Vibrant young generation!
No matter how the years change, it is always young people who stand at the center of the world.
Just like the current Northwest Space Base, with more and more fresh blood joining in, the entire Northwest Space Base looks a little energetic at this time.
The young faces swayed their own youth and blood in the project building.
At this time, in the corridor of the project building, the staff in a hurry can be seen everywhere, just like a busy scene.
Due to the need to catch up with the schedule, the second air carrier of the Dragon Kingdom directly skipped the design link.
The construction plans are all built according to the previous plan of the ‘Phoenix’.
It can be said that the second carrier of the Dragon Kingdom is a complete clone of the ‘Phoenix’.
It is also fortunate that Tang Zhenli had a long-term and meticulous vision when designing the “Phoenix”.
At the current level of the ‘Phoenix’, with the current technological level advancing by leaps and bounds, the technical level of the ‘Phoenix’ is at least ten years ahead of the world’s cutting-edge technology.
Therefore, Long Kingdom’s second air carrier can completely continue to use the design of the ‘Phoenix’, which not only saves time, but also fits the general environment of 18 at this time.
This is also the reason why the progress of the project has not been delayed in the slightest even if the personnel of the Northwest Aerospace Base have changed.
In the large assembly workshop, after the application for the construction of the second helicarrier was approved, the workshop was emptied to make room for the second aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom.
At this moment, all the busy staff are walking through the assembly workshop, chatting occasionally in their spare time.
On the corridor, two slightly younger staff members chatted while walking.
“Have you heard? Several bosses from the Four Saints Research Institute have already left for us? I heard that the Four Saints Research Institute is responsible for the power system of the second airship!”
As the voice of one of them fell, the other’s expression suddenly froze when he heard the words.
“Really? Who is it? It won’t be Deputy Director Qi of the Four Saints Research Institute, right? This is my goddess!”
Saying that, the staff member’s expression revealed a bit of longing.
Looking at his companion’s appearance, the staff member who spoke earlier looked a little surprised, but the next moment he spoke with a slightly sneering tone.
“You’ve guessed it all! There’s something! But when did Deputy Director Qi become your goddess?”
Hearing this, the staff member blushed and wanted to say something, but couldn’t say it.
On the other side, looking at his companion’s obedient appearance, he continued, with a slightly teasing tone.
“Okay, okay, the goddess is the goddess, and we won’t laugh at you. The problem is that now Deputy Director Qi is not just your goddess. Dream less, there are a lot of people in our space base who want to pursue her! You are not ranked yet. Woolen cloth?”
Listening to his words, the previously shy staff member lowered his eyelids and his expression suddenly became a little down.
Think about it too, what kind of person is Deputy Director Qi!
That was the chief assistant and confidant of Academician Xiao Tang. At a young age, he was in a high position.
In the current situation that Academician Xiao Tang is not doing anything, she is the principal of the Four Saints Research Institute!
That is to say, this woman controls the power of the highest palace in the minds of the researchers of the Dragon Kingdom today!
At her age, she can be the actual person in charge of the Four Saints Research Institute. Although there is a large part of the reason for Academician Xiao Tang, it is undeniable that it is impossible to achieve this level without two brushes.
Blacksmithing also requires one’s own strength, and one’s own excellence is undeniable. After all, with the character of Academician Xiao Tang, it is impossible to tolerate mediocre people around him.
Therefore, under this premise, many young people who have just entered the scientific research world may have come to Tang Zhenli as a role model, but after a period of precipitation, they will inevitably set their sights on Qi Lu.
Except for Academician Xiao Tang, who can be called the most outstanding woman in the contemporary scientific research field of Longguo, no one will be tempted to see it!
After all, scientific research staff are also ordinary people, and they will also have normal people’s emotions.
Of course, if onlyIt’s not enough, the most important thing in this is two words, Qi Lu is still single!
You must know that among the several assistants who initially followed Academician Xiao Tang, only Qi Lu was single.
It is conceivable how popular several people are. Under such premise, it is impossible not to let them have no reverie.
But now that this kind of reverie is suddenly broken by others, to say that there is no unwillingness in my heart, it must be false.
Thinking about it, the staff member’s mood is getting lower and lower, the gap in status is really a gulf!
Seeing the depression of his companion, the previous staff member also seemed to realize that he had spoken too much, and he could not help but comfort him.
“Okay, okay, you don’t have hope, doesn’t it mean that others have hope? Think about it, there are so many outstanding young people around Deputy Director Qi, why is she still single now?”
Hearing this, the staff member was stunned for a while, then blinked.
Having said that, is it possible that you still have a chance? ? ?
Thinking about it, the staff member also raised his head and looked at the companion who comforted him with slightly bright eyes.
“You mean 267 told me not to give up, and if I persist, there will be a chance?”
Here, looking at his companion who had rekindled hope, his expression froze for a while, and words of comfort suddenly stuck in his mouth.
After a long while, he shook his head with a somewhat complicated expression, and then asked in a flat tone.
“How did you think of this? I mean, now Deputy Director Qi has more young people than you who are better than you. Why is she still single?”
Hearing this, the staff member also subconsciously showed some thought, and then muttered to himself.
“Yeah, why? Could it be?”
Speaking of the end, the staff member also seemed to have come to his senses, and then his expression changed, and a bit of thought flashed in his eyes.
Then he glanced at his companion who comforted him, his eyes were a little inexplicable, and then he said in a thoughtful tone.
“Don’t want to? But in case you see me”
Hearing this, another staff member put his hand on his forehead with a helpless expression on his face.
Is this the legendary Puxin man?
For a while, he could not find any excuse to enlighten this companion.

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