The method of preparing funds!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, conference room,
As the last person sat down, Ji Chengtian, who was sitting in the first place, slowly opened his eyes.
First, he subconsciously glanced at the vacant seat on the right from the corner of his eye, and then revealed the content of the meeting.
This vacancy belongs to none other than Tang Zhenli. Although Tang Zhenli basically does not come to the Ministry of Science and Technology, he is considered to be the Chief Scientist of the Dragon Kingdom and one of the heads of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
If nothing else, the status and treatment that he deserves are still there, even if he didn’t show up this time.
Here, after Ji Chengtian glanced around at the people at the conference table, he spoke in a calm tone.
“What this meeting has decided is the development and manufacture of the engineering fleet during the vacuum period of the construction of the Dragon Kingdom’s second air carrier! This is particularly important for the future layout of the Dragon Kingdom in space!”
“The words have come to this point. If you have any thoughts, feel free to say them!”
After finishing speaking, Ji Chengtian took a casual glance at Wang Zhi, the God of Wealth in the Ministry of Science and Technology.
At this time, a person in charge of the authority spoke up and said his question.
“Ji Bu, what I want to know is that if we discuss the engineering fleet project, let’s not talk about the professional aspect, but the time aspect.”
As his words fell, everyone at the conference table nodded.
Obviously, I know what the person in charge is worried about. If this is just a temporary initiative, even if the Ministry of Science and Technology has decided, the notice will be communicated below, and the project will have to start from scratch.
To be honest, this project cycle is not much different from the second helicarrier.
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian shook his head, and then a smile appeared on his face.
“Don’t worry about this issue, what we need to discuss is whether there are any detailed opinions on the general direction!”
With that said, Ji Chengtian took out Tang Zhenli’s thick stack of manuscripts and gestured with his eyes.
Seeing this, everyone in the conference room was startled, and then they reacted.
Seeing Ji Chengtian’s self-confident appearance, how could they not understand, this is completely prepared.
Immediately, after the scene was silent for a moment, a voice came to mind again.
“Minister Ji, if we add another R&D project for the engineering fleet, the Ministry of Science and Technology will really run out of money in terms of funding!”
It wasn’t anyone else who spoke, it was Wang Zhi with a sullen face.
What was different from the past was that the embarrassment on Wang Zhi’s face did not seem to be a fake.
In fact, it is not a matter of a day or two for the Ministry of Science and Technology to be short of money. The decision to build the second Dragon Country air carrier has already drained all the funds of the Ministry of Science and Technology.
If it hadn’t been for the compensation from the above when the appropriation was promised next year, Wang Zhi would probably have said nothing in this regard.
At this time, Ji Chengtian, who was sitting in the first place, heard the words, his expression did not change, he still kept a smile, and seemed to be prepared.
In fact, when he proposed the engineering fleet project at the beginning of the meeting, Ji Chengtian set his eyes on Wang Zhi’s face intentionally or unintentionally.
From the first time he heard about the engineering fleet project, Wang Zhi’s expression was not better.
In other words, Ji Chengtian knew that Wang Zhi would definitely cry poor, even though he was really poor this time!
But obviously Ji Chengtian also responded and said in a direct and calm tone.
“Don’t worry about this, I have plans to fund this project!”
After finishing speaking, he also nodded towards Wang Zhi.
When Wang Zhi, who was sitting down, saw this, his heart moved, and then he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.
In the end, Ji Chengtian put his hand directly on the stack of documents, patted it, and said with a certain tone.
“Actually, the pre- and post-production work of this project has already been prepared. We only need to invest funds for research and development, and then mass production. There are not many things that need our attention. In this way, you can have a simple look!”
With that said, Ji Chengtian first pushed the stack of documents to Li Wei on the left.
Upon seeing this, Li Wei also took over the document. When he first saw the manuscript, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he still looked at it for about ten minutes. When he finally saw the last page, his eyes flashed. A bit of a surprise.

But he still didn’t say anything, and silently passed on the thick document.
After the last lap, more than an hour had passed.
Everyone’s reaction when they saw the document was similar to Li Wei’s reaction at the beginning.
In the end, they also understood why Ji Chengtian asked them to have a meeting this time when he was making a decision.
It turned out that it was the person who thought so, and it made sense.
Here, the documents that had been circulated in a circle returned to Ji Chengtian’s side, and he straightened up, looked around at everyone, and said immediately.
“If you have an opinion, put it up; if you don’t have an opinion, thenIt’s decided! ”
After finishing speaking, no one answered after a moment.
Obviously, it’s hard for them to disagree with that person’s thoughts.
After all, they watched Tang Zhenli climb up to them step by step.
Doubts are small now, but how they end up in the future is the big one.
The current Tang Zhenli is one of their superiors who truly have real power.
Oppose the superior’s idea. If you can’t find a reason, you don’t need to think about the consequences.
Seeing this, Ji Chengtian nodded secretly. So far, the project of the engineering fleet has been passed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the next stage is the preparation and development stage.
According to Tang Zhenli’s expectations, it is estimated that the research and development will be successful within three months, and the successful construction of the assembly line within four months will be regarded as standard efficiency.
However, just as the final meeting was about to end and everyone was about to leave, Ji Chengtian seemed to think of something, and looked towards Wang Zhi with a meaningful expression on his face. Upon closer inspection, one could see that there seemed to be some inexplicable confusion look.
“By the way, don’t be in a hurry to leave. Let’s settle the funding for the engineering fleet project first.”
Seeing Ji Chengtian’s eyes staring straight at him, Wang Zhi had a faint feeling

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