There is no right or wrong in survival!
In this way, if the iron-based civilization that Miluo had previously called a house grab, if it looked at the problem from its own perspective, it had absolutely nothing to criticize.
Because the cold and cruel laws of the universe are already doomed to be lowEqual sequence of civilization results.
Even if it relies on a high-sequence civilization, it is not a high-sequence civilization after all.
Even from Tang Zhenli’s point of view, he couldn’t find a reason to accuse the iron-based civilization that took over and ascended.
Whether it is for the individual life itself or for the entire civilization, there is nothing wrong with living or continuing!
But if you stand in a higher-order civilization, like Miluo, as a vested interest in the current universe, the things you consider are still based on self.
This is also why Miluo is so cautious when discussing this matter. It seems that the high-level sequencers are also afraid of being pulled down from the altar.
That is to say, for them, all civilizations of the lower sequence are potential ‘traitors’!
Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli can finally understand why the Ascension Sequence is a taboo topic in the universe
At this moment, Tang Zhenli seemed to think of something again, and raised his eyebrows. No wonder, Miluo dared to tell him this.
This is to conclude that it is impossible for human beings to embark on the road of the iron-based civilization. After all, human beings have not been attached to any advanced civilization.
This also means that it is impossible for human beings to reproduce the road of that iron-based civilization.
For Tang Zhenli, even if he has heard the music, it is not very useful for the human beings to ascend the sequence.
Because there are so many differences
You don’t have to think about it to know that the original iron-based civilization can completely replace the attached electromagnetic civilization. It is conceivable how similar the compatibility of life forms between them is.
From this perspective, during the billions of years that the iron-based civilization has been dependent on the electromagnetic civilization, some changes must have taken place in the form of life.
Finally, with a suitable time or opportunity, replace it in one fell swoop!
Humans don’t even have these basic factors.
In other words, that iron-based civilization can be said to occupy the right time, place, and people, while human beings currently have nothing, and even the basic knowledge of the universe is still being explored.
But even so, Tang Zhenli still developed an intense curiosity about the so-called iron-based civilization.
Although there is nothing to learn from in terms of ‘hardware’, Tang Zhenli still has some ideas in terms of ‘software’, such as their social structure and right to speak.
What kind of internal social structure is it that can support this iron-based civilization after billions of years of preparation time!
Obviously, just relying on the belief of flying high-level sequence is absolutely impossible!
From this point alone, Tang Zhenli felt that there was a lot to learn!
Thinking about it, Tang Zhenli asked Miluo subconsciously.
“In that case, can Lord Miluo take me to meet this so-called iron-based civilization in the future?”
In his words, Tang Zhenli revealed some faint hope, and his strong curiosity was almost unstoppable!
Unexpectedly, Miluo didn’t seem to even think about it, and simply refused.
Quickly, even Tang Zhenli didn’t react.
Then, Tang Zhenli asked curiously.
And Miluo didn’t seem to have any intention of concealing it, and directly told Tang Zhenli the truth.
“It’s not because that iron-based civilization has been closed, strictly speaking, it was jointly imprisoned by some civilizations of the higher sequence!”
Tang Zhenli, who heard the words, was slightly taken aback, and then continued to ask.
“Why? Doesn’t it mean that its ascension method has been recognized by the universe? It can completely replace the previous electromagnetic civilization?”
Listening to Tang Zhenli’s words, Miluo first snorted softly, and then said.
“Huh! Boy, being recognized by the universe doesn’t mean that it can be recognized by all higher-order civilizations! After the news of the house grab, even other higher-order civilizations didn’t take action, and the fifth-order electromagnetic civilizations were already inside. I have the idea to obliterate this alien, but the high-level sequence that seizes the house is still a high-level sequence, immortal and immortal, so it can only be imprisoned in a corner!”
“That place tsk tsk! I can’t get in either, kid, don’t dream! Lord Miluo will take you to see some interesting things at that time.”
As Miluo’s explanation gradually sounded, Tang Zhenli’s expression also fell into thought.
Indeed, no civilization with a higher sequence wants to see this kind of alien develop and grow!
It seems that the ascension sequence is not only a technical difficulty, but also an environmental difficulty
Undoubtedly, none of the higher sequence civilizations in the universe hope to see the birth of a new higher sequence, which is a consensus for them.
Even the iron-based civilization, which is already a high-level sequence civilization that has successfully ascended, has not been recognized by them!
This is like the solidification of classes. The gap between classes can never be bridged.
And once you cross, you will not be greeted by enthusiasm, but by the loneliness caused by infinite repression, and even this loneliness will continue until the moment when the universe is destroyed
Here, looking at Tang Zhenli who was thinking, Miluo’s voice continued to come.
“Boy, is there anything else you want to ask? Lord Miluo will answer you one by one!”
But at this time, Tang Zhenli was still thinking about some things and didn’t pay attention to Miluo’s words.
It wasn’t until a long time later that Miluo continued to speak when he saw that Tang Zhenli was quiet.
“Since you have nothing to ask, remember your promise, boy!”
Hearing the word promise, Tang Zhenli naturally woke up and replied quickly.
“No problem at all,My friend Miluo-sama! ”
But after speaking, he turned his head and forgot
What Miluo didn’t know was that from the very beginning, the things that were traded were unequal.
After all, the search for the debris of the ‘Death’ asteroid is a matter of probability for Tang Zhenli, not a causal logic
In other words, human beings are only a low-level sequence civilization, and it is normal for mortal eyes to see it wrong.

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