The manuscript of an ‘unprofessional’ scholar!
After that, Tang Zhenli sent some plans and plans for the engineering ship to the Longguo Science and Technology Department.
And after doing this, Tang Zhenli couldn’t control his tiredness any longer. After taking a shower, he fell into a deep sleep.
In the Science and Technology Department of Longguo, Ji Chengtian, who had just returned to the office after lunch, looked at the thick stack of documents on the desk, his eyes narrowed slightly.
Then he saw some handwriting on it, and his brows were even slightly wrinkled.
As for the specific content, he hasn’t read it in detail. After all, after seeing the dense handwriting, no one would be interested in tangling the content for the first time.
He wondered whether there were scholars under him who jumped the grade to submit materials, which is not uncommon.
Some scholars who think they are underappreciated will use this handwritten method to make people feel his determination.
As everyone knows, a large part of them are self-righteous scholars. The manuscript looks very careful, but if you look closely, you will find that many things are missed.
Generally speaking, such manuscripts are the 120 ways in which unprofessional scholars want to express their ideas.
Thinking about it, Ji Chengtian called his secretary of the minutes, and then pointed to the stack of documents and asked.
“Who sent this? Didn’t I say before that I don’t want to see this kind of documents written by non-professional scholars in the future?”
Listening to Ji Chengtian’s scolding, the confidential secretary was a little hesitant for a while. After pondering for a while, he explained to Ji Chengtian.
“Ji Bu, this was sent by a staff member from the Four Saints Research Institute.”
Speaking of which, the confidential secretary glanced at Ji Chengtian’s expression.
Sure enough, Ji Chengtian’s expression froze slightly when he heard the words, and then he saw him take two quick steps, went directly to the desk, picked up the stack of documents, and turned to the last page.
The next moment, Ji Chengtian’s expression was extraordinarily wonderful, as if surprised and surprised.
Then he turned to the first page and looked at it roughly.
It wasn’t until after a long while that Ji Chengtian glanced out of the corner of his eye and realized that his confidential secretary was still standing by and waiting for his orders.
Thinking about it, he didn’t look back, but spoke directly.
“Forget it, it’s alright, go and get busy!”
Hearing this, the confidential secretary felt relieved, and hurriedly responded.
“Yes, Ji Bu!”
Saying that, he pushed out slowly, feeling a little fortunate in his heart.
Fortunately, I didn’t throw this kind of manuscript into the trash as I did before, otherwise, it would be a big problem.
Looking at Ji Bu’s reaction at the time, needless to say, this must have been sent by the big man from the Four Saints Research Institute.
For a while, the confidential secretary who thought of this was also somewhat amazed.
After all, he knew the thickness of the document
Now he can only sigh, there is a reason why the boss is a boss after all.
He never thought of writing such a thick manuscript
In the office, the idea of ​​the confidential secretary was exactly what Ji Chengtian thought at this time.
At first, he really didn’t think that the manuscript belonged to Tang Zhenli. If he hadn’t seen the signature at the end, he might have missed it.
Because the manuscript is too thick, even a cursory look at Ji Chengtian took nearly an hour.
“It turns out that it’s possible to say so.”
Obviously, Ji Chengtian also agrees with the idea of ​​engineering ships.
After all, compared to the long construction period of a large-scale aerospace carrier like the ‘Phoenix’, as long as the production line of this kind of engineering ship is formed, it will basically be mass-produced.
But the problem is the cost
The current Ministry of Science and Technology, apart from the miscellaneous projects in the whole Longguo Kingdom, now spend a lot of money, there are two, one is the repair of the ‘Phoenix’, although the repair of the ‘Phoenix’ is nearing completion at this time, but What was spent before was an astronomical amount!
As for the other one, it is the construction of the second air carrier of the Dragon Kingdom. Although it is only in its infancy, from the experience of the ‘Phoenix’, this is another huge expenditure.
If you add the engineering fleet, it will be the third big project!
Needless to say, the cost of forming an engineering fleet will never be less than that of the ‘Phoenix’.
But the problem is that Ji Chengtian is really excited about this plan.
At present, all superpowers are exploring space, and it is impossible for Ji Chengtian to be unmoved by the project fleet, which can be put into application as soon as possible.
And more importantly, in the current competitive environment, when time is precious, money can be earned again, but time has passed, and the Dragon Kingdom has not taken the lead, so the loss is undoubtedly greater!
To be honest, the Dragon Kingdom has developed very rapidly in space compared to other superpowers.
You must know that when other superpowers are doing this kind of preparation, the first plan design basically takes up nearly one-third of the project cycle!
But Longguo doesn’t need it. Looking at the launch of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’, every major project in Longguo has basically skipped the long planning stage in the early stage of the project.
That is, compared to other superpowers, Long Guo can completely save one-third of the time on this kind of project, or even higher!
And all this is due to the “plug-in” of Tang Zhenli from the Dragon State.
Thinking about it, Ji Chengtian’s expression gradually became firm, and he had already made up his mind.
With Tang Zhenli’s unique advantage, Long Guo has no reason to hesitate!
Although funding is still an issue, Ji Chengtian already had an idea at this time.
“It seems that we are going to reach out to the military.”
With that said, Ji Chengtian directly picked up the handle on the desk, and then directly summoned all the heads of various departments of the Ministry of Science and Technology to go to the conference room for a meeting.
And after instructing him to go on, Ji Chengtian also walked towards the conference room with the stack of documents in his arms.

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