The prospect of space travel!
Thinking of this, even Tang Zhenli couldn’t help feeling a little depressed.
Or really, as Mi Luo said, when a life is born, the sequence he is in has already determined his fate.
It’s just likeLike human beings, they can only be trapped in a corner forever, and finally, after being discovered by the higher sequence of the universe, they will be wiped out and killed.
But in the end, Tang Zhenli managed to adjust his emotions.
Because he thought of something
Things that humans can’t do, but right now there is a non-human in my body.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli regained his confidence, and then asked Miluo with a bit of hope in his tone.
“Can humans achieve this level of travel?”
Unexpectedly, Miluo said it directly and neatly.
Listening to Miluo’s words, Tang Zhenli knew that it was still playing tricks and refused to tell the truth.
I saw Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and then he said in a deliberate or unintentional tone.
“If I remember correctly, I seem to have collected a lot at the beginning.”
Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Miluo couldn’t sit still, and immediately asked Tang Zhenli.
“What did you collect? What? Is it the kind just now?”
Hearing Miluo’s shrewd contrivance, Tang Zhenli was stunned for a while, with a strange expression on his face.
There is even a sense of guilt in my heart for no reason. This thing is too foolish.
Originally, Tang Zhenli had already thought of a series of tricks and tricks in his mind, a series of tricks to induce Miluo, but he didn’t expect that Miluo would directly fall into the trap, and he didn’t even give Tang Zhenli a chance to think.
Is this thing really an advanced sequence?
For Miluo, this is a disadvantage, but for Tang Zhenli, it is an inseparable advantage!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli also swallowed a little guiltily, and then said calmly.
“It seems to be, but.”
“Needless to say, boy, I know what you want. If human beings want to achieve this level of cosmic travel, the premise is that they must use the help of high-level sequences, but unfortunately, intelligent individuals of high-level sequences see human civilization. What about those things that obliterate, not help you, at first sight?”
Listening to Miluo’s somewhat hasty words, Tang Zhenli shook his head slightly and said in a calm tone.
“Don’t worry, there are no high-level sequences willing to help humans. Isn’t there one right now?”
“Who? Ah! I know, human boy, you should be talking about the idea in your head”
Speaking of which, Miluo’s voice gradually became lower, and he found that he seemed to have missed the point.
Because it suddenly thought that Tang Zhenli didn’t seem to know that there was something else in his mind.
But in fact, the ignorance in Miluo’s cognition was Tang Zhenli’s ignorance.
At this time, Tang Zhenli’s mind changed abruptly when he heard the words, and he simply followed Miluo’s words and said.
“What idea, shouldn’t it be Lord Miluo in my mind? Is there something else?”
There is a reason for Tang Zhenli to say this, because the relationship between him and the system must not be known to Miluo, which is one of the necessary conditions for him to have an equal dialogue with Miluo.
As long as Miluo knows the real relationship between Tang Zhenli and the system, I am afraid that Miluo’s attitude towards him will not be the same as it is now.
Here, Miluo, who heard the words, also said quickly.
“No, no, of course, the supreme Lord Miluo is in your mind!”
Hearing Miluo open his eyes and talk nonsense, Tang Zhenli stepped on his feet a little and laughed secretly in his heart.
So, he followed Miluo’s words and said it directly.
“I knew that as a friend, Lord Miluo would definitely help me!”
Hearing this, Miluo had no choice but to answer against his will.
“Of course!”
There was no way, the words had already been said, and Miluo was forced to agree.
In its cognition, Tang Zhenli seemed to have a high-level sequence in his mind secretly helping mankind.
In this case, it can only say so.
If Tang Zhenli knew that there were other high-level sequences in his mind, then things would be bad!
At least, Miluo thinks so
Here, seeing Miluo agree, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help feeling excited.
If Miluo was there, then from time to time, would it mean that you could immediately go on a cosmic trip?
While seeing other civilizations, you may be able to find a way for human civilization to ascend to the higher order!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli forcibly restrained the excitement in his heart and said calmly to Miluo.
“Then, my dear friend, Lord Miluo, can you protect me on a space trip?”
Unexpectedly, Miluo’s words directly disappointed Tang Zhenli.
“According to the current situation, I’m afraid I can’t. My life source is seriously lost and I can’t control it.”
Speaking of which, Miluo’s tone paused, and just like that, Tang Zhenli rekindled hope.
“If you provide me with the source of life again, it probably needs such a big piece of the house, it should be enough!”
Hearing Miluo’s words, Tang Zhenli’s eyes suddenly lit up.
Of course he knew what Miluo said about the origin of life, it was just its ‘fragments’.
In fact, it is not difficult for Tang Zhenli to collect such fragments.
Back then ‘Death’
When Miluo was blown up, apart from the scattered debris, there should be a lot left in the Earth’s low-Earth orbit.
That being said, it is not without hope!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flickered slightly, and then he pretended to be embarrassed.
“Lord Miluo, I’ll see if I can find something similar.”
Hearing the words, Miluo also heard in his heart.A joy, if I can recover my strength, then I don’t have to be confined to this low-level civilization anymore!
For a moment, the two sides, who both felt that they had taken advantage of it, began to look forward to it under a tacit tacit understanding.

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