Ji Chengtian’s Considerations!
Longguo Science and Technology Department, conference room,
Everyone looked at Ji Chengtian’s eyes on Wang Zhi, and seemed to realize something for a moment, and looked at Wang Zhi with a little weird expression.
At this time, Ji Chengtian, who was sitting on the first seat, spoke to Wang Zhi with a smile.
“God of Wealth, the funds for the engineering fleet project will be entrusted to you!”
After speaking, she nodded towards him encouragingly.
Following Ji Chengtian’s words, the atmosphere in the meeting room was suffocated. Afterwards, everyone looked at Wang Zhi intentionally or unintentionally, with some inexplicable eyes.
At this moment, Wang Zhi’s heart thumped after hearing the words, his expression froze, and then a pair of small eyes looked at Ji Chengtian with some resentment.
Didn’t you say that the funding problem has been resolved?
What is going on here?
Just when Wang Zhi wanted to speak, Ji Chengtian’s words came again.
“Don’t worry, God of Wealth, I also know that the Ministry of Science and Technology is not well funded. I have already found the military in advance, so I have to trouble you to go there.”
Speaking of which, Ji Chengtian seemed to be afraid that Wang Zhi would not feel at ease, and then continued to add.
“I’ve already notified the Strategic Space Force, you just go there, they won’t make things difficult for you.”
Seeing that Ji Chengtian’s words were all about this, Wang Zhi looked at Ji Chengtian’s determined expression, and couldn’t help but feel relieved.
Since this is the case, then everything is easy to talk about.
Seeing this, Wang Zhi also nodded towards Ji Chengtian, and he agreed.
Things have been arranged here, the meeting is already coming to an end, and the meeting was adjourned with Ji Chengtian’s voice.
The heads of various departments of the Ministry of Science and Technology left the meeting room one after another.
Wang Zhi also boarded the plane to the Northwest Space Base as soon as the meeting ended.
Here, as soon as Ji Chengtian returned to the office, he directly called Meng Siyuan of the Longguo Space Strategic Force.
Informed the Longguo Science and Technology Department of its thoughts on the engineering fleet project, and also said that the Longguo Science and Technology Department had sent people to negotiate matters.
Finally, with Meng Siyuan’s knowledge, Ji Chengtian hung up the phone.
As for the funding issue, Ji Chengtian didn’t even mention it.
Of course, this is not cheating Wang Zhi. As the financial director of the Ministry of Science and Technology for many years, Ji Chengtian is well aware of Wang Zhi’s ability. In the past few years he has handled finances, the funding situation of the Ministry of Science and Technology has improved a lot compared to before.
Generally speaking, Wang Zhi is very competent in this position.
But Wang Zhi is good at everything, except that he won’t easily do criminal things, just like asking for money from the Dragon Kingdom’s Ministry of Finance and the military before.
If the previous time hadn’t really pushed him into a hurry, he probably wouldn’t have done such a thing against his principles.
And the reason why Ji Chengtian said in front of Wang Zhi that the arrangement had been made was naturally to stabilize Wang Zhi’s mentality. Of course, he was also sure that the military would provide funds.
I believe that Wang Zhi will naturally understand when he arrives at the Northwest Aerospace Base.
With this thought in mind, Ji Chengtian felt slightly relieved.
On the other side, the Northwest Aerospace Base Airport.
After nearly a day’s long journey, Wang Zhi finally arrived at the station of the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force.
After getting off the plane, I found that Meng Siyuan was leading someone to greet him.
Seeing this, Wang Zhi’s heart moved, and his mind became more stable.
Sure enough, Jibu has already made arrangements. It seems that this time there is no need to argue.
But just as he was pondering, Meng Siyuan smiled a bit on his rough face, then stretched out his hand and said to Wang Zhi.
“Hello, Director Wang!”
Seeing this, Wang Zhi was stunned for a moment, recovered, and then extended his hand to shake hands, and said enthusiastically to Meng Siyuan.
“Hello, hello, Commander Meng, I’ve heard of you for a long time!”
During the words, Wang Zhi also had a smile on his face.
Meng Siyuan also nodded when he heard the words, and then said.
“I know everything about the Engineering Fleet. For specific discussions, let’s talk inside, please.”
Seeing this, Wang Zhi felt certain in his heart, and the smile on his face couldn’t help but get a bit thicker.
Immediately, the two took the lead, followed by some staff officers of the Dragon Kingdom’s Space Strategic Force and several staff members from the Ministry of Science and Technology brought by Wang Zhi.
After a while, the group arrived at the temporary command post of the Dragon Kingdom Space Strategic Force.
and then neitherAfter exchanging too many pleasantries, they directly cut to the point.
In a conference room, the staff of the Longguo Science and Technology Department and the officers of the Space Strategy Force sat facing each other, and the two leaders were naturally Wang Zhi and Meng Siyuan.
Although there is still a gap between Wang Zhi and Meng Siyuan in terms of administrative level and position, but this time Wang Zhi represents the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, and the exchanges between the two sides are equal.
After the group took their seats one after another, Meng Siyuan, as the host, spoke first.
“First of all, I would like to thank the staff of the Ministry of Science and Technology for their support of our space strategic force. The staff of the Ministry of Science and Technology will have to worry about the engineering fleet.”
During the words, Meng Siyuan’s tone was full of eagerness.
Because the news Ji Chengtian gave Meng Siyuan before was that this space engineering fleet is specially equipped for the Dragon Kingdom space strategic force, and it can be regarded as a supplement to the large-scale fleet of the “Phoenix”, which is similar to the unmanned tactical mecha of the “Sword Holder” Same as the ‘Kunpeng’ 4.6-day unmanned aircraft.
Apparently, Ji Chengtian also made it clear that the ownership of this engineering fleet is the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force. It is hard for Meng Siyuan not to be enthusiastic about the staff of the Dragon Kingdom Science and Technology Department for this almost free benefit.
And here Wang Zhi also nodded with a smile when he heard the words.
“Commander Meng is being polite, this is what we should do!”
Although Wang Zhi was a little surprised by Meng Siyuan’s enthusiasm, he didn’t think much about it for a while.
I thought that Ji Chengtian had already discussed with the Dragon Kingdom military personnel, and he was just going through the motions on behalf of the Dragon Kingdom Science and Technology Department.
Obviously, Wang Zhi has not realized the seriousness of the problem at this time.

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