: Fooled!
With this kind of thought in mind, Wang Zhi looked at Meng Siyuan very warmly, and couldn’t help feeling a little emotional in his heart.
If the people in the military had had Meng Siyuan to be so talkative back then, I wouldn’t have had to hide at home for nearly half a month afterwards.
Just at this time, Meng Siyuan who was opposite said again, but this time he was asking about the research and development of the engineering fleet.
“Director Wang, according to the plan of our Ministry of Science and Technology, when will the first batch of engineering fleets be delivered?”
After speaking, Meng Siyuan looked expectantly at Wang Zhi.
Unexpectedly, Wang Zhi here was stunned when he heard the words. It shouldn’t be. It stands to reason that the Ji Department has already negotiated these things. Don’t the people in the Dragon Kingdom military know about it?
Or is it that the Dragon Kingdom’s military has so much trust in the Ministry of Science and Technology that they negotiated funding issues without seeing specific projects?
Thinking of this, Wang Zhi felt a little suspicious out of thin air, but he couldn’t think of other clues for a while.
Looking at Meng Siyuan’s questioning gaze, Wang Zhi made some calculations in his mind.
During the trip before, Jibu did send over some basic data of the engineering fleet project.
So after recalling for a while, Wang Zhi replied in a calm tone.
“If the fastest time in the plan is followed, the research and development will be successful in three months, and the assembly line will be completed in four months. By the fifth month, the first batch of ten construction ships will probably be delivered to the Dragon Kingdom military.”
“Five months?”
Hearing this, Meng Siyuan’s eyes lit up slightly. It was obvious that this speed was somewhat beyond his expectation.
Don’t look at his rough appearance, but as the chief officer of the fourth branch of the Dragon Kingdom’s military, his vision is naturally not short-sighted.
Judging from previous experience, once the engineering fleet is equipped with the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force, the benefits it will bring will undoubtedly be huge.
As we all know, the previous “Phoenix” cruised at a constant speed in low-earth orbit, and in low-earth orbit, there are many threats such as small meteorites or space junk.
Although generally speaking, there is not much threat to a super-large space carrier like the “Phoenix”, there will inevitably be some wear and tear.
Previously, when the “Phoenix” was damaged outside the cabin, the Strategic Space Force usually dispatched technicians wearing spacesuits to carry out manual repairs. This manual repair method is not only inefficient, but also extremely dangerous.
Once an emergency occurs, the possibility of technicians surviving is almost zero!
You must know that the number of scientific researchers who participated in the construction of the “Phoenix” is limited, let alone the technical personnel stationed on the ship, but any losses are unbearable for them.
After all, the growth cycle of talents is often replaced by a period of ten years.
Therefore, the proposal of the Engineering Fleet Project is undoubtedly a perfect fit for the needs of the Dragon Kingdom’s Space Strategic Force at this time, and it is also in line with the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategic force’s vision for the automation and intelligence of the future fleet.
This is also the reason why the dignified head of the Dragon Kingdom’s space strategy force greeted Wang Zhi in person.
This is obviously a very important thing for Meng Siyuan.
Here, Wang Zhi looked at Meng Siyuan who couldn’t help but feel even more suspicious.
As someone who came here back then, why did Commander Meng’s expression not only feel happy, but vaguely reveal a sense of taking advantage?
Thinking of this, Wang Zhi frowned slightly.
It’s not right, it’s really not right
But these are just his guesses. After all, from the beginning to the end, there is nothing wrong with his contact with Meng Siyuan.
Could it be that I was too suspicious?
Thinking about it, it’s true. Ever since I cheated people from the military and the Ministry of Finance last time, I have somewhat different thoughts about people wearing military uniforms. It seems that I am suspicious.
Besides, as a person of Jibu, he even said that the arrangements were made, so naturallyarranged.
Just as Wang Zhi was pondering, Meng Siyuan’s voice came again.
“Since this is the case, Director Wang, there is no need to delay, let’s connect the work and start the project research and development as soon as possible!”
As he spoke, Meng Siyuan’s tone was a little hasty,
Obviously, when all the superpowers are gearing up for space and their interest is high, the military of the Dragon Kingdom, one of the competitors, will naturally feel the pressure.
“Ok, no problem!”
Seeing that Meng Siyuan’s mood suddenly became anxious, Wang Zhi didn’t have time to think about anything else, so he nodded and replied immediately.
Here, seeing this, Meng Siyuan showed a serious expression, and then said in a calm tone.
“Okay, as the military, the detailed R&D locations are arranged by the military, and we must supervise the entire process from the R&D project to the construction of the assembly line, and the final quantitative production process. I would like to ask the comrades from the Ministry of Science and Technology to understand! ”
After finishing speaking, Meng Siyuan turned his head and gestured to his adjutant, and the adjutant nodded when he saw this, took a step forward, unfolded the documents under his armpit, and then turned to the science and technology department sitting opposite him. said the staff.
“Currently looking at 893, the military’s opinion is to temporarily set the project location of the engineering fleet in the base of the Dragon Kingdom space strategic force that is about to be completed. Is there anything to add, or a different opinion?”
The adjutant talked for several minutes, and outlined the general arrangement of some project preparations and R&D cycles. Obviously, he had already prepared for it.
Hearing this, Wang Zhi’s expression changed, and then he nodded.
“No problem. These are small things.”
Here, upon hearing Wang Zhi’s promise, Meng Siyuan smiled and nodded at him.
“Well then, Director Wang, since the matter has been settled, we’ll have a happy cooperation!”
As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand, wanting to shake hands with Wang Zhi.
Unexpectedly, Wang Zhi here was stunned for a moment after hearing the words, and then his expression froze.
Did the Dragon Kingdom military forget something?
At this time, Wang Zhiyou recalled the way Ji Chengtian swore that everything was arranged.
Is it difficult? Quarter Department?
No way! ! !

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