Commissioning of the Engineering Ship!
After discussing with Miluo, Tang Zhenli immediately contacted Meng Siyuan.
According to the previous repair report, the “Phoenix” can return to its normal trajectory in less than a month at most.
So Tang Zhenli also entrusted Meng Siyuan to pay more attention to the debris from the previous explosion of the “Reaper” asteroid when the “Phoenix” was relaunched.
Naturally, Meng Siyuan agreed with all his heart. For the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategy Force on the “Phoenix”, this is a trivial matter, a matter of convenience.
If nothing else, a large part of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid escaped the earth’s orbit due to the original impact, and a very small part of it either fell on the earth or is still floating in the low-earth orbit.
At present, only a part that fell to the earth and a part in low-Earth orbit can be collected.
Although this is only a small part, compared to the huge size of the ‘Reaper’ asteroid, it is exactly the size of a room that Mi Luo said.
There is no need to worry about the part that fell to the earth. Although the atmosphere cannot pose a threat to it, it is also troublesome to find the huge earth.
So now the fastest way is to collect those debris in low earth orbit.
For a while, Tang Zhenli inevitably began to look forward to the recovery of Miluo.
However, judging from the current situation, it may take several months.
During this period, Tang Zhenli received a notice to restart the “Tiangong Project”.
The notice stated that the “Archangel” jointly developed by the Bald Eagle Country and the John Bull Country has left the low-earth orbit and has gone to the lunar orbit.
At the same time, the research and development of the space carrier of the Maoxiong Kingdom and the Gaul Chicken Kingdom is nearing completion, and the launch plan has even been put on the agenda.
Looking at the situation, since the “Reaper” asteroid incident, all superpowers have also begun to plan to go to space, and the progress does not seem to be slow.
Judging from the current information, whether it’s the “Archangel” or the Bearberry, the space carrier developed by the Gallic Chicken Kingdom is only about half the size of the “Phoenix”, and it has not reached a large scale.
Although in terms of hardware, there may still be some gaps with Longguo, but Longguo is already feeling the pressure at this time.
After all, the current ‘Phoenix’ will take some time to complete the repairs, and even if Dragon Kingdom’s second space carrier is developed, it will take at least half a year.
It seems that the few superpowers in the world have already set their sights on space.
And their direction is the same as that of Longguo, which is the moon, the only satellite of the earth!
Although humans have successfully landed on the moon before, and even the previous Dragon Kingdom sent spacecraft to land on the moon, this does not mean that humans have completely controlled the moon.
It can be said bluntly that human beings’ understanding of the moon is still on the surface.
So why are the current superpowers choosing the moon as the first target of development!
And as far as the current situation is concerned, I am afraid that the Bald Eagle Country and the John Bull Country will go one step further.
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli’s expression was somewhat solemn, even though he was not interested in the competition between these countries.
But he is a native of the Dragon Kingdom after all, and more or less involved in this aspect in the scientific research world.
As the saying goes, science has no borders, but scientists have borders!
Regarding this point, Tang Zhenli still knows it very clearly.
Besides, he is now regarded as the most representative scientific research scholar in the Dragon Kingdom, and he is also the person in charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology!
So naturally, he has the responsibility and obligation to pay attention to this.
It just so happens that it will take some time before collecting the fragments of Miluo, so why not take this opportunity to arrange some internal affairs first.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli was thinking about how to get ahead of the rest of the superpowers when the ‘Phoenix’ could not lift off.
Suddenly, Tang Zhenli seemed to think of something, and the surprise in his eyes disappeared in a flash.
Because he thought of the “Kunpeng” second-generation aerospace unmanned fighter developed by the “Phoenix” research and development team some time ago.
During the previous “Phoenix” crisis incident, the 100 “Kunpeng” air-space unmanned fighter jets installed on the “Phoenix” turned back for help under Tang Zhenli’s order.
Although some of the ‘Kunpeng’ space drones have been recovered, most of them are still lost in space.
Although the Ministry of Science and Technology is heartbroken by this, to be honest, as long as Tang Zhenli returns, these losses are within the acceptable range.
But even so, the previous generation of fighter jets was completely lost, so this led to the development of the second-generation “Kunpeng” aerospace unmanned fighter jet.
Compared with the previous generation of “Kunpeng” air-to-air unmanned fighters, the second-generation “Kunpeng” air-to-air unmanned fighters have moved their minds on the size.
Compared with the first-generation mini pocket fighter, the second-generation ‘Kunpeng’ air-space unmanned fighter jet already has the scale of a fighter jet.
If the previous generation was the size of a falcon, the size of the second generation is the size of a roc golden eagle.
So inspired by this, Tang Zhenli wondered if he could develop another engineering ship that was smaller than the ‘Phoenix’ but larger than ordinary spacecraft, that is, a medium-sized spacecraft.
It can be expected that when the moon is developed in the future,The role of this engineering ship will be greatly revealed.
Whether it is mining, maintenance, construction, transportation or many complicated jobs, this type of engineering ship can adapt.
Think about it, if the Dragon Kingdom had a fleet of engineering ships before the development of the moon, how much of a boost would this have for the ‘Tiangong Project’!
It is clear that the competition for the layout of the universe in the future must be a secret confrontation!
And what determines the strength of a secret confrontation is often this kind of inconspicuous thing.
While thinking about it, Tang Zhenli quickly walked back to the desk, and then began to carefully structure in his mind.

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