: The Law of the Universe!
Sisheng Research Institute, in the core laboratory on the third basement floor,
“Since that’s the case, there’s no harm in telling you about this kind of thing!”
As this voice came to Tang Zhenli’s mind, although Tang Zhenli had tried his best to exercise restraint, his breathing was still a little short.
Fortunately, Miluo didn’t notice these abnormalities.
Only Mi Luo’s words continued to come.
“Actually, what was used in the iron-based civilization ascension sequence was actually a despicable method!”
Speaking of which, Miluo’s words should beA bit of disdain was revealed.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also started to concentrate with his spirit of 120,000 points.
“I told you before that the iron-based civilization has spent billions of years for the ascension sequence! Only then did it soar from the eighth sequence to the fifth sequence in one fell swoop!”
“Let me tell you that those 19 iron-based civilizations are not flying ascension to a certain extent. How do you say it specifically? According to your human beings, they are squatters, yes, they are called squatters!”
As Miluo’s voice came word by word, Tang Zhenli’s heart seemed to have caused an uproar.
Because he realized that what Miluo said now may be some secrets in the current universe!
Seizing the house turned out to be soaring through seizing the house
Here, Miluo’s voice didn’t stop because of his thoughts.
“If you want to talk about it, you have to say that the unfortunate electromagnetic civilization turned from a master to a slave in the end!”
“The cause of the matter must be mentioned billions of years ago. At that time, the higher sequence just jointly decided to erase the lower sequence in the universe. In fact, there have been many examples of the contact between the lower sequence and the higher sequence before that, and There are many examples.”
“Of course, this has to mention the protagonists, the electromagnetic civilization and the iron-based civilization.”
“As two civilizations that have been in contact for a long time and are very close to each other, between billions of years of contact, the civilization structure of the two is almost exactly the same. It can be said that except for the difference between life forms From other perspectives, it can be said that these two civilizations have been merged into one civilization!”
“But just when the higher sequence of the universe jointly decided to erase the lower sequence, a sudden change occurred. For some reason, in just tens of thousands of years, the iron-based civilization and the electromagnetic civilization have completed a life form transformation! ”
“Although I don’t know some of the reasons for this, but in the high-level sequence, it is said that the iron-based civilization has seized the electromagnetic civilization, thus completing the transformation of the life form! The most important thing is that the one who seized the house has That iron-based civilization has been recognized by the universe, and this recognition means that it can completely replace the meaning of the previous electromagnetic civilization!”
“And after that, in order to prevent these things from happening again, all high-level sequences cut off contact with all lower-level sequences that they had come into contact with before!”
Speaking of the end, Tang Zhenli rarely felt an emotion in Miluo’s tone.
However, he is still thinking about what Miluo said, and he doesn’t care too much.
Right now, all his thoughts are on what Miluo said just now.
Obviously, this incident is shocking to an individual of higher order like Miluo, let alone Tang Zhenli.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli was full of doubts.
“I want to know how high-sequence civilizations and lower-sequence civilizations get along with each other before higher-order civilizations jointly set that rule, and after setting that rule, those who have long been in contact with higher-order civilizations How to deal with the lower sequence civilization of
Just after Tang Zhenli’s voice fell, Miluo’s voice followed closely, as if he expected Tang Zhenli to ask this question.
“Actually, before the high-level sequence civilization set the guidelines, most of the known low-level sequences basically depended on a high-level sequence civilization at that time, just like the iron-based civilization and electromagnetic civilization. Generally speaking, there are very few high-level sequences. There will be acts of erasing a civilization”
“And after that guideline, the civilization of the higher sequence did not take action against the known civilization of the lower sequence, but instead made a cosmic directory, so the lower sequence on the directory can be used as the object that will not be erased! ”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes that had been in deep thought light up slightly, and then he said directly.
“The List”
Unexpectedly, Miluo seemed to have already seen through his mind, and bluntly pierced the road.
“Don’t think about it, when the universe directory was formulated, there was already a rule of not adding low-level sequence civilizations. At that time, the universe directory collected all low-level sequence civilizations known to high-level sequence civilizations. If you want humans to be added to If you go to the Cosmos Directory, don’t even think about it!”
Hearing this, Tang 133 Zhenli’s expression darkened, but he recovered quickly.
Obviously, he was mentally prepared before. After all, when the universe catalog was made, the earth had not yet been born, let alone human beings.
But then he thought of another aspect and continued to ask.
“Then what about the lower-rank civilizations on the Cosmos Directory?”
Hearing Tang Zhenli’s question, Miluo also answered immediately.
“What else can you do? There are very few low-level sequence civilizations that still exist in the cosmos directory. After all, the lifespan of low-level sequence civilizations is limited.”
When Miluo’s words came to this point, Tang Zhenli also reacted, and his expression was slightly touched.
Different from higher sequence civilizations, lower sequence civilizations will eventually die out.
Just like human beings, even if they are not discovered by higher sequences, it is estimated that they will be on the road of extinction in the next billions of years.
After all, there are too many things that hinder the development of low-level sequence civilizations.
The laws of the universe are sometimes so cold

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