Miluo on the Road!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli thought of the connection between what Miluo said and the sequence of the universe.
As mentioned before, the current general cognition of the higher sequence of the universe is that the micron is the most microscopic structure in the universe.
Of course, it does not rule out whether there are more subtle structural components.
As far as Weiko is concerned, in Miluo’s mouth, this may be the only thing in common between higher-order and lower-order beings!
Because it has been faintly revealed before, at the level of microns, there is almost no gap between the life of the higher sequence and the life of the lower sequence.
That is to say, in the microscopic world, at the level of microns, there is no longer a distinction between high-level sequences and low-level sequences.
As mentioned before, the micron also has the characteristics of wave-particle duality, which can explain why Miluo can still maintain the original life activity after the explosion.
Compared with the neurons of the human consciousness channel, if the carrier of the consciousness of higher sequence intelligent life is carried on the structure at the micron level, then it can completely produce a kind of human consciousness.The ‘immortal body’ beyond knowledge!
Because sometimes it exhibits the nature of waves, and sometimes it exhibits the nature of particles.
It’s just like what’s false and what’s not, what’s true is what’s not.
A high-sequence intelligent individual in this state is an ‘immortal body’ for human beings!
The most important thing is that Tang Zhenli suspects that the reason for the gap between the high-sequence life individual and the low-sequence life individual is probably because of some big changes in the units above the micron.
The life individual of the high-level sequence starts from the micron and continues to the basic state, and has always maintained the wave-particle duality characteristic of the micron, while the life individual of the low-level sequence starts from the upper level of the micron, and the large-scale The change.
And this kind of change has produced various branches and sequences.
This precisely also explains why the classification of high-level sequences is so pure, while low-level sequences are divided into many levels with each level, and finally spread all over the universe.
Of course, these are still some conjectures and conjectures of Tang Zhenli, although he has a feeling that maybe the truth of the universe is really like this!
But regardless of whether this is the case, Tang Zhenli has no way to verify it. After all, at the microscopic level of the microcosm, it is already whimsical for Tang Zhenli and for human beings.
Even Tang Zhenli suspects that even advanced sequences only have a subtle understanding of this level!
The reason is very simple, because if one can control the micron level, then from a certain point of view, the higher sequences are undoubtedly tantamount to artificially cultivating higher sequence life.
If that is the case, the current universe cannot be so peaceful
So Tang Zhenli can be sure that the advanced sequence must not have touched the micron level or in other words, has not reached the level of completely controlling the micron level!
But at this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Tang Zhenli’s mind, followed by an imperceptible gleam in his eyes, and his expression gradually became serious.
“No! If that’s the case, then the iron-based civilization of the ascension sequence that Miluo mentioned earlier.”
After mumbling in a low voice, Tang Zhenli frowned.
If this is the case, how did the iron-based civilization that soared to a higher sequence soar?
Could it be that it has been controlled to the micron level?
But it’s impossible. If that iron-based civilization controls the micron level, it doesn’t make sense
Thinking of this, even Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but feel a little overwhelmed in his mind.
Under this kind of brainstorming, Tang Zhenli unexpectedly forgot the original exhaustion for a moment.
But at this moment, Miluo’s voice rang in his ears.
“Boy, what are you thinking?”
During the speech, Miluo’s tone seemed very satisfied, and it seemed that it was time for the buff to be full of energy again.
And here, Tang Zhenli, who was deep in thought, was stunned when he heard Miluo’s voice.
Afterwards, he seemed to think of something, as if enlightened, his eyes shone slightly.
I couldn’t figure it out, how could I forget Miluo, a tool man?
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows, as if he had already figured out how to fool Miluo.
In the next moment, Tang Zhenli spoke, his tone was somewhat inexplicable, and his eyes flickered slightly as he spoke.
“Lord Miluo, I wonder if we can make a deal between friends!”
Hearing this, Miluo’s tone seemed a little puzzled, as if he was thinking about what a transaction is
However, Tang Zhenli obviously didn’t give Miluo time to think about it, and continued to follow what he said.
“According to news, we have just discovered the previous ‘Reaper’ asteroid.”
Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Miluo’s hasty voice.
“Deal! Master Miluo likes this deal between friends!”
Judging from this reaction time, Miluo didn’t intend to think about it at all.
But here, Tang Zhenli was unmoved on the surface seeing Miluo’s tricks as usual, but he couldn’t restrain his excitement in his heart.
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli tried his best to keep his tone calm, and then asked what he wanted to ask before.
“Master Miluo, can you tell me in detail about the previous ascension sequence?”
After the words fell, Miluo abnormally did not reply immediately, but fell silent first, as if hesitating.
Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but mention it with 1.1.
Logically speaking, based on Miluo’s excitement when he heard about the material from the “Reaper” asteroid, it is impossible for him to calm down like this.
This really involves some important secrets!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t help but become active, but on the surface he was still restrained and calm.
If Miluo sees his strangeness, maybe he will have doubts
Fortunately, Miluo didn’t ask him to wait. A few minutes later, Miluo seemed to sigh, and then said in a serious tone.
“Since that’s the case, there’s no harm in telling you about this kind of thing!”

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