The man who led an era!
At this time, within the Northwest Aerospace Base,
Although a part of the project building has been requisitioned as the station of the Dragon Country Space Strategic Force.
However, the construction of the base of the Longguo Space Strategic Force seems to be coming to an end at the moment. It is believed that in less than half a year, the base built on the periphery of the Northwest Aerospace Base will be successfully delivered to the Longguo Space Strategic Force.
At the same time, during this period, the staff of the Northwest Space Base also seemed to realize the significance of their work place to the Dragon Kingdom.
Therefore, under the collective petition of all the staff of the Northwest Space Base, the application for the expansion of the Northwest Space Base was naturally placed on the desk of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
And looking at the current situation, it seems that the Ministry of Science and Technology has approved this application, especially after the Northwest Space Base is responsible for the construction of the Dragon Country’s second air carrier.
Whether intentional or not, Ji Chengtian seems to be preparing to turn the Northwest Space Base into a base solely responsible for spacecraft construction.
But no matter what, all the staff at the Northwest Space Base seem to be gearing up for the construction of the Dragon Country’s second space carrier.
Here, in the general project building of the Northwest Aerospace Base, in the office of the expert group,
Tang Heguang and Wan Wende sat opposite each other. At present, all the staff are focused on building the second air carrier.
As members of the expert group, they who only provide technical support are naturally idle.
At this moment, Wan Wende looked out the window intentionally or unintentionally, revealing this somewhat imperceptible complexity in his eyes.
The next moment, Wan Wende said calmly.
“Old Tang, I don’t know if you have noticed that there are fewer and fewer old faces in the base, but more and more new faces.”
Hearing this, Tang Heguang raised his eyelids lightly, closing his eyes and resting, and then glanced at Wan Wende.
“Isn’t this a good thing? Us old guys will always get old, and the younger generation can top it. It’s a good thing!”
In fact, there is indeed more and more fresh blood in the current Northwest Space Base.
Thinking about it, the example of Tang Zhenli in the past two years also played a role. More and more people began to consider scientific research when choosing a job after graduation.
In the eyes of today’s young people, whether or not to have a scientific research job is the standard for a person to judge whether he is excellent or not!
Even in the eyes of the older generation of Longguo, scientific research work is no longer a worthless job that others are talking about. Not only that, but it has also transformed into a glamorous job!
If at a blind date conference, anyone who says that they are engaged in scientific research, needless to say, this must be the target of the opposite sex.
This may seem exaggerated, but in fact, Tang Zhenli is to blame for changing the stereotype of all the people of the Long Kingdom about scientific researchers!
To put it first, when it comes to scientific research, what most people remember is the two stereotypes of hard work and meager treatment.
But under Tang Zhenli’s great influence, now when people from Longguo mention scientific researchers, everyone automatically substitutes them into Tang Zhenli’s image.
How can it not make people yearn for it!
Although there is only one Tang Zhenli, there are far more people who want to be Tang Zhenli!
This kind of subconscious change is the lifeblood of Long Guo’s ability to maintain advanced productivity!
The birth of Tang Zhenli directly transformed Longguo from a scientific research country with a shortage of scientific research talents into a scientific research power with abundant scientific research talents!
If nothing else, it can be seen from the comparison of the admission rate of the biochemical and environmental materials majors that were previously known as the four major tiankengs in the past two years and the previous ones.
Here, Wan Wende was stunned for a while after hearing Tang Heguang’s words, and then his eyelids drooped, not knowing what he was thinking.
After a long while, Wan Wende sighed and said in a complicated tone.
“Yes, this is a good thing after all! Old Tang, your grandson is amazing! You have led a great era!”
At this point, how could Wan Wende not understand that the current changes in the Dragon Kingdom have nothing to do with the grandson of his old friend.
Hearing this, Tang Heguang didn’t show off abnormally, but instead waved his hand, then shook his head, with a gratified smile on his face.
“In this way, I can also enjoy my old age with confidence.”
Speaking of the end, Tang Heguang’s eyes showed a bit of longing and a bit of reminiscence, but after a brief moment, Tang Heguang’s eyes showed the vicissitudes of life.
Hearing this, Wan Wende’s eyes narrowed, and then he seemed to have thought of something, and stood up directly, with a somewhat surprised and surprised expression..
“Old Tang, have you thought about it?”
Listening to Wan Wende’s words, Tang Heguang nodded in relief, and then said calmly.
“Think about it, don’t stay!”
Speaking of the latter, Tang Heguang’s tone was rather free and easy.
“Old Tang! A year later, it will be the academician evaluation. It stands to reason that people like us who retired back then have a great chance. You want to retire this year, but you won’t have a chance, so don’t you stick with it for another year?”
Seeing Tang Heguang’s appearance, Wan Wende couldn’t help reminding him kindly.
He knew how persistent his old friend was for the title of academician back then!
Since the first evaluation ten years ago, Tang Heguang has not given up in every subsequent evaluation, although 2.4 has not been selected.
But this is always an obsession. He never imagined that Tang Heguang would let go of his obsession.
Unexpectedly, Tang Heguang still waved his hand.
“No, no. Now it seems that the same is true of academicians? My eldest grandson is already there, why should I be more serious than this?”
If it were normal, Wan Wende would definitely think that Tang Heguang was showing off his eldest grandson, but this time, he rarely heard any show off from Tang Heguang’s tone, only a deep consolation.
Realizing this, Wan Wende gave Tang Heguang a deep look, as if it was the first time he had known this old friend for many years.

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