The ‘Phoenix’ is about to return to flight!
In the corridor of the project building,
After realizing this, the staff member shook his head again, saw that he was still muttering to himself, and then patted him on the shoulder, and simply explained.
“I think sometimes it may not be your problem, maybe it’s the problem of Deputy Director Qi, think about it, who is Deputy Director Qi facing every day, if you want to understand, you will know why Deputy Director Qi Still single”
Hearing this, the staff member who was still muttering to himself was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about this question subconsciously.
Soon, his expression changed, and his eyes changed slightly.
so to speak
Isn’t that what Deputy Director Qi is facing every day, Academician Xiao Tang?
It turns out that he gets along with Academician Xiao Tang every day. Even if Deputy Director Qi has no idea about him, he will definitely subtly substitute Academician Xiao Tang when thinking about this kind of thing.
This means that the standard for Deputy Director Qi to find his other half is Academician Xiao Tang
So, dare they have been in potential competition and comparison with Academician Xiao Tang?
In an instant, for some reason, his mood suddenly improved a lot.
If that’s the case, then it’s fine
Anyway, no matter who is compared with Academician Xiao Tang, I am afraid they will be crushed unilaterally.
When the staff member who persuaded him saw his expression, he also nodded secretly, showing a teachable expression.
Of course, this conversation can only be regarded as a small talk between the two.
But in fact, news of this kind of gossip has always been circulating in the outside world.
Just as the two were about to continue chatting, a voice interrupted their thoughts.
“Xiao Liu, Xiao Zhang, come and come, just as you are free, come with me to meet the technicians of the Four Saints Research Institute!”
Hearing that, the two looked in the direction of the voice, and a project team leader was waving towards them.
Seeing this, the two quickly replied,
“Lu Gong, come here!”
After speaking, the two of them looked at each other and then went straight to the person in charge.
At this time, at the airport of the Northwest Aerospace Base, a plane landed slowly.
Northwest Aerospace Base Airport,
Qi Lu, who had just stepped off the plane, tightened his coat, obviously not suitable for the weather here for a while.
After she left, a series of technical team members from the Four Saints Research Institute also got off the plane one after another.
As the technical support of the former ‘Phoenix’ power system, it is natural to be absent from the construction of the second air carrier.
Under the influence of Tang Zhenli’s subtle influence, the status of the Sisheng Research Institute has been infinitely elevated in the scientific research community of Longguo.
Especially in the aspect of the power system of the spacecraft, it is the authority among the authorities!
The original Four Saints Research Institute was founded by the Four Saints Power Modules, but now the Four Saints Research Institute is no longer attached to the Four Saints Power Modules.
Under the leadership of Qi Lu and several other assistants who had followed Tang Zhenli, the Sisheng Research Institute has made a lot of progress in the field of aerospace power.
Even though Tang Zhenli has not paid attention to the internal affairs of the institute for a long time, in general, the Four Saints Institute has been making continuous progress.
At this time, a project leader of the second air carrier brought several Northwest Space BaseThe people from the ground also rushed to Qi Lu and the others.
Looking at the situation, they are exactly the former project leader surnamed Lu and the two staff members who were chatting just now.
As soon as the project leader surnamed Lu saw Qi Lu, he quickly stretched out his hand and said to Qi Lu with a smile.
“Director Qi! Welcome, welcome!”
Behind him, the two staff members who were talking eloquently just now didn’t even have the courage to look at Qi Lu after seeing Qi Lu himself.
There’s no way, Qi Lu’s aura is too strong right now.
So strong that they thought that the person in front of them was not a peer at all.
Although Qi Lu didn’t deliberately release his aura at this time, the aura of calmness and prestige cultivated in a high position for a long time is enough to deter two brats who have just stepped into the scientific research field.
Here, Qi Lu, who saw this, also showed a smile, and reached out to shake hands with the visitor.
It can be said that although Qi Lu is still the same as before in front of Tang Zhenli, in fact, after a long period of experience, Qi Lu’s conduct in the world can be described as a qualitative improvement.
Here, the project leader continued,
“Director Qi, the power system of Dragon Kingdom’s second space carrier will be handed over to you!”
As he spoke, he looked around at all the visitors from the Four Saints Research Institute.
“no problem”
Hearing this, Qi Lu also nodded.
Finally, after some pleasantries, the technical team of the Sisheng Research Institute represented by Qi Lu officially entered the Northwest Aerospace Base.
In fact, this time, Qi Lu actually came with Tang Zhenli’s mission.
Before leaving the Four Saints Research Institute, Tang Zhenli specifically told Qi Lu to pay attention to the ‘Reaper’ asteroid fragments.
So at this time, Qi Lu actually came with two tasks, one is the power system, and the other is the repair process of the “Phoenix”.
As far as the repair situation of the “Phoenix” is concerned, there is a slight lack in the Qinglong power module. It just so happens that the arrival of the personnel from the Four Saints Research Institute can speed up the progress of some repairs.
With this in mind, on the second day, the staff of the Four Saints Research Institute, who made some adjustments, directly started the structure of the second Helicarrier’s power system.
The high efficiency surprised the newcomers.
I thought they were already motivated enough, but I didn’t expect the people from the Four Saints Research Institute to be more enthusiastic than them.
At this moment, they were also vaguely aware of why the Four Sages Research Institute could be called the most prestigious research institute in the Dragon Kingdom.
Some things can often be seen clearly from some details
Even a few days later, the technical support staff of the Four Saints Research Institute had already completed the basic structure of the second Helicarrier’s power system.
Under this influence, even the efficiency of the staff working on other projects has improved a lot.
At this time, after Qi Lu checked and tested the power module of the “Phoenix” three times, there was no problem, and the go-around of the “Phoenix” was also put on the agenda.
It is estimated that within half a month, the ‘Phoenix’ will return to its starry sky.
Generally speaking, everything is currently proceeding in an orderly manner.

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