb my original body and make it look like that? I really don’t understand the hobbies of these higher-sequence beings.
In the end, just when Tang Zhenli couldn’t bear it, Miluo finally managed to absorb its original body.
And Tang Zhenli also felt that Miluo’s consciousness seemed to have grown a lot.
Sensing Miluo gradually calming down, Tang Zhenli curiously asked a question that had troubled him for a long time.
“Is there such a thing as gender between higher sequences?”
Unexpectedly, Miluo replied directly and quickly.
“No, don’t you think that higher sequences are like you and need to rely on reproduction to continue the continuation of the race?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, feeling a little better, and then murmured in a puzzled tone.
Then Tang Zhenli shook his head abruptly, pulling his thoughts away from these irrelevant things.
At this time, Miluo did not forget the promise just now, and asked Tang Zhenli in a flat tone.
“Boy, tell me, what do you want the honorable Master Miluo to do?”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows, then set his eyes on the semi-finished curvature spaceship, and continued following Miluo’s words.
“Okay, my honorable friend, Lord Miluo, can you see what this is?”
While speaking, Tang Zhenli pointed to the curvature engine and said.
Following Tang Zhenli’s words, Miluo also focused on the curvature spaceship in front of him.
At this time, Tang Zhenli also felt that Miluo’s consciousness seemed to have separated from his body, covering the curvature spaceship in front of him.
Immediately, a layer of gray halo directly enveloped the curvature spaceship with a size of more than ten meters.
Tang Zhenli couldn’t help staring at such a scene. You must know that Miluo hadn’t shown this ability before.
For a while, Tang Zhenli didn’t know whether it was the reason Miluo didn’t make a move before, or the ability to recover after absorbing his own ‘fragments’ just now.
After a while, the gray halo returned to Tang Zhenli’s body.
Then Miluo’s voice came directly from Tang Zhenli’s mind, with a somewhat surprised tone.
“I didn’t expect you humans to have come into contact with the laws of the trajectory of the universe. It shouldn’t be right?”
In the end, Miluo seemed to be talking to himself.
After a while, seeing that there was no sound from Miluo, Tang Zhenli reminded curiously.
“Well, that’s how it is.”
At this time, Miluo seemed to want to understand, and said to himself.
After that, Miluo spoke again, with an explanation in his words.
“I said that you have only touched the fur. Looking at the application of this thing, it seems that you still don’t know how to control it. According to your human beings, what is it called? Oh yes, the gravitational field, you humans have not fully grasped it. Control the gravitational field!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli lowered his head slightly, his eyes revealing deep thought.
As Mi Luo said, this is also the reason why Tang Zhenli interrupted the research on the curvature spacecraft.
As we all know, in order to carry out curvature navigation and utilize the characteristics of the cosmic plane, it is necessary to change the space-time structure, and the energy required to change the space-time structure is incomparably huge.
Previously, Tang Zhenli wanted to use a controllable nuclear fusion engine to realize it, but during the research and development process, Tang Zhenli suddenly discovered that the energy required to change the space-time structure 620 is not an order of magnitude compared to the energy of the controllable nuclear fusion engine. !
To change the energy of the space-time structure, there are only massive celestial bodies like black holes.
Only the gravitational force emanating from the gravitational field of such a massive celestial body can greatly change the space-time structure of the universe!
And this is why Miluo said that black holes are the nodes of space travel.
But the problem is that life in a higher sequence like Miluo can achieve the purpose of space navigation through black holes, but humans can’t do it, not only humans can’t do it, even anything built by humans can’t do it.
It’s impossible to install a black hole on the curvature spacecraft, right? it’s totally unrealistic
Not to mention that the spacecraft will be in a gravitational field with a strong difference, but if it wants to reach the speed of light, then the gravitational field has undoubtedly reached the strength of the edge of the black hole event horizon, but if the gravitational field is strong enough to this level, what we know Any matter will be torn to pieces.
As far as any material is currently known, there is no material that can resist the power of a black hole!
This is why it is unrealistic

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